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December 27, 2001 Stock Talk

'Santa is skipping Dalal Street'

'The market may fall further. It looks sluggish and may not end on a high note this year-end,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

sameer : My kids are between 4 and 9 years. What do you recommend I invest in for their education?
Ramesh S Damani : Hello everyone thanks for joining. Lets start. The best investment is of coure a good education. Invest in something regularly that can compound yearly at 15% or so. Your kids will be rich by 25.

Worldpeace : Which shares shud I invest during war phobia?
Ramesh S Damani : Bharat Electronics (80) is a leading supplier to the defense industry

Worldpeace : Will Reliance INDS REACH 200 AGAIN AND WHEN?
Ramesh S Damani : No idea.

Kareeena : Hi I am film star and has 5 crores to invest can u pls guide me?
Ramesh S Damani : Kareena- invest in an index basket. You are too busy shooting to look after your portfolio.

Sean : Merry Christmas to you sir, what have u been shopping since the past few days?
Ramesh S Damani : Merry Christams. No major shopping. Just nibbling.

amit : the market hasn't fallen very badly despite the tension at the border. what do you think mr damani?
Ramesh S Damani : It may still. It looks sluggish.

ss : 15%! Easier said than done, with my luck. Any tips as to where I can look for such returns?
Ramesh S Damani : You are right. It is a challenge. Remember kids have to make their own life. Save for your own retirement,

intelgntinvestor : Mr. Damani, do you think that war between India and Pakistan is a real probability?
Ramesh S Damani : It is possible. I hope it will just be a border skirmish like Kargil.

Latika : At what price shud I invest in Bharat Electronics and what do they manufacture Ramesbhai?
Ramesh S Damani : Radar, Comm equipment. Night glasses. At current prices.

lovely : damanibhai was is ur estimate of us-64's npa now?
Ramesh S Damani : Around Rs 7 for UTI 64.

Roy : Do you think operators are deliberately driving the market down so as to be able to buy cheap later in the week? I mean there's hardly any chance of an Indo-pak war, it is just growling at each other.. which all - most of all market players -- very well undersnd..
Ramesh S Damani : I dont believe in an operator driven market. It is confined to a few poor stocks. Stocks are like water they find there own level.

Kalyanaraman : as per the latest 'business week'(mcgraw hill,usa) magazine,(dec 31,2001),the PE ratio of sun microsystems is 203,Dell-62 and HP-69 etc...does this mean the market is expecting these companies to grow at these rates or there is some other logic..why are our bluechips such as infy,wipro not getting into these top 500 companies..since we have all the potential,infy,wipro also,do you feel,will come in top 500 in future and also command a higher PE like HP etc..or not possible ?
Ramesh S Damani : Compared to revenues of HP or Dell, our companies are dwarfs. It will take another decade plus to break into that league.

intelgntinvestor : Have you heard of Hinduja TMT stock? any opinion abt that? last year the company paid a dividend of 50% and is available around Rs. 60
Ramesh S Damani : They are in an interesting area. Management needs to expain the story. Make a token investment

kamlesh : damaniji what do u thnik abt cement stocks at current level.
Ramesh S Damani : Okay for trading punt.

amit : why did the market fall so badly in the last 2 hours of trading. it seemed fine initially.
Ramesh S Damani : Dealers kept watching the TV News.

Sean : Sir,How do u rate the government's decision to bail out the UTI once again..
Ramesh S Damani : Does not surprise me.

lovely : traditionally the market is supposed to end on a high note at the end of the year. this year it wont' be possible i thnk. wat say damanibhai?
Ramesh S Damani : Santa is skipping Dalal street. I hope not.

Sean : Sir, Hero Honda stuck in a trading range 234 on the downside and 255 on the upside. do u see it breaking any of these levels
Ramesh S Damani : Two wheelers are having a great year. It could.

