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Questions that S Gurumurthy did not answer

rahul kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:16 IST)
Namaste Gurumuthy saab. Many say that the BJP would dump 'swadeshi' the moment it comes to power. The Enron controversy strengthens that suspicion. Does it not?

rahul kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:18 IST)
Gurumurthy saab: Has not Laloo Yadav made a smart move by making his wife Bihar chief minister?

RRB (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:20 IST)
Rediff: Perhaps, to indicate that the Chattee is present and answering questions, you could make the sentence "The ...Chat" blink when he's present.

Enron (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:27 IST)
Sir,can you make it clear what's wrong with the enron project??

Pawan Saigal (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:29 IST)
Gurumurthy saab: Despite staunch denials, do you think madan lal khurana will go the vaghela way?

Videshi (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:29 IST)
Mr G, You are a wise man, so why do you seek to prevent the march of time to globalisation? Emperor Jehangir did not allow the British to bring in printing presses to save the jobs of his writers -- a disaster for India. The policy of the Swadeshi Jagran Manch sounds like Emperor Jehangir.

S K Iyer (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:30 IST)
You are a respected member of the RSS. Where, Sir, do you think we lost track of our destiny these last 50 years? Is there one crossroads we should not have taken?

common man (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:41 IST)
thanks Mr. SG; it looks like you are a good guy

A A Khan (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:42 IST)
Shri Gurumurthy, what is your greatest regret for the last 50 years?

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:43 IST)
Mr Gurumurthy> If you look into the car segment and the electronics segment, mnc brands are not doing better than local brands such as Maruti, BPL. So definitely local industry has more advantage (atleast in terms of pricing). So why waste time in "swadeshi manch". There should instead be a "infrastructure manch", which pressurises govt. to do something fast about the archaic infrastructure.

S K Iyer (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:46 IST)
Mr Gurumurthy, why has the Congress culture seeped into the BJP? Do you see a recurrence of the Vaghela-Khurana revolts?

Videshi (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:45 IST)
When Sharad Pawar signed the Enron deal, you strongly insinuated that Pawar had received a bribe. Today, after BJP-Sena reversed their promise to throw Enron into the Arabian Sea, can you prove that Thackeray and Mahajan/BJP did take bribes.

Deep Mukherjee USA (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:48 IST)
Mr Gurumurthy: I have always wondered whether Indians in general and politicians in particular have understood the meaning of secularism. pls comment

Rajput (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:48 IST)
Gurumurthyji, aapka NRI ke prati kya vyvhar hai

Enron (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:50 IST)
Sir,after Enron there has been a deluge of multinats streaming into India who are alleged to be fly by night operators by the Bombay club.Alot of hue and cry was generated over their cow-boyish attitude.Yet it petered out gradually.The same thing happened with Enron.Why is it that Indian's belonging to the Left or Right could not sustain a continual pressure onthem.YOu are also included,Mr. Gurumurthy.

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:54 IST)
But Mr. Murthy> Japan/Korea have selfless citizens who keep thier country above them. Atleast they did so during reconstruction. In India we have allwats had selfish people who keep thier interest above the nation (with minor exceptions). With the entry of mncs atleast the consumers interests will be protected.

ravi rao (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:55 IST)
Shri Gurumurthy: RSS is supposed to be disciplined organisation which inspires patriotism in people's (or at least cadres) hearts. But why are we proud of India. The 'we' includes several of your saffron folks.

Kalandi Srivastava (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:55 IST)
Mr Gurumurthy, just a curious question...what toothpaste, soap and washing powder do you use?

sanjay (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:58 IST)
Namaste, Don't you think alongwith politicians, the businessmen have also failed India? Protected from competition, Birla kept milking money on Ambassadors for years at the cost of consumers. Do you think, we should protect these slimy characters?

ven (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:59 IST)
SG: We cannot ignore the past but, we cannot dwell on it all the time. Why not rebuild the temples in Mathura and Kashi withiut destroying the mosques.Why not try and clean up the filth in the strets of Kashi and make it a tourist attraction. Why not include muslims in the rebuilding process?

