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May 8, 2001 Stock Talk

'Buy an index fund'

'An index fund will rise or fall with the index. At this point it makes sense,' says Ramesh S Damani.

han : why is there a rally in the market now? there is little good news and the possibility of more bad news. what do you say?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Hello everybody and thanks for joining in. Let's start. Market is having a technical rally

llllll : can't wait to chat with u to ramesh bhai. pls chat for moreeee time..
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : hi. Do you have a question

richa : why is satyam becoming active again despite tat it posted huge losses under US GAAP?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : The ADR issues opens today. Bullishness before that

jameshardy : wat is ur take on FMCG stocks now? ur opinion on gillette?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Unless the economy grows the stocks will not show sales growth

lulla : wat is your opinion on agro sector? any recommendations there?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I have a small position in Monsanto. Syngenta may be worth watching.

lulla : sebi has deferred decision on the proposal to abolish carry forward trading. how will removal of carry forward affect teh market?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I believe that c/f should be abolished. Let's see if the market can prosper without it.

kingkong : wat is your take on glaxo? shld we buy glaxo now?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : No great reason too buy Glaxo currently

kingkong : any updates on what is happening to the bse governing board?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : None. Outside directors are running the show at this time

mihir : What do you think of the Satyam ADR? was it expected or is it a surprise?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It was expected. Let us see at what price. Remember Silverline topped out a few weeks after NYSE listing

kingkong : bajaj is doing very badly. wat is ur opinion on it?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Results were bad. But at current valuation I don't see too much downside

pakya : do you thnk that auto segment is itself having bad times? none of the stocks in it look attractive
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Sure. Making cars is not our core competence. We should concentrate on tech and get our cars from Japan

mehta : will tech stocks rally further?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I think till May 15, or FOMC Meeting. Nasdaq needed a good tech rally and it has had it. Hard to see too much upside

pakya : ok. which sector do u think is the safest to invest in right now?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Growth may come in IT Enabled. Not many choices though. In a bear market few sectors move up

tarang : will you recommend a buy on stocks now? if yes what stocks or industry?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : If you are young keep some money always in stocks as part of your portfolio assets. Buy an index fund. It will rise or fall with the index. At this point it makes sense

Viswanath : which is the safest stock to buy as of now??
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Look for shares yielding a dividend. A 10% yield would protect your downside

scsarda : What are your hobbies?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I like reading, travelling a lot. Books on markets and biographies.

hoha : Do you think the US economy is in a long term recession?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It looks like that. Excessive inventory needs to be liquidated and time needs to pass. Keep a look at unemployment rates

uday : Rolling settlement with T+3 or T+5 option why general acceptance is not coming. I hope it is in the interest of everybody & everyday will be a fresh day & no question of different settlement cycles by different exchanges.
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I agree. Let's try it and see. However my feeling is that it will maket the market very lacklustre and not give depth. However let's try it

jimmy : hello sir
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Hi!

prakashChandra : what is the future of rolta
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I am not bullish on it

hoha : Is Infosys still overvalued at the current levels?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It is still at 10-12 times sales and with growth slowing, not a good combination. NIIT is now at an yield

drmehta : mr.damani, your name has figured in the sebi investigation as a part of the bear cartel: pls comment.
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : There are 8 Damanis in the stock market. I am not the one being investigated

jimmy : where do u think indian exchanges would lead small investors to
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I think you should ask where is the economy of our country headed.

srija : volumes look good today, what say mr. damani?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Volumes were up sharply today. you are right

Rajnikant : Good Afternoon Mr. Damaniji,Is Kesoram Industries a Good buy at current level and also recommend some good stock at current level to buy.
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : A good trading call. Div of Rs 2.0 and a buyback makes for a bottom

kiran : can u please advice me that is it worth buying tech shares now
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I would do some bargain hunting

Vishal : Hello Mr. Damani- Do you think it is advisable for small investors to operate in the scam riddled markets of ours?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Use your head. Not tips. Do some homework. We do have good co's.

