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The J N Dixit Chat

mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 21:06:05 1996 IST):

Sir, Indian diplomats,are they mere 'messengers' of the governemnt,or are they encouraged to actively engage in shaping the policies of the country,both foreign and domestic?

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:06:26 1996 IST):

Dixit:Do you know Latin?Does the handle describe your style?Will someone please tell mr.dickshit that this is a chat show, not a monologue of redundant govt. baboo types out for a post prandial stroll?

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:06:42 1996 IST):


J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:10:10 1996 IST):

Karthik Subbaiah: Your question in response to my reply: India would be willing to help all Sri Lankans to solve their problems, but it is for the Sri Lankans to decide whether they desire India's assistance.

Sudir: Your question exemplefies a great capacity to always be critical of India. Each of the example of so-called bullying which you mentioned was a result of unreasonable and provocative actions of those neighbours. Should our proving ourselves to be reasonable depend on agreeing to whatever other countries demand even if it harms us? Our policies towards countries mentioned by you were based on a careful calculation of safeguarding India's interest at that time. With changed circumstances, we have now a cooperative relationship with all our neighbours except Pakistan. That is because perhaps our neighbours have also become more reasonable towards us.

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:10:36 1996 IST):

Srikant Dutt:It is said that we went against the LTTE because they madee a word play on ole' dixit's name hahaha Mr. Dixit:Why don't we just do away with the IFS, you know, give them a salary but ask them not to come to office? don't you think that will IMPROVE MATTERS????

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:10:48 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit! Your answers are as cautious as your book! Flat! and boting!Pl. adress the questions you have skipped! Are U still aspiring for a Gubernatorial or Ambassadorial assignment!

Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 21:11:40 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit:

karthik subbiah (Fri Oct 11 21:11:57 1996 IST):

We could only be sorry of these nasty comments from sri.nemine dissentiente. Could you please be nice or get out of this place. You are not only desecrating this site but also using profanities against the secretary. shut up b'cause we cannot putup ( with you)

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:13:20 1996 IST):

Would you describe Nepal,Bangladesh as reasonable Nieghbours!

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:13:41 1996 IST):


mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 21:15:24 1996 IST):

Sir, I am assuming Indian diplomats are constantly faced with dealing with some major issues facing India today,such as 'CORRUPTION'in high and low places,'CHILD LABOR' 'HUMAN RIGHTS VILOATIONS',and the like.How do you deal with them year after year, as there seems to be no improvement in any of these issues for the last 50 years.

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:16:05 1996 IST):

kartik subbaiah: are you mr dixit's "nice" PA? Mr dixit: "cogito, erga sum". Were you, also, always "nice" to people...

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:16:18 1996 IST):


Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 21:16:30 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit: U almost seem to be frowning on me for being critical towards pls tell me why should I not?. I have lots of reasons to be critical.. The trend in India is to withold dissemination of information..Anyone who is critical of India and its policies are quickly deemed illogical, insane and stupid.. I am a citizen, I am deeply annoyed at the Govt for all its stupid acts of malevolence, irresponsible governance and have every right to vent my spleen on it. I am not targeting you, sir, I respect you for what u have done and your achievements, but I have a right to critique India, and I shall do so.

Gulab (Fri Oct 11 21:16:58 1996 IST):


karthik subbiah (Fri Oct 11 21:17:10 1996 IST):

Thanks alot for the time Mr. Secretary. It was great talking to you.

J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:18:31 1996 IST):

Raja Hindustani: In relations between countries, one should avoid subjective value judgements about other countries. In my opinion, Nepal and Bangladesh act in their own interests, according to their judgements. They have their own reasons for adopting certain policies, in that sense they are reasonable. If some of these policies affect us adversely, we consider those aspects of their policies unreasonable and we try to reconcile them. That is what foreign relations and diplomacy is all about.

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:18:38 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit (not for kartik subbaiah):argumentum ad hominem? Do you only look for "comfortable" questions?

Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 21:20:05 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit: Pls tell me, in what way has Nepal been provocative and endagered India?..Every country has a right to live its own way..if it courts China , they have every right to do so. Your answer is more like ***oh! my interests are hurt, payback time**, it does not detail the kind of action that was meted out. And in India buearaucrats take refuge in the outdated, outmoded officail secrets act.

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:22:15 1996 IST):

goodbye, kartik subbaiah! *Deo gratias* Mr. Dixit:Do I, as an Indian citizen, have the right to query my public servants, or not, especially after being under their yokefor 49 years now (and running...)?

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:22:26 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit! Do you seriously believe ,in view of the fact that we have not moved an inch in last 50 years of Independence on simple issues like water! How does it feel to be a diplomat introspecting on the collective failure of our polity!Does your gereration feel wasted for mouthing Platidudes and rationalisations all these years! Sheer semantics over Gin Lime! Puffing Cigars! And dancing late into Midnight! at Public Cost

mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 21:22:56 1996 IST):

Sir: As one assumes 'There are no real friends only interests' when it comes to international affairs,shouldn't it be our interest to have friendly relations with Pakistan,China,USA and others? With China getting closer to Pakistan, shouldn't we be concentrating on having a friendlier relation with China than Pakistan? And shouldn't we have a better relationship with the US than Pakistan,now that 'cold war' is over?

