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The Harkishan Singh Surjeet Chat

HARKISHAN SINGH SURJEET (Tue Jan 14 20:56:06 1997 IST):

Pillai: Socialism and Secularism cannot be counterposed. If a communal divide takes place in the country and secularism becomes a victim, socialist movements cannot grow. We are opposed to caste appeal also and we unite the working class, peasantry, agricultural workers and employees as distinct classes playing their role in the development of society. So far as unity is concerned the JD does not call itself a casteist party though it makes caste appeal which we discard. We do come to an understanding with certain parties to fight the bigger danger.

Swaminathan (Tue Jan 14 20:56:20 1997 IST):

Comrade, do you think the alliance with the regional parties in Tamilnadu really helps the CPI(M) to grow ?

Madhavankutty Pillai (Tue Jan 14 20:57:31 1997 IST):

Mr Singh: What must be the average age of the CPI (M) politburo. If it is above 70 please answer as to why. Do you keep the young away or are they not coming?

Ryan D'Mello (Tue Jan 14 20:57:47 1997 IST):

Mr Surjeet, there is a belief that the CPI-M is a geronotocracy, that it is time the party handed over the reins to younger men. Perhaps you could take the lead and hand over the general secretary's office to Comrade Karat, Jyoti Basu could do likewise with Buddhadev Bhattacharya. Do you agree?

Phani (Tue Jan 14 20:58:27 1997 IST):

Well, It is no secret that West Bengal has been ruled by CPI(M) for 20 uninterrupted years only becasue of the personal charisma of Jyothi Basu rather than any Marxist policies. Jyothi Basu is turning into a free-market "messiah" under the garb of Marxism, and thus is following the footsteps of China. Therefore, how can you claim that Marxism is successful?

Swaminathan (Tue Jan 14 20:58:36 1997 IST):

Comrade, When can we expect a socialist democratic setup in India ? Is it feasible ?

Harjit Bhathal (Tue Jan 14 20:58:51 1997 IST):

Sat sri Akal Surjit you were the supporter of more powers to the states and once you supported the Anadpur Sahib resulation for more powers to states and it is also said you helped Akali Party to write