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The Farooq Abdullah Chat

Nilanchala Deb (Sat Oct 26 20:53:07 1996 IST):

Dr Abdullah,yours could easily be termed as one of the biggest comebacks in India's post Independence history. What according to you is the greatest lesson you have learned with this comeback?

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 20:53:52 1996 IST):

Abdul Sattar: Young of Kashmir are with me as shown by the results of the election, what I have to do is to come up to their expectations by restoring the lost autonomy , making conditions better so that its possible for them to work for a living, get the state tourism functioning which is our bread and butter.

Ashok: You all will be soon back home with honour and dignity and you all will lead the state with me to the glory it deserves.

Suprantic: If BJP is voted to power by the people they will have to work within the parameters of the constitution of India.

monika (Sat Oct 26 20:54:04 1996 IST):

Dr. Abdullah, I was wondering what your relationship was with the Nehru family?

singh (Sat Oct 26 20:54:31 1996 IST):

Hello..sir Pakistan can never win kashmir from just because they are muslim does not mean that al muslim countries or state belong to them why if the talk refrendum they can have it in their on country (which is almost bankrupt and crupt)karachi.please ask india to stand firm because if this situatin ocurr to china or america they will do alot morthen india did in this case.

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 20:54:47 1996 IST):


india (Sat Oct 26 20:54:49 1996 IST):

Janab, to industrialise, you will need many heavy industry, esp in the power sector where Kashmir has an advantage. But given Art 370, will that not dampen the state's drive if skilled manpower cannot migrate to Kashmir? Why should someone slog in your state if he has to leave at the end of it all. Seems unfair!

monika (Sat Oct 26 20:55:23 1996 IST):


SmrtO (Sat Oct 26 20:55:42 1996 IST):

Folks: I believe we should hold back new questions till Doctor Sahab has answered all the earlier questtions.

Bilkees Malik (Sat Oct 26 20:56:06 1996 IST):

Doctorsaab, we have logged in from all over the world. May I request you to answer all the pending questions and at the end of it, take five questions. Please.

Panun MOG (Sat Oct 26 20:56:09 1996 IST):


hemen (Sat Oct 26 20:56:24 1996 IST):

I repeat my question about the Indian map being misrepresented Also sir even I am curious about your relation with the Nehru family

supratic Gupta (Sat Oct 26 20:57:06 1996 IST):

Dr. Abdullah, some one asked again. Which party do you think will be good for Kashmir at centre. I am from Assam. Center is not handling Assam problem well. We have heard of Army raping woman in Assam. It is not doing anything there. Why do you think Kashmir situation will be different?

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 20:57:16 1996 IST):

Singh: Paksitan waged 3 wars to get Kashmir for the past 8 years we have been going through proxy war, which inflicted tremendous tragedies on the people of our state they have not succeded ..Inshallah, they will not be able to dismember Kashmir from India.

Reggie Mantle (Sat Oct 26 20:57:28 1996 IST):

Sir, you mention tourism as a panacea for your state's ills. But will that alone work. And surely you don't want Kashmir to go the Goa way. What other areas do you wish to concentrate on?

monika (Sat Oct 26 20:57:28 1996 IST):

Again Sir, according to you what part has Pakistan played in the turmoil in Kashmir?

Sanjay Singh (Sat Oct 26 20:57:47 1996 IST):

Sir, you are demanding maximum autonomy for Kashmir. If you are successful in achieving your goal, it will have an impact on other federal governments who in turn will also ask for similar autonomous bodies with the least central interference. Don't you think that this will lead to very loose federal structure for India which will threaten national integrity ? Also, in case the article 356 is abolished then the Indian government won't have a way to dismiss the government in case of conditions like the Ayodhya Babri Masjid crisis. What are your opinion in this regard ?

SmrtO (Sat Oct 26 20:57:55 1996 IST):

Doctor Sahab: U have not answered what U R gonna do to improve the economy of the state. Unless people are busy in the developement of the country, ISI will find easy recruits.

sdd (Sat Oct 26 20:58:11 1996 IST):

Sir, I have lived in Kashmir from 1981 to 1985 and I have seen the ups and downs during these times. I strongly feel that unless we get to the root cause of the Kashmir's problems, we are never going to get stability in the state. Kashmir being independent or part of Pak is just OUT OF QUESTION and every Indian will fight for it. We must find out what gave rise to such a situation in Kashmir and try to prevent it. What do you think is the main reason for such a situation. What went wrong?

monika (Sat Oct 26 20:58:41 1996 IST):

India: what's your secret yaar? hum to yahaan mar rahe hain!

hemen (Sat Oct 26 20:58:58 1996 IST):

Sir, I've always been a fan of you and your father for this kind of brave spirit. God helps the brave

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 20:59:35 1996 IST):

Hemen: My relations with Nehru family are warm and cordial and have been built up over generations. It is a tragedy that the map is wrongly made up govt of India should protest.

supratic Gupta (Sat Oct 26 20:59:35 1996 IST):

Dr. Abdullah. To be sincere. Why do you prefer Kashmir faith with India rather then with Pakistan or being independent? What are the positive and negetive sides?

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 21:01:24 1996 IST):

SDD: Mistrust between Delhi and Srinagar. The backwardness of the state and unfortunate tragedies by dismissing legally elected governments .

