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The Jaya Bachchan Chat

Guddi (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:38 IST)
Jayaji, is it true that grandparents love their grandchildren more than their children?

GPR (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:38 IST)
No politics.. Jayaji, would you give me a small role in one of your new movies .. I am not too bad !!!!

charu (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:38 IST)
How do you always look so dignified - don't you feel like giggling sometimes!! :-)

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:41 IST)
Guddi: I don't know whether they love more but I certainly miss my grand child more than I have ever missed my daughter when she has been away.
......GPR: Sure, send me your picture.
...Charu: I ALWAYS giggle. *giggle*

Mamta (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:40 IST)
Jayaji, why don't you direct a film yourself? with Mr Bachchan in the lead?

dhruvkm (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:39 IST)
Mrs.Bachchan! Have u seen Farida lately?? If so give her my regards for the West Indies

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:43 IST)
Mamta: PUHLEASEE spare me.
.....Dhruvkm: I have not met Farida recently but when I do I will convey your greetings.

jadapur (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:38 IST)
JAYA Mashi, what made u accept this movie (1084), the script, the director, or since ur kids have grown up ?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:44 IST)
Jadapur: All.

adonis (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:43 IST)
what have u enjoyed most. being an actress, mother, wife or a social worker?

LDS (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:44 IST)
Jayaji, how is Sri. Bacchanji Sr.? I'm Pt. Narendra Sharmaji's daughter, Lavanya

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:46 IST)
Adonis: All............
Lavanya: Namaskar, Bachchanji is okay.

charumati (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:45 IST)
How much do computers/Internet form a part of your normal life?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:47 IST)
Charumati: I'm completely computer illiterate.

dhruvkm (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:46 IST)
I met you and your husband at her sister's marriage a long time ago in Bombay and met her in St. Thomas with Pankaj Udhas.
A question: How come you have not imparted your knowledge of acting through lectures. Is it time constraint???

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:48 IST)
Dhruvkm: I'm lazy *yawn*. I can act, I can't teach.

Savita (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:49 IST)
Jayaji is very selective about answering questions.

yogi (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:49 IST)
Would you like to do any films of a politically sensitive nature? Any thoughts?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:50 IST)
Savita: Yes you're right.
.......Yogi: I haven't given it any thought.

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:51 IST)
OKay I have to get home now, It takes more than an hour for me to reach home, ONLY TEN MORE MINUTES WITH YOU NOW:-)

dhruvkm (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:51 IST)
Should you and your family be in the Caribbean we give you all an open invitation to visit the French Island of Gudaeloupe!!

Pooja (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:51 IST)
Who will be the actress in the movie with Abhishek?

charumati (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:50 IST)
I hope this is a start!! Computers makes undreamt of things come true - like now we are communicating from two corners of the world!

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:53 IST)
Dhruvkm: Thanks for the invitation
.......Pooja: I don't know.
.....Charumati: I seriously intend to.

bansie (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:54 IST)
I don't know if this chat is still going on but in case it is:
I live in Holland and sometimes we get some desi rumours here. The latest was that Amitabh divorced you. How much of that is true Jayaji?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:1 IST)
Bansie: I refuse to give any clarifications of my personal life to anyone. But you're most welcome to send us a congratulatory e-mail ( on this address on the third of June 1998 which is our 25th wedding anniversary. We both will be available in the same house and same address.

Savita (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:1 IST)
Jayaji don't you think there are plenty of Indian stories which are far more spirited and educational for children than the Sound of Music for Chrissakes?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:3 IST)
Savita: Yes. Nothing came to my mind at this point. Though I have always wanted to make Kabuli Walla of Tagore but...I can't act in it unfortunately. If you have suggestions please convey (

JADAPUR (Mon Mar 23 1998 8:57 IST)
So jaya mashi... for the question on ABCL... please ignore it...

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:5 IST)
Jadapur: That's sweet:-)Thanks

charumati (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:4 IST)
ManSee, this question has been plaguing me all evening! Jayaji, how can you confirm that we are talking to the GREAT Jaya Bachchan??

Sikandar (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:3 IST)
Hello there Jaya ji, this is Sikandar here. Just thought I'd say hi, Love,
Sikandar :-)

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:7 IST)
Charumati: You are speaking to Jaya Bachchan. I'm Not so great. That is why I'm not allowing Rediff to take any pictures. Actually my hair is all oiled. Next time.....I promise.
.............Sikandar: HI SIKU:-) Where is my son?

mallu (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:5 IST)
apologies for bringing some regional sentiments. do you like malayalam movies. would you choose to work with adoor/shaji if the role is right. who would be yr. personal choice

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:9 IST)
Mallu: BOTH, any day. In fact, Shahji had approached me two years a go for a film, I said Yes. Still waiting for him to contact me.

charumati (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:8 IST)
Wow! We got something in common - even my hair is oiled tonite! BTW, I use Arnica hair oil - what about you?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:10 IST)
Charumati: Cocunut or Olive oil.

Rahul (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:9 IST)
Jaya Ji : I would like to sing a Sylheti song for you...Shaadher Laau baanaailo More Boiraagi.. Laau-er aagaa go khaailaam..

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:13 IST)
Rahul: Now you speaking:-) I like that. All at Rediff want to know the meaning. Please explain it to them. Thanks.
............SIKANDER: I'm leaving now since you refuse to answer me *pout*:-( (Just), that's for your mother.

Rahul (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:6 IST)
I guess to the Bachchan family, stories of Muslim invaders and traitors are more "meaningful" and secular than the Universal wisdom of the Vedas.

mallu (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:14 IST)
rahul, please come off it pal let us spare the lady of all this. her job is to portray roles not bickering over the relevance of Vedantas vs. Koran

charumati (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:14 IST)
Have you cooked your dinner for the evening? What are the Bachchans having for dinner tonite?

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:16 IST)
Mallu: Thanks for helping, but we should leave Rahul alone now hoping he has mellowed:-)
..........Charumati: I don't cook usually. Though sometimes cooking someone's goose would be fun. We are going out to dinner tonite.

Ms Jaya Bachchan (Mon Mar 23 1998 9:20 IST)
Thanks all of you, It was fun. Helped to change my mood a bit And extremely sorry for ditching on Saturday, 21 March 1998. I had to suddenly babysit for Navya. She was throwing a major fit and Shweta could not handle her alone. Bye, speak to you soon.

Questions Jaya Bachchan did not answer