rtaneja : Which Bio-tech shares can one invest in at present with a two-three year perspective
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Monsanto is a quasi biotech play. Not many listed co's in tech

ashok : Mr. Damani, What do you think of the rumours about Wipro coming out with a Bonus
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It could, price movement is good in the stock. No specific news though

km : Is NIIT still one of your favouraties ?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Its good value because education is going to be big. However mgmt is not up to the task. They need to get the act together.

srk : hello Mr.Damani. i would like to know your views about biotech stocks
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Not many co's. Great opportunity. Take a look at Panacea Biotec

Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I thought everyone had forgotten about it ??

lucky : hello Mr Damani What do you think is the state of the primary markets.When do you think it will revive
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It will take a long time.We need to pay more attention to corporate governance. Look at the fall from IPO prices. It's a scandal and merchant bankers, promoters must be questioned about it

Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I am here. The server gets slow

km : Do you think the common investor unsersatnds Futures and Options ?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I doubt it. You could have unlimited losses if you start WRITING puts and calls in the option market

maltesh : Why are bigwigs like CSFB and Morgan suspended from trading. how long are they suspended. which banks were involved. any idea?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : CFSB not Morgan. Morgan is not suspended

Vishal : What can I do with shares of companies which no more appear in the traded shares list?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Try selling it in odd lot segemnt if the qty is small

Murali : What do u think about TELCO at present.(From Silchar,Assam)
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Mr Tata needs to get rid of the Indica car project. That is bleeding Telco

yahooo : is our market really a gambling den?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Sometimes people do not appreciate the difference between the two,

lucky : what do you think should be done to highly reputed ipos like idbi, tnpl who tapped the market with huge premiums but now are langushing
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Next time the merchant bankers bring an issue avoid it. Unfortunately the nature of the invt prevents you from doing much else

abc : When will you play in Vans / Shyam deal again
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Shareholders should question the deal at the EGM to approve it.They raised 10 crs a year ago at Rs 100. They should ask aggressive questions

rakeshu : mr. damani, what do u think abt vsnl shares? are they undervalued?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : They may give a one time dividend, making it attractive

Keshav : How is the market going to behave if speculation is not allowed ??
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : like a college without women. No fun. Boring.

rupeechand : do u think the sensex will touch 1 lakh by 2025 ?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It may. Either the rupee will depreciate and we will have hyperinflation. Or FDI may open up. At a 5.25 growth rate index can become from 10,000 to 1 Million. In long run, markets tend to go up

rupeechand : do you think infosys will ever touch a lakh from here ?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : You think in lakhs. I doubt it.

satya : i have some investments in various schems of UTI like US-64,MIP's GGcs etc.,should i exit from all ofthese at current nav????
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : If my parents were in it I would tell them to encash it

rameshdamani : what u think about rolling settlmet will it actualy come? is our country or stock maket are ready for that?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Let's try it and answer the debate finally. Everytime market goes down you blame badla. Then why have it?

rupeechand : do you know that according to the software Advanced Get, the sensex is perfectly poised for a fifth wave downwards that is below 3000 ?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Did not know that. But could happen

Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Confidence in the economy has been shaken. It needs to be restored urgently

ajay : Hello Mr. Damani is Gillette India a good buy at the current level?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I am not in a hurry to buy it.

mattojiwd : What do you think about Shipping Corp's results?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Good results. Should give a dividened of Rs 3.0

badlawala : are the bear cartel ever going to be punished or are they going to get away with it
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : This answer may surprise you but i do not believe in a bear cartel. The bulls went bust

Silchar(Assam) : IS IDBI worth buying now
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I doubt it

Keshav : Are Buybacks as announced by some Co's mean that those shares are undervalued ?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Mostly or they have excesss cash. Mostly they think shares are undervalued

satya : in the current economic scenario in india, globalization is fruitful???
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : If we don't we could become like Cuba. A land that time forgot. A tourist destination not a business one. I don't want my kid to be a bell hop

varmaji : Do you think that SEBI would ban Badla from 2nd July?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I am hoping they will.