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 8:59 IST)
Mr Murthy> Countries like US, Britain have adopted Christianity as the relegion of the country. Why did India not adopt Hinduism as its official religion. Nothing against Islam, but the argument in favor of adopting a relegion is that it gives a moral fabric to the governence. Now that most of us shun relegion as a divisive force, there is no moral backbone in the country.

A A Khan (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:1 IST)
Why should the Muslims make all the sacrifices? Why are we still being made to pay for Partition and the invasions of past centuries?

ace (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:2 IST)
Kalandi Srivastava I believe you are a real intellectual to ask such intelligent questios? Do you have any more of such great ones coming.

AB (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:3 IST)
Instead of concentrating on just liberalising the economy should not the govt. of the day put more emphasis on primary education? Illiteracy is the bane of our nation. Your comments please.

Lionel (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:4 IST)
Mr SG-U were at one time a great crusader against CORRUPTION.Why the GO Slow on this now? OR have U given up on this as an useless case?

Maharishi (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:4 IST)
Do you still believe this illusion that Hindu society is one? The dalits are irreversibly separated from the Hindu mainstream, and nothing that you or your saffron cohorts do can bring them back! Please comment!

ven (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:4 IST)
SG: Why should it be Bharat, the whole world knows India as India. My point is that many people are spending so much time and energy on symbolic things when there are moreimportant things to do. When you go into symbolism, you may be pleasing some but alienating some others. Why not let sleeping dogs lie? Why wake up issues that are non-existant till the politicians rake them up.

jlk (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:7 IST)
I have come to the US 6 months back. But when I tell my friends to return back to India after some years they are very reluctant to listen to me. Can yo explain the reason that has made them feel like that? In my opinion it is not only because of the sophisticated life here in the US but also because of the corruption and the disgusting social problems that prevents one from coming up.

sanjay (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:9 IST)
I am admirer of RSS for its emphasis on character building. I posted a message earlier why should Indian govt. protect the businessmen like Birlas from competition who did nothing to improve their products. Let them face competition and if they get eliminated, so be it. We can learn a lot from mnc's, most important their professionalism and clarity that business is for making money and not for social service.

new common man (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:10 IST)
good point Sanjay. business is for making money. politicians should govern. religious popes should confine to godly matters.

ven (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:13 IST)
Maharishi: I dont want to indulge in cross talk but nevertheless have to point out something. Your statement that Dalits are not Hindus ehoes from a book written by an aythor from Andhra. Dalis do worship the Hindu pantheon of gods. Go to Kerala and you will find how Narayana Guru transformed and established many new temples. The problem is that so called upper caste Hindus want subservient people. Believe me, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs too observe this class distinction.

Ronny (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:14 IST)
SG: If the Hindus are so great, why do they go begging / exhorting / grabbing money for their noisy, wasteful, public religous observances.Not only is it wrong, but why can't they practice their religion at home and within their hearts....does Hinduism need publicity...look at the noise pollution, waste and pain it brings to those who are ill, suffering or trying to study during Ganpatti and Navratri tamashas... We have hardly seen this wanton behaviour amongst people of other faiths....TRY TO GIVE US YOUR COMMENTS ON THIS, IF YOU CAN!!

jagu (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:14 IST)
From the time of independence we have been following a policy of swadeshi. But this has got us no where economically. Dont you think, in light of past experiance and the experience of the developed world, that swadeshi is a dead concept??

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:14 IST)
Mr Gurumurthy> Why are some (actually many) Indian muslims against uniform civil code? Why there was no iota of protest in the muslim community during the Shah Bano episode. What do you think is the reason?

ravi rao (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:15 IST)
Ayodhya issue may never get many votes again. Is that why Advanji talked about mandir-mosque only at Ayodhya during his Swarna Jayanthi Rath yatra?

Lionel (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:19 IST)
Mr SG-Is this chat on Religion or on the Swadeshi movement you propagate.This clarification will assist in drafting my next one to U.