Sanjay Singh (Sat Oct 26 21:01:52 1996 IST):

Sir, you are demanding maximum autonomy for Kashmir. If you are successful in achieving your goal, it will have an impact on other federal governments who in turn will also ask for similar autonomous bodies with the least central interference. Don't you think that this will lead to very loose federal structure for India which will threaten national integrity ? Also, in case the article 356 is abolished then the Indian government won't have a way to dismiss the government in case of conditions like the Ayodhya Babri Masjid crisis. What are your opinion in this regard ?

singh (Sat Oct 26 21:01:53 1996 IST):

Most important thing for now is your safety please be careful pakistani are agaist every indian including you and me sir ..

sdd (Sat Oct 26 21:03:11 1996 IST):

How do you expect to convert the mistrust into trust?

Alka (Sat Oct 26 21:03:13 1996 IST):

Dr Abdullah: Which government will you prefer at the Centere? And do you think you did a mistake by not contesting the parliamentary elections?

monika (Sat Oct 26 21:03:18 1996 IST):

Dr. Abdullah, according to a recent newspaper article, you gave an ultimatum to the militants to give up their arms, do you honestly believe they will heed your words?

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 21:03:39 1996 IST):

Supratic: Kashmirs joining India was on principle of secular democratic and fedral politiy and with autonomy granted to the atate by the contitution of India. Pakistan is the anti thesis of all this.

Sanjay Singh (Sat Oct 26 21:03:48 1996 IST):

Sir, you are demanding maximum autonomy for Kashmir. If you are successful in achieving your goal, it will have an impact on other federal governments who in turn will also ask for similar autonomous bodies with the least central interference. Don't you think that this will lead to very loose federal structure for India which will threaten national integrity ? Also, in case the article 356 is abolished then the Indian government won't have a way to dismiss the government in case of conditions like the Ayodhya Babri Masjid crisis. What are your opinion in this regard ?

hemen (Sat Oct 26 21:04:49 1996 IST):

Thanks fotr your reply Sir. Good luck

monika (Sat Oct 26 21:05:05 1996 IST):

Sir How is your relationship with Deve Gowda?

Sanjay Singh (Sat Oct 26 21:05:21 1996 IST):

Sir, you are demanding maximum autonomy for Kashmir. If you are successful in achieving your goal, it will have an impact on other federal governments who in turn will also ask for similar autonomous bodies with the least central interference. Don't you think that this will lead to very loose federal structure for India which will threaten national integrity ? Also, in case the article 356 is abolished then the Indian government won't have a way to dismiss the government in case of conditions like the Ayodhya Babri Masjid crisis. What are your opinion in this regard ?

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 21:05:33 1996 IST):


Thank you for joining me , Im sorry because of time constraints I couldn't answer all your questions, I don't type with one finger, the machine was slow not me . Hoping to meet you next time. SOON. Khuda Hafiz.

india (Sat Oct 26 21:06:20 1996 IST):

Huzoor, thoda sa rook jaiye, ab to raat jawan hain

india (Sat Oct 26 21:07:10 1996 IST):

And thanks for the replies.

sdd (Sat Oct 26 21:07:18 1996 IST):

I don't know what type of autonomy you are really looking for. Don't you think once you achieve(?) that other states like Punjab/Assam/TN will also not follow the suit.

Dr Farooq Abdullah (Sat Oct 26 21:07:23 1996 IST):

Sanjay Singh: J&K is the only state that did not merge it exceeded on certain principles they have to be honoured I'm against article 356 this article is draconnian and should be abolished .

monika (Sat Oct 26 21:07:43 1996 IST):

Bye sir, it was nice chatting with you, even though I didn't get a single response. Good Luck

supratic Gupta (Sat Oct 26 21:08:10 1996 IST):

Dr. Abdullah, That was a good answer to my question. Indeirectly it means that you disagree to the reason logic based on which Pakistan was born. Please answer one more question. Why do you prefer to stay in India, rather then being independent?

india (Sat Oct 26 21:08:28 1996 IST):

monika, i think he anyway did reply, even if not directly. surely, next time your replies will be answered.

sdd (Sat Oct 26 21:09:36 1996 IST):

Thanks DR. Abdullah. We still have a lot of question unanswered. Hope we will get another chance to chat with you, and you will be having a better line from VSNL.

Reggie Mantle (Sat Oct 26 21:09:45 1996 IST):

Good night, sir. Even if you did not reply to my queries, hope you will resovle them in the state.

SmrtO (Sat Oct 26 21:10:20 1996 IST):

Khuda Hi Hafiz Docotor Sahab.

sdd (Sat Oct 26 21:12:50 1996 IST):

Monika, I will answer your question. Dr. Abdullah knows very well that with Pak sitting on their head, Kashmir will not remain independent very long.

SmrtO (Sat Oct 26 21:13:58 1996 IST):

Rediff: ThanQ for roping in Dr. Farooq Abdullah. Can't U get a faster server? It is an unpardonable sin to bring a man as busy as Dr. Abdullah to this slow server.

monika (Sat Oct 26 21:14:43 1996 IST):

thanks for trying india and sdd, bye

singh (Sat Oct 26 21:15:49 1996 IST):

Most important thing for now is your safety please be careful pakistani are agaist every indian including you and me sir ..

SmrtO (Sat Oct 26 21:15:54 1996 IST):

Can we discuss the un answered questions among ourselves?

monika (Sat Oct 26 21:16:15 1996 IST):

Rediff: I have a request, can we get Shahrukh Khan on this chatline?

singh (Sat Oct 26 21:17:23 1996 IST):

Most important thing for now is your safety please be careful pakistani are agaist every indian including you and me sir ..

SmrtO (Sat Oct 26 21:17:27 1996 IST):

Rediff: How about getting Lata Mangeshkar, Dilip Kumar and Helen?