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Questions Group Captain D N Ganesh didn't answer

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:0 IST)
I honestly think, no point expecting help from western or anybody else. got to be self-relient. it is all racism+religion.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:0 IST)
Sorry for the double post ..

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:1 IST)
megaa .. true enough .. but that does NOT mean you become a hermit. IN this day and age that will easily reduce the country to becoming a Myanmar ..

raj (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:3 IST)

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:3 IST)
western mentality is US and West created UN, not the otherway. wasting time on world bodies should stop.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:5 IST)
Indian: Manmyar or Buthan comparision is not OK. India is very diverse and can be a world in itself - bigger than EU and USA combined. have a strategy, give importance to materialism and start working hard.. become self-sufficient for strategic purposes..

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:9 IST)
Indian: You need to recognize that the Cold War is over, and that we're returning to the Pre-ColdWar era. That's not paranoia -- that's reality. So, all "uumms" aside, the fact is that we're returning to the old pattern of the more aggressive ethnic groups grabbing for themselves at the expense of the less aggressive and disorganized ones. That's what colonialism was, and that's reality.

Prabhu (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:9 IST)
HI folks Wht don't we fence

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:9 IST)
Indian: You need to recognize that the Cold War is over, and that we're returning to the Pre-ColdWar era. That's not paranoia -- that's reality. So, all "uumms" aside, the fact is that we're returning to the old pattern of the more aggressive ethnic groups grabbing for themselves at the expense of the less aggressive and disorganized ones. That's what colonialism was, and that's reality.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:10 IST)
megaa .. There is ONLY one thing the West understands .. $$$$$ .. and as long as we keep saying you can;t have even a BIT of my market .. they will bad mouth you .. open up the market .. and they'll slaver after you .. Watch China .. and the case becomes self-evident.

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:10 IST)
hey, Inj whats with the chat, dude?

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:11 IST)
GR ... This place da place for chat@!!

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:11 IST)
Indian, you need to recognize that the US and its exclusive club partners are going to use their clout to keep India on the ropes. We're immature heathens to them, and that means we have to be kept down.

Narendra (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:11 IST)
Hello Indian I am also an Indian can you tell me the latest situation of our persons ?/

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:12 IST)
Aaaaaaarrrggggg.....freaking turd wurld deal, plus a server in AZ run by firewater sodden welfare case redskin dudes run away fromt he Navajo nation

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:12 IST)
Indian establishment should STOP passing UN resolutions on Kosovo and Rwanda, Sierra Leone and get back to Indian interests. passing resolution condemning the existance of evil serves no purpose. doing something does.. I don't know when we will learn..

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:12 IST)
Aaaaaaarrrggggg.....freaking turd wurld deal, plus a server in AZ run by firewater sodden welfare case redskin dudes run away fromt he Navajo nation

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:13 IST)
narendra>Alls well

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:13 IST)
Sanjai .. the world's future wars will be fought for economic reasons. Of course, there WILL be idiotic religious zealots .. but those warrs will be trifling in comparison. If you want to relegate yourself tobeing a third rate 'power' .. sure .. go on .. be self-righteous .. claim to be the conscience of the world .. be a leader of the garbage, rabble-rousing crowd also known as NAM .. in short become a pain in the West's a**. But the REAL powers .. they;ll be worrying about things FAR more important .. like WHO is set to become the richest in the world. China, again, is my best example.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:14 IST)
Server is back up ..

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:14 IST)
Indian: Ever heard of the World Trading Organization (WTO)? Aren't you aware that the US created this organization for the purpose of hammering its way into the markets of other countries like ours? You think we can deny the US access to our markets, without suffering severe punitive actions from them? You're quite naive and overconfident, if you think that we can just relax, and wrap these people around our fingers.

Narendra (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:14 IST)
I am very happy to know that all are well ?

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:15 IST)
Sanjai .. even WITHOUT being part of the WTO .. China has the West wrapped around it's LITTLE finger ..

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:15 IST)
Hey, wots this NAM? I thot everyone was talking about Vietnam, when they said NAM...I am like, hey, why fer they all talking about something that happened long long ago, far far away....STAR WARS!!!!!!

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:16 IST)
LOL .. NAM = Non Aligned Movement .. a riff raff crowd of ex-colonies .. trying to act like larger than life pip-squeaks .. and India is the self-professed leader of this group of riff raffs

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:16 IST)
I think Babus like Nehru were responsible for the brainwashing that most injuns go through rite now....they think US evil and they goos, freaking self righteous bride burning, harijan lynching morons

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:17 IST)
Indian: The US isn't stupid. They're way ahead of us in their planning. Look, they created the WTO to use against other economies that don't play ball with them. At the same time, they have control over the IMF, to deny loans to those who don't bow to their terms -- even if they're hardworking fiscally prudent people who're financially deserving of capital. Real banks can't discriminate like that -- but the USA and its IMF can.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:17 IST)
Sanjai .. Not only do I know WTO .. I also have studied it ..