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:19 IST)
Sorry Ronny>"noisy, wasteful, public religous observances" . This is ur personal point of view. These are traditions bieng practiced since ages. As is the "Muharram" in Islamic tradition. If you do not like the noise, the constitution has provision to bar it, as has happened in West-Bengal.

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:20 IST)

Barathian (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:25 IST)
Good Evening to all Guruji: Is the The AIM of RSS is to rule india

Ronny (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:25 IST)
Sanjeev Kumar:The enforcing 'agents' of our constitution, alas, out of their uniforms...are actually the ones perpetrating the nuisance...Maybe WB is luckier than us in Maharashtra

jagu (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:26 IST)
Which is the biggest threat facing India today corruption, communalism or castism?? What is the plan of the RSS to tackle these issues??

baba (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:27 IST)
Mr. Gurumurthy, what do you have to say about speeches made by Uma Bharti, Sadhvi Rithambhara during Babri Masjid issues. Have you heard to any of those recorded cassettes? What message did we send to other religions through those cassettes? I had myself attended one of those meetings by Sadhvi Rithambhara and I remember the atmosphere had become so tense that there could be a riot any time. Why does RSS stand by such indisciplined,arrogant, selfish creatures?

new common man (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:28 IST)
good question baba! down with thackeray, rithambara, shahi imam types

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:29 IST)
Ronny> Now I can understand the fix you guys are in. I think in such a situation, we should be ready to take matters to court of law. Its a slow process, but certainly works. PIL.

jagu (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:30 IST)
My experiance with the RSS is that it has degenerated into a goonda organisation. In states like kerala for egs, it is forever involved in violence and killings with rival goonda organisations like the DYFI. I have also heard that you can purchase the services of the RSS to settle personal disputes. Is this true??

new common man (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:31 IST)
Mr. Gurumurthy, what do you have to say about speeches made by Uma Bharti, Sadhvi Rithambhara during Babri Masjid issues. Have you heard to any of those recorded cassettes? What message did we send to other religions through those cassettes? I had myself attended one of those meetings by Sadhvi Rithambhara and I remember the atmosphere had become so tense that there could be a riot any time. Why does RSS stand by such indisciplined,arrogant, selfish creatures?

Lionel (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:31 IST)
Mr SG-Is it a pre-requisite to greet U with a NAMASKAR ,before you decide to reply to any question put to U.

Ronny (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:33 IST)
Baba:My guess is, all these quasi-godmen& god-women, were useless at any other useful means of livelihood... so they use their gift of the gab to con the common people and whip up their emotions,then stand back and watch the fun...and cash in on the booty!!

Sanjeev Kumar (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:35 IST)
Mr Gurumurthy> But these stray incedents of wrong doing by 25 people instill sense of insecurity in 950 million people that anything can happen to them at any time. That the train they are travelling in can be bombed/derailed. That the market they visit daily is not really safe. It gives a feeling that the society is not under control.

chetan (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:35 IST)
Ronny: I agree with you to a point, however, the gullibility of the same people is also to be pointed out. They are responsible to some degree for believing in these quasi-godmen. The fault is people want things to change instantly without working towards achieving their goals.

baba (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:36 IST)
Swadeshi is a word used nowadays to save the suckers in the industry who have been sucking blood of indian people since a long time. It is always good for the consumers. For instance Maggie a popular brand was sold at Rs. 7.5 at one time. After Top Ramen came in, the prices have dropped to Rs. 5/- with the flour prices increased all over the country. The same thing can be observed for washing machines, TV, VCRs, Refrigerators etc. What do these things indicate?

