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June 18, 2002
Stock Talk

'Market will test your conviction'

'There are no free lunches in financial markets. You have to take your chances. If you have a sector leader, sell it when the bull market ends,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

Anil : Hi Ramesh, I would like to know about the prospects of IT&T and Karur Vysya Bank. Also would like to know about any new ITES stories in the offing ?
Ramesh S Damani : Thanks for joining lets start. IT&T is in the call centre business. Good prospects. KVB is a sound cheap bank. It is cum rights and bonus. Hold it. I own both

raju : Namaste ramesh, pls suggest some PSU picks - central & state - which have the potential of doubling in the next three months
Ramesh S Damani : I dont know about doubling but BEL, COncor and Punjab Tractors are good. I own the first two.

ayanshah : Rameshji Good Afternoon...How do you see today's fall? A start of a dull test match or just a bad one day match?(Well, I still am Cricket fan though world cup foot ball is on)...Any stocks you like us to watch more closely as some drop can give great buying opportunity in them
Ramesh S Damani : it was a disappointing day.The fall maybe due to UTI selling and lack of FII buying. Tech seems to be in the most trouble

Naveen : I had positions in following stocks:SAIL, Reliance Petrol, BOI, BHEL, L&T, skf Bearing, Apollo Hospital, Macmillan, Bharti Telecom. Please suggest from which I should get out
Ramesh S Damani : I am not particularly bullish on Rel Petro, bharti

Naveen : Hi ramesh, I am reading your transcript from long time but coming to live chat first time
Ramesh S Damani : Thanks for reading them. Pls do join in when you can

alok : Sir, two good stocks...Geometric & Infotech Enterprise dropped considerably. should we consider this as buying opportunity or is there a cause of worry?
Ramesh S Damani : I wpould consider it a buying op. IT Enabled is going to be big. That is my conviction

abhay : Sir,is bel still a good buy at this price
Ramesh S Damani : Yes

alok : Sir, results of CMC & Appolo Hospital are out. Please interpret the results for us. thanks
Ramesh S Damani : Both are okay and can be held. CMC is hard to analyse Q on Q. Also GOI stake is keeping pressure to keep profits low, perhaps.

br : hi ramesh, please sugest for macdowell and macmilan
Ramesh S Damani : I like both of them. Mcmillan is a good stock. Mcdowell is a great value buy

malibudude : Welcome back Ramesh. How was ur trip to South cal? Where do u see the markets heading since FII's turned sellers?
Ramesh S Damani : It was fine. Thanks. Technically the market remains bullish. However I am having a hard time coming up with new ideas.

radical : Is Geometric Software worth buying at today's rate ?
Ramesh S Damani : Finally! I think so. Mgmt is doing a lot of things right. Great Op.

LOTBM : Dear Rameshji...what is happening to TECH and BPO stocks in the market??
Ramesh S Damani : I am going to check with my pal at D broking if there is any selling in these counters. Did U see MC-Nasscom report. 24 Billion $ Op in ITES. Makes my mouth water.

Ramesh S Damani : For 3 months HTMT. However it carries greater risk

wagerer : Do u foresee GAIL/HLL going up in the near future ?.
Ramesh S Damani : No specific news

abhay : Sir, i am not getting e serve on the online trading. can you suggest how to buy it
Ramesh S Damani : Ask a regular broker

mohan : In medical transcription business which company is best?
Ramesh S Damani : Among the listed co's Max through sub called Healthscribe

Joy : Good Afternoon Rameshji. Do you feel any of these state PSU worthy: Gujarat Industrial Power Corporation, Gujarat Narmada Fertiliser Corporation, Gujarat State Fertiliser Corporation, Punjab Tractors, Punjab Alkali,Tamil Nadu Newsprint Ltd and Tamil Nadu Telecom, Mysore Lamps, Meltron, Optel Telecommunications, IDCOL Cement Ltd and Kalinga Studio Ltd. and SAIL.Regards.
Ramesh S Damani : I think the Guj basket looks the most promising. Punjab tractors will do well. I havent bought anythough.

tigershark : Have you noticed a trend today market lost 40 points but 400 odd small cap co hit new highs where should we be investing and do you like asian electronics? what does it do
Ramesh S Damani : yes new highs breadth have been good. Asian ELect supplies to SEB. THat is all I said. No personal call on it.