venkat : Good afternoon Mr. Damani. I do believe that US stocks are still are highs & the full impact of the asset bubble inflation is not yet felt. Growing unemployment, raising stock piles, dotcoms busts, high level of personal debt, nil savings rate...the worst is yet to come. given this scenario u think worldmarkets can be immune to a US recession ( a reality now )
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Correct. The case for global equity is weak. US unemployment is growing. This means US consumers will spend less. They sneeze we catch flu

badlawala : no mr.damani i believe there was insider trading and hammering by bear "cartel"
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : That is what the press says. I do not go by that view. Whenever the market falls we blame a bear cartel. How does the market go up then? Look at the short sale volumes in the market. Hardly great.

sameer : mr damani.. while i see the prices of a few software stocks picking up, there are others like sonata which do not cross a certain level even at the best of market moods; i wonder what cud be the reason ???
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Sonata has issued a profit warning

venkat : to blame the marketfall to a bear cartel is plain only reveals the not so strong case of the bulls & who is to blame when the market goes to dizzy heights
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : You are right. We need to take a more mature and hands off view of the market.

adonis : Dear sir wat do u think about mutual fund, where they will go from know ?????????????????? i m asking these question becoz i m having faith in mf i want to know ur views
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : At this time i would buy an index mutual fund only. I am disappointed at the performance of most managers

sam : any stock of the oil compnies - ioc, bpcl, hpcl to picup at present or near future keeping in minf the deragulation by april 2002
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Try IBP. Good disinvestment chance

venkat : Can u tell me why should Badla be banned, Don't u think it is a unique system & that like any system if not propely could also fail..Ity is not the Badla system that is is the surviellance mechanism that is not proper
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : We have a syndrome of throwing the baby out with the bath water

rakeshu : will yesterday's hacking of infosys website affect its credentials among its clients?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : It does not look good.

satya : What is your view of IT enabled services, and CITICORP. SEC.???
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : i like it. Been dull though

sanayak : HI Ramesh, I have sonata,silverline,DSQ you want me to hold it or sell it for current prise
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Hold sonata dispose the rest

varmaji : Good sectors to invest?
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Take a look at IT enabled some innovative tech co's and some psu and fmcg (like Colgate)

venkat : wipro can give bonus to its employees..that;s it
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : They have to give it to all shareholders. No favouritism

miaoo : suggest me some stable dividend yielding stocks
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : I own and trade some BEL and Shipping Corp

babulal : Hi Ramesh
Ramesh Shrichand Damani : Thanks for joining in. See you next week

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST.


'The market will be sluggish with sharp moves'
'The Sensex could rally to 3650-3800'
'We have made a technical bottom'
'The small investor has retired hurt'
'Let the guilty be punished'
'Market is overdue for a technical rally'
'Excessive speculation and outstandings caused crisis'
'One can start buying'
'Speculative bubbles always have bad endings'
'Sensex should cross 4550'
'Markets are nervous'
'Tech stocks will benefit from a soft Budget'
'A new bull market will have new leaders'
'The country seems to recover'
'The Sensex could test 4500'
'Old economy is in the limelight'
'Software stocks will have some more trouble'
'We should see a good pre-Budget rally'
'The market will punish excesses'
'A lot of middlemen will soon be looking for work'
'Trust in tech'
'The worst seems to be behind us'
'The market looks healthy to me'
'Support levels have been broken'
'Our future is in tech'
'Market pays for growth not size'
'India is an IT destination'
'We should retest 4485'
'The market is a buy'
'We should make a run for Sensex 5000'
'Markets may surprise on the upside'
'The rally seems stretched'
'We should build on this rally'
'Be careful around 4500-4600 levels'
'I see a small rally'
'The market seems to be in a coma'
'It's time to build stable ICE portfolios'
'The market seems poised to go higher'
'The market is making the bears fight'
'Build cash'
'4800 is a technical sell level'
'Take a look at Sensex futures'
'We are seeing a technical rally'
'The market is technically healthy'
'The rally should be led by the liquid A group stocks'
'The road to Dalal street is littered with broken dreams'
'Let's hope it holds at 4200'
'It was a financial Disneyland that corrected'
'Sensex levels above 5100 are not sustainable over next 4-6 weeks'
'We are in an intermediate bearish phase'
'Wait till the NASDAQ stabilises'
'Tech boom is for real'
'Watching the NASDAQ is faddish'
'The market looks ready for a rally'
'The market still lacks conviction'
'The market is falling of its own weight'