Barathian (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:38 IST)
Guruji: you RSS have plan lead india kill indian people

cj (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:39 IST)
Mr SG, are a staunch believer that religion and politics should not ever mix based on your earlier statement ?

ven (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:41 IST)
Ronny: You wrote about noice pollution by Hindus. Have you heard the call of the Muezzin from Mosques or the Christian revival meetings where the preachers have nothing better to do than to redicule Hindus. india is a noisy country and all are guilty including christians. Anyway it would be useful for you to read history- The portugese and the dutch destroyed Hindu temples in the name of religion. Christians and Muslims refer to Hindus as Kafirs, pagans etc. Hindus use no such terminologies. Lest you get the wrong impression, I believe that all religions are equal and we as Indians should learn to tolerate each other.

new common man (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:41 IST)
I could not understand the logic behind Mr. SG's Babri Masjid argument. I quit

cj (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:42 IST)
Mr. SG, please clarify what do you mean by "offence of the muslims" ? Are you saying that they cannot enter any temple in kashi or mathura ? And do you also accept, by the same token, that a hindu should not enter a mosque ?

Ronny (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:42 IST)
Chetan: Right you are! SG: Are you only going to answer to those who have logged in with South Indian sounding names?In which case, I'd rather log on to the Dilip D'Souza Chat now! Bye all!

amit malhotra (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:44 IST)
hello everyone i agree with sanjay india should adopt hinduism as its main religion.

Ronny (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:46 IST)
Ven: I am of the same school of thought as and let live, but when you let others live and they make life difficult for you...what should one do? Anyway , I'm Signing off..I wish to talk to Dilip D'Souza now. Bye

sanjay (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:46 IST)
Gurumuthy ji, Do you think people in RSS are becoming socialist because of the social services they have been doing? I know there is inequality, illiteracy and poverty, but precisely this is the time to assert for people with conviction that free market will be good for everybody. If RSS starts encouraging socialism, protectionism at this time, how can we fault Nehru and others for having the same reasoning after independence.

cj (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:48 IST)
Looks like Mr. SG will not respond to my questions ? That's OK, because I hope that he thinks about them and comes up with a rational explanation in his own mind. Thanks all. Bye

Barathian (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:49 IST)

jagu (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:50 IST)
Why is it that many Muslims in India do not consider themselves to be Indian. For egs, when there is an Indo - Pak cricket match, they support Pakistan. Or worse still, if there is a Indo - Eng cricket match, they support Eng. Is the RSS and the BJP further alienating the Muslim community??

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:50 IST)

amit malhotra (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:51 IST)
the minorities in the country should know that they are staying in the country because of the goodwill of the majority and therefore should not unnecesssary try and assert themselves from time to time. they decided to stay back and so should live by the rules. i don't say we should exploit the minority but if Hindustan is not for hindus then tell me where should a Hindu go

baba (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:51 IST)
Jagu, that is a very good question? Can SG give some insight into this?

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:53 IST)
U R mistaking my friend, Barathian, so n see how hindu r beeing treated in pakistan. Nevertheless BJP is not having anything like this, try to be patroiot at first, then ask what u want

Barathian (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:53 IST)
Amit WHO IS hindu

jagu (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:55 IST)
Why is it that many Muslims in India do not consider themselves to be Indian. For egs, when there is an Indo - Pak cricket match, they support Pakistan. Or worse still, if there is a Indo - Eng cricket match, they support Eng. Is the RSS and the BJP further alienating the Muslim community??

sanjay (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:56 IST)
Guumurthy ji, I have posted three question about RSS position on swadeshi. You are not answering them because you are uncomfortable answering them or some other reasons. I am asking you because I have whole-heartedly supported RSS on all major points, but disagree on this one. You being one of the most vocal supporter of swadeshi, I expect to get a good reply. Thanks! See my color is saffron. Can't you see that. Just kidding.

prasan (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:57 IST)
what is the main cause u see behing the outgoing moral values in comperarory indian society

smita (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:57 IST)
thank you for answering my questions. i guess it is time to shift the next chat. i am behind schedule already

baba (Fri Aug 15 1997 9:58 IST)
Why is it that many Muslims in India do not consider themselves to be Indian. Is it because of the Muslim Leaders or is it because of the Imams/Pandit/Purohits. What do you think about this and what as an Indian would you expect Indians to do to stay together? What is it that you require Hindus to do? what is it that you require Muslims to do? What is it that you require Leaders to do?

Mr S Gurumurthy Chat, Kind courtesy: Netcafe@India

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