Ramesh S Damani : if you are aggressive and young put 40%-50% on ITES. That is the sector of the future

Ramesh S Damani : that is more aggressive than my projections. I would be estactic if that would happen though

tigershark : Why is somebody persistingly selling e-serve at 550levels for the couple of weeks? Is there something wrong with the results and ites
Ramesh S Damani : Volumes are very poor so i am not worrying,

wagerer : Would you recommend holding Tata Power for another 2 month?
Ramesh S Damani : sure

Ramesh S Damani : Its market cap is still only 250 crs or $50 million. If the call on ITES is correct this is just the start

malibudude : Ramesh, Hinduja mgmt is saying they are in film finance as well, do U think still it's a good bet? Which company/ies do u think will be a leader in digital economy?
Ramesh S Damani : I am partial to e-serve.This could be the big kid on the block

rajrdharma : Rameshji, Is karurVyasa bank a buy at 450?
Ramesh S Damani : looks okay. I still hold it

ritu : Dear Ramesh, how are u? what is yr view abt SBI? I bought two lot futures around 222 going by your advice! now what do u say? Shd i book profit or it looks-like breaking the technical barrier of 260 this time?
Ramesh S Damani : Hard to estimate the time. However it will be higher. I remian bullish

anandbhatt : Dear Sir, Hello. Do you suggest buying MAx and Eserve now or after the results. If one waits for the result sthey might shoot up after the results. WHat would be your advise?
Ramesh S Damani : i tend to buy after results.THe scrips have run up. Let us see and decide.

sujatha : What is the target of neyveli
Ramesh S Damani : It looks well at current prices

Joy : Thank you Sir. you mentioned many times your passion towards ITES. But it is said that always buy stocks with low valuation ...I own MAX, IT@T in your advice. Apart from Macmillan can you identify very cheap stocks in this sector? Another thing savvy investors(like Buffet) advice buy those that you can hold for the lifetime. Could you please clarify? Small investor like me should not wait too much. My age is 28. Thanks in advance again.
Ramesh S Damani : Low valuation is relative. If you believe that India can do 24 Billion in ITES I dont see any reason to worry. Of course if war breaks out all bets are off. Investing is a game of patience and there are very few co's you can hold for a lifetime

ritu : What's yr opinion abt CMC and E-serve? I have four hundred E-serve and no CMC? Do u recommend a switch from E-serve to CMC atleast partially?
Ramesh S Damani : I would stick to e-serve.

malibudude : But that citigroup is an investor is n no of companies. DO u feel they reward the small investor? Any other company with honest mgmt say like infy?
Ramesh S Damani : I have no reson to be upset with them. THey are doing well and I am hopeful

ayanshah : Rameshji, Gati and Macmillan both good scripts have been very quiet for last few months? Any developemts?
Ramesh S Damani : Nothing new. I continue to like both

BASANTM : WHat is the fear in the IT enabled counters?
Ramesh S Damani : Stocks correct from time to time

jennifer : DEAR RAMESH, THANKS FOR YOU SUPPORT . AM CONFUSED? should i buy hindujatmt for the short term with a price target of rs.1000 and macmillan for the long term and with what target in mind?
Ramesh S Damani : 1000 is too ambitious in the shore run for HTMT, Mcmillan is good investment

tigershark : There is a difference in bpo and call centers although both are classified under ites pleas explain the diff
Ramesh S Damani : BPO includes transcription, data processing, digitisation, call centres etc. IT is a broad term. Also interchangeable with ITES

ravi : Sir, what is your opinion on kale consultants. it is in ITES space and the company also projected a very high growth
Ramesh S Damani : I am following it. Just bought a small amount, keep an eye on it

ayanshah : Rameshji what is the report on Monsoon front?A s good one can be the trigger in offing? Also do you see early signs of economical revival here?
Ramesh S Damani : ther is some evidence of the economy reviving. Tax collection, market are indicating that.

punit : sir how about vakrangee
Ramesh S Damani : dont follow it

anandbhatt : Sir,whats the latest news on TVS electronics. CAn I buy at these levels?
Ramesh S Damani : counter still seems weak. LEts watch it. CO is on track though

ritu : Have u seen the results of Apollo Hospitals? The counter has come down considerably, do u recommend adding more around current prices? Any reasons for squeeze in the margins?
Ramesh S Damani : looks okay. They will do well and you should remain invested in it. I have not seen the tombstone yet

Ramesh S Damani : a small amt

wagerer : Wot do u think about Penta Media? Do you think its worth holding ? What price do u think it could go up 2 ?. - 10th time ....
Ramesh S Damani : i am not bullish on it.

sbn : Sir thodasa yaha bhi dhyan dijiye. You feel EXCEL IND is good buy at this level?
Ramesh S Damani : sorry dont follow it.

harip : How do u feel about Ashok Ley..?
Ramesh S Damani : i like its prospects.