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:24:37 1996 IST):


Subhash (Fri Oct 11 21:25:10 1996 IST):

Subhash Dhulekar: By not signing CTBT India got isolated but CTBT Chairman found some reasons in India's stand. Do you think it will have any impact on other signatories attitude ?

J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:25:58 1996 IST):

nemine dissentiente: I do not know Latin, but I know that the meaning of my surname in Latin is: "He said that", or "ipse dixit". You seemed to be upset about something, and in your anger you forget elementary facts. One does not answer the Internet while taking a post prandial stroll, one has to sit at the machine and suffer consversations like those with you, whereas others have been engaged in a thoughtful discussion. As far my being a redundant baboo goes, all of us become less relevant as we grow old, but what should be worrying when your brain becomes redundant when you are still active, which I presume you are, as shown by your question.

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:26:47 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit:Seems answering uncomfortable questions is not your forte! *credo quia absurdum*, correct first time?

Sandeep (Fri Oct 11 21:28:38 1996 IST):

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:28:51 1996 IST):

I am waiting for your rationanisation of the last one Mr. Dixit! Try to be honest to my generation! And not for a Judgement by your peers and former Subordinates!

mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 21:29:45 1996 IST):

Sir: I am all too familiar with an affliction, we Indians seems to possess,namely:"ARROGANCE". Doen't this 'National Trait' get in the way of DIPLOMACY?????Isn't it time we as a people and nation, realise this, as I believe this is rather detrimental to the well being of our nation.Any thoughts on this???

Ashish Ramanujam (Fri Oct 11 21:29:49 1996 IST):

Mr Dixit: I would like to ask you whether China poses the greatest threat to India's security and wellbeing in the next half century? Or are the forces of radical Islamic fundamentalism, more dangerous?

J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:30:54 1996 IST):

Sudhir: As an Indian citizen, you have every right to be critical according to your judgement. Since you feel so strongly about, why not join Indian public life and remedy the situation. Move centrestage from the Internet!

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:32:01 1996 IST):

no Latin Sir? Apologies, shift to French? being au courant, you have to agree that I, I may have hit the nail on the head when people like *you* have to suffer people like *us*. How verry British! homme d'espirit!!

J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:32:30 1996 IST):

Sudhir: As an Indian citizen, you have every right to be critical according to your judgement. Since you feel so strongly about, why not join Indian public life and remedy the situation. Move centrestage from the Internet!

Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 21:32:32 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit: There will come a time when I shall move centrestage from the Internet..But I hope I can count on ur support:-)

mohan marette (Fri Oct 11 21:32:33 1996 IST):

Mr.Dixit:- Thanks for answering one of my questions, do answer some of the others,if you have time. It's been good talking to you, and best of luck.Good bye.

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:33:47 1996 IST):

* Listening*

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:35:05 1996 IST):


Sandeep (Fri Oct 11 21:35:17 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit, It pains me to see u responding and justifying to nem... diss...> Anyway; Do you think RAW is responsible for the killing of Ms. Bhutto's brother and also other civil disturbances in Karachi? It is not my intention to evoke a response from u so please feel free to ignore these 'uncomfortable questions.

nemine dissentiente (Fri Oct 11 21:36:39 1996 IST):


Sudhir (Fri Oct 11 21:37:08 1996 IST):

Mr. Dixit: If u would be kind enough to answer my question on how the world would be better served with India being a permanent member of the security council, I will appreciate I would like to get an original perspective on it.

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:38:14 1996 IST):

Internet is moving Centrestage Mr. Dixit! U know that and thats why your media savvy has constrained you to be here! Believe me this is Centre stage! Incidentally How's the book doing! Presume all the copies have been bought by the XP Division in MEA?

Alex Bradley (Fri Oct 11 21:40:09 1996 IST):

Did you miss India when you were abroad? If yes, which places in particualr?

Raja Hindustani (Fri Oct 11 21:40:14 1996 IST):

Vanishing Act? Mr.Dixit?

J N DIXIT (Fri Oct 11 21:40:51 1996 IST):

There was a question about India's failure to get NRIs involved in Indian developments compared to overseas Chinese playing a role in China. The answer is simple: In my assessment, non-resident Indians were not terribly interested in participating in the Indian economic effort because of the control system of economic management in India. This was to be accepted and logical. But I think over the last five or six years, there is greater effort by the Indian government and Indian business community to get involved with NRIs and to request them to participate in India's economic reconstruction. This is a slow process because NRI friends should feel secure about it economic involvement in India, and the government of India should actively get them interested in India, an effort which is continuing. As far as Chinese are concerned, China has perhaps a more open economy, with a decisive regime unhampered by democratic considerations. I don't think the comparison between China and India is very valid. Our circumstances are quite different.