Sean : Sir,some days back we heard a leading CIO tell us that he has got into South east Marine(formerly Peerless Shipp) on hopes of an open do u rate this stock and do u see any open offer coming thru
Ramesh S Damani : This story is making the rounds for the fifth time.

ss : Is'nt it amazing how a neighbour like Pakistan consumes everyone. I think we should grow up, ignore them, surpass them so much economically that people don't care about them. But this will require our bureaucrats and politicians to clean up their act. Do you see any signs of this happening?
Ramesh S Damani : i whole heartedly agree with you. It is amazing how much time it consumes. No, unlikely to happen.

intelgntinvestor : any stocks you bought recently Mr Damani in the past two weeks of sharp fall?
Ramesh S Damani : I bought a small quantity of Mindteck.

Sean : Sir,Just read a news report on CMC open offer failing. Do you see any further open offers on for the stock and how would u rate the stock after its acquisition by TCS
Ramesh S Damani : It has had a poor response. Company is doing well. Should earn Rs 40 crores plus. I still own it.

Rajesh : should i purchase reliance petro at its current rate of 27, or is it worth waiting for a while.
Ramesh S Damani : Wait.

rsmundhra : sir,what do you say about aftek infosys from this label
Ramesh S Damani : Let's wait for January guidance.

Sean : Sir whats u take on L&T..any immediate support levels in sight
Ramesh S Damani : Major support is Rs 150-165 for L&T.

Rajesh : how low will the market go, what is the bottom line
Ramesh S Damani : Rs 3180 was a strong level. Let's hope the market climbs up. It closed below that today.

Sean : Sir, your take on Corporation Bank. Big winner today.
Ramesh S Damani : I did not follow it today.

Sean : Sir, Yesterday's pinkpapers carried a report saying that the APM dismantling might get delayed by another yr or 2..HPCL and Rel Petro Down sharply..any view on these two counters
Ramesh S Damani : That is bad news for BPCL and HP.

rsmundhra : sir do you have any idea about oddyessey Tech, Wellwin ind & ITIL
Ramesh S Damani : Odyssey- watch it. Wellwin Industries- neutral. What is the name of ITIL?

lovely : how is HLL now? it is showing growth and coming out with new products. wat is ur opinion?
Ramesh S Damani : No growth.

nitin : Rameshbhai, could you suggest 2 or 3 low-value scrips that you feel have good potential...?
Ramesh S Damani : Try BEML and MCdowell. I own both of them.

Sean : Sir you have been a big fan ofthe Power sector and especially Tata Power if I am right..but the stock finds too much supply coming in at the 135 levels ..downside it seemed to have support at around 115-120..however now with it trading at 112..where do u see the stock
Ramesh S Damani : It is a good bet at current levels. I own some.

intelgntinvestor : any particular reason abt the weakness in the last hour in the market today?
Ramesh S Damani : War fears.

svs : mcdowell has fallen sharply lately. Is it a good time to buy?
Ramesh S Damani : Yes. I trade in it.

Ramesh S Damani : I would avoid it.

kalyanaraman. : some of my friends (me also,sometimes) feel that going short,though legal,is not ethical because they prevent the longs from getting out,by competing with them in selling..this looks a stupid argument it wrong to go short,ethics wise..sorry to ask you this basic (silly?)question..(since shortsellers also provide the depth)
Ramesh S Damani : No. Short sellers keep the markets honest. You would have scores of bubbles without short sellers. They perform a service at financial risk to themselves. They could loose unlimited amount.

lovely : compared to other countries derivatives market in india has taken off veyr well. wat is the reason for it?
Ramesh S Damani : Lot of under-cap investors. No other products. Good speculative skills ofthe people.

Sean : Sir,Mcdowells..down from 70 levels..any immediate price targets on the stock
Ramesh S Damani : Low risk. The upside is high.

intelgntinvestor : what's according to you is the best buy in the IT enable sector at the current prices?
Ramesh S Damani : I like and own E-serve and Geometric.

lovely : rameshbhai u r such a strong supporter of indian brokers!!!! do u thnk they do anythng wrong at all?
Ramesh S Damani : We should be a country of laws. If they have done somethingwrong, punish them. Why the whole community?

kalyanaraman. : the author of the book dow 36000 still feels he will be proved you agree ?in such a case , can our Sensex also go to 10000?
Ramesh S Damani : Sure it could. Don't ask me the time frame. Remember even a broken clock is right twice every day.

intelgntinvestor : Sir, I devote my full time to stock markets and on the net around the clock! what strategy should i adopt if i'm bullish on a certain stock? i mean to keep that buying or one should trade and decrease the average buying price?
Ramesh S Damani : If you have conviction, don't trade it. It is a suckers game.