BASANT : ANy Bank stocks to enter Please advise???? I am sorry to repeat the question
Ramesh S Damani : sbi and karur

tigershark : how do yu visualise geometrics june 2002 quarter. management had said there will be some exit this quarter on account of ramping up of business
Ramesh S Damani : growth will be slow in Q1 and Q2. By Q3 and Q4 they should be pumping. Margins will be under pressure in Q1 & Q2. It remains a good bet.

abhay : I am requesting third time. Pl advice some good petrochemical scrips.
Ramesh S Damani : i dont follow petro chemicals.

ritu : have u spotted any good Auto-anicillary buys, something with low equity and good growth prospects?
Ramesh S Damani : i bought some Laxmi Auto Components

Joy : In India now most of the companies are going in the right track after globalisation(like PSU banks,etc etc) Then why unemployment and Poverty is so accurate? will the separation between India and Bharat is going to broaden?When states like Bihar, UP, Kerala, Assam are languishing, do you think Maharastra,Gujrat,AP etc can bring cheers?
Ramesh S Damani : mainly due to endemic corruption. Our ruling classes have let us down. I thinks south will overtake North India. North doesnt get it.

malibudude : Ramesh, Given a choice which one u pick bet Geometric and e-serve? Rakesh seems to extremly bullish on geometric.
Ramesh S Damani : i own alot more of e-serve so i am more bullish on it. Geometric will do well.

ayanshah : Rameshji How about Escorts? Isn't that a gr8 value buy around 60 rs?
Ramesh S Damani : it looks good to me at current rates. I trade in it.,

jennifer : can u recommend a portfolio from scratch
Ramesh S Damani : From scratch 50% IT Enabled. THe rest you can pick. Put 5%in Mc Dowell. It is like a warrant. Great value

Ramesh S Damani : clearly steel and banking

amit : Dear Mr Damani, It seems for the time being "Mr Damani" is in shadow....Lot of old economy stocks like Indo Gulf/Century/Arvind/sesa goa etc moving. Any investment opportunity in these "old" sector?
Ramesh S Damani : i agree. Old economy is not my strong suit. THough PSU stocks were in old economy like beml and bel

jennifer : do u think i should short geometric tommorrow
Ramesh S Damani : shorting is for the professional

vijay : damani sir i bought max ind at 144 levels on your advice(no complaints). should i hold it? it seems to have a high p/e multiple
Ramesh S Damani : i would hold it,

Ramesh S Damani : some mcdowell and Ashok leyland

anilutt : Hi Ramesh, Whats the oulook on STC? Does it look very expensive at present levels (P/E = 50+) ??
Ramesh S Damani : its trading at disinvestment value not PE

Ramesh S Damani : as an investor sure. Tmt looks a bit streched

ayanshah : Rameshji Do you think very soon the excitement will be back in Mr. Damani's visionary stocks as lot of them are slowly but steadily eroding their prices and as I see lot of your fans here are little worried ....
Ramesh S Damani : conviction is essentail to good investing. You have to take your chances. Remember there are no free lunches in financial markets. Market will test your conviction to the utmost.

ritu : Did u see CMC results? why has the company fared so poorly, though it forcasted to double its margins and being a Tata concern it was natural for us to believe that they would meet projections. How do u see it faring in coming days, shd one get out of the counter?
Ramesh S Damani : it has done alright. Margins will double next year they said. Not this year. However it looks it will take longer.

harip : Ramesh, I am pretty good in identifying the scrips at their bottoms, like I bought Infotech Enterprises at 60/ and odd. But the problem I can't identify the tops. Please don't tell me that it is common problem. Please let me know if you have a way of identifying it. Or your way of identifying it...Thanks
Ramesh S Damani : if you have a sector leader sell it when the bull market ends. Most people have a good feel for that but dont beleive it. Get complacent. Me included. LEaders must be held till the bull market is over.

ritu : today, some of the pet ITES counters such as Geometric and Infotecent were under great selling pressure? Any specific reasons as such? Was it RJ's selling?
Ramesh S Damani : Markets are bigger than any individual. IF the story is right any amount of selling gets absorbed.Thanks for joining., See you next week. Bye.

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST. Money

'After war fears recede ITES will be big'
'IT enabled services is showing rapid growth'
'Market will remain range-bound'
'I see no great growth from the IT majors'
'BPO has global potential'
'This is a stockpicker's market'
'We need fresh new buyers'
'Market has become sector specific'
More Ramesh Damani Chat Transcripts