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:17 IST)
india does not HAVE to be riff raff.....come, join us, folks, lets make money can play at our table, if you stop being self righteous lost cases and get real

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:18 IST)
Sanjai .. when will we ever learn? When you have a POWER like the US damming ALL flows .. when will we learn that it is better to play ball .. instead of crying foul??

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:19 IST)
I am no economist and don't know if WTO helps India. Prima-facie, WTO, being a creation of the west, CANNOT have Indian interests in it. Why will the west waste its time and resources to advance someone else's goals. Expecting that to happen is foolish.

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:19 IST)
WTO=Warzawa Treaty Organisation, the evil Soviet Empire's answer to the glorious heroes of NATO

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:19 IST)
Indian: The only reason that the Chinese have outmaneuvered the West in recent times, has been due to the fact that the Whitehouse is inhabited by special interest lobbyists whose main fixation is against Russia. And as a result , Beijing gets to sneak by unnoticed.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:19 IST)
But India does not just cry foul .. it becomes the self-appointed refree .. no wonder the West is pissed off at India's attitude .. and 'rewards' us with sanctions ..

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:19 IST)
inj>ROTFL@when will...yu sound like that dude Pete Seeger...Where havew allt he flowers gone, long time passing, when will they cetera......

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:19 IST)
Sanjai .. my point precisely!! China HAS understood real politik!!

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:20 IST)
Sanjai>That is a good point, but its not the Only reason..its one of the reasons......there are many levels to that relationship

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:21 IST)
Inj>Aaaarrgggg.....glorious ancient Middle Kindom and venerable ancestor, CREATED freaking real politik...aaaaaarrrgggg.....of course they understand that kinda deal......

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:21 IST)
Sanjai .. you have the lesson standing RIGHT under your nose .. and you keep wandering off looking for a teacher!! China has shown that regardless of WHO is in the White House .. they control everything concerning media exposure in the West ... tell me .. have you heard ANYTHING at all about the shipment of guns that came from China .. and was captured on the W Coast?? THAT, my dear friend, is real politik! THAT is how you control the West. and Pakistan seems to be LEAGUES ahead of India in this matter.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:22 IST)
This chat oughta be preserved .. for being one of the most CIVIL ones I have had in a LONG time!!

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:23 IST)
So who all in Non Aligned movement? is that also a bunch of countries with no world strategic vbalue so none of the power blocs wants to buy their support?

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:23 IST)
Indian: You have to remember, that the US isn't an homogenous country, and that there are a lot of ethnic lobbies in there, that are going to be slanted against India for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with SouthAsian politics. Take Albright, for example. She's got an axe to grind against the Russians, and that automatically makes her crowd more sympathetic to Pakistan and its ever useful mujahedin.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:23 IST)
GR .. the other server is UP!!!

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:25 IST)
Inj>I dunno if Paki is leagues ahead...they just were not as dumb as Nehru and coterie and decided to throw in with the US long ago. Remember SEATO? If Nehru had not been such a Brit boot licking moron, he would have gotten in bed with Truman's people, who really wanted to make a deal with India, but got reguffed by that nehru dweeb-a-zoid

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:25 IST)
Inj>Terrific, for how many femtoseconds is that server gonna be up?

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:26 IST)
Sanjai .. you ARE right in that respect. Similarly Nixon HATED dealing with Mrs. G. But the MOST important point is .. the BIGGEST weakness of the US is that their politics is governed almost 100% by the Companies that are here. If India is able to make the companies more dependent on India, opinions will change. I would wager that even people like Albright will be sacked because they are taking on a venerable 'economic' friend ..

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:26 IST)
Indian: You don't understand how real lobbying is done. You don't just waltz in like a shoe salesman, and say "buy my product". You have to recognize who and where the interest groups are. We can't just flash our little market demographics numbers and expect these people to come running, with drool hanging from their lips.

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:26 IST)
hey, Ken Starr not gonna indict Burger King and the Penna Avenue Witch

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:27 IST)
Sanjai .. as a matter of fact .. that is precisely how it needs to be done. Two pronged approach: Open iup the economy in stages .. and woo the Yank companies .. 5 years .. you'll see results.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:27 IST)
GR .. it has been up for over 15 mins!!

GhostRider (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:27 IST)
Inj>I am gonna be back after a while, dude.....Adios

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:29 IST)
Sanjai .. the 'real' lobbying that India has been attempting .. is plain stupid. Get Bill Gates to lobby for you. Get Larry Bossidy (ALD CEO) to lobby for you. See HOW the US policy wrt India suddenly begins to turn on a dime!! THAT is the REAL lobbying that India needs to learn.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:29 IST)
not sure if Companies rule the real-politics. Its only Oil and Energy interests.

Questions Group Captain D N Ganesh Didn't Answer