Sean : Sir have u spotted any restructuring story..which we could play on
Ramesh S Damani : Nothing exciting other then UB and McDowell

a : Is it the war fear that is driving market down or something else (to do with operators)?
Ramesh S Damani : Today's fall was due to war fears.

Raj : Hi ... is it the time when IT stocks & market will become worst then ever. Is the tension on LOC will put petrol in the fire
Ramesh S Damani : I hope wiser council prevails.

Sean : Sir, u seem very bullish on the liquor it purely because we r in the festive season or would u continue to hold it for a much longer term
Ramesh S Damani : No good values compared with restructuring.

punit : wat do u think is a good pic at this time
Ramesh S Damani : Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham

a : Having been in the markets for a couple of decades, what is the probability you would give for a war?
Ramesh S Damani : Skirmish high, Like 65, 71 low.

nightangel : should I hold it stocks such as Satyam, Hughes Software, GTL, HFCL, APTECH, PENTAMEDIA & DSQ SOFTWARE or to exit from these
Ramesh S Damani : I would exit Penta and DSQ, Aptech

amol : sir what about reliance petroleum is it wise to hold them
Ramesh S Damani : Not a very good time.

sachin : Mr damani Whats your out look (short term) on the Auto sector.. do you see Telco M&M going above 100- 110? in next fortnight?
Ramesh S Damani : Not very bullish.

Sean : Sir u take on Birla 3M.
Ramesh S Damani : Avoid.

intelgntinvestor : any opinion abt GHCL (Gujrat Heavy Chemical Ind.)at Rs. 11. The company paid 18% dividend last year and this year it's financials are even better than last year at least for the first-half.
Ramesh S Damani : Don't like chemicals.

Chetali : What does Bharat Electronics manufacturer Rameshji and at waht price should I buy?
Ramesh S Damani : Radar and defense equipment. Around 80 is good.

vbr : What about geometric Software
Ramesh S Damani : Hold it. Looks good.

preeti : sir do u think infosys will reach 3000 rupee levels ?
Ramesh S Damani : It seems unlikley. Let's wait for the reguidance. Thanks for joining me. See you next week.

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST.


'It's a good time to get in'
'Our economy will chug along'
'We are in the early stages of a bull market'
'Cut the bureaucracy'
'The end of the tunnel is in sight'
'Keep an eye on IT'
Credit Policy may be a booster for the markets
'Old economy is in the limelight'
'Software stocks will have some more trouble'
'We should see a good pre-Budget rally'
'The market will punish excesses'
'A lot of middlemen will soon be looking for work'
'Trust in tech'
'The worst seems to be behind us'
'The market looks healthy to me'
'Support levels have been broken'
'Our future is in tech'
'Market pays for growth not size'
'India is an IT destination'
'We should retest 4485'
'The market is a buy'
'We should make a run for Sensex 5000'
'Markets may surprise on the upside'
'The rally seems stretched'
'We should build on this rally'
'Be careful around 4500-4600 levels'
'I see a small rally'
'The market seems to be in a coma'
'It's time to build stable ICE portfolios'
'The market seems poised to go higher'
'The market is making the bears fight'
'Build cash'
'4800 is a technical sell level'
'Take a look at Sensex futures'
'We are seeing a technical rally'
'The market is technically healthy'
'The rally should be led by the liquid A group stocks'
'The road to Dalal street is littered with broken dreams'
'Let's hope it holds at 4200'
'It was a financial Disneyland that corrected'
'Sensex levels above 5100 are not sustainable over next 4-6 weeks'
'We are in an intermediate bearish phase'
'Wait till the NASDAQ stabilises'
'Tech boom is for real'
'Watching the NASDAQ is faddish'
'The market looks ready for a rally'
'The market still lacks conviction'
'The market is falling of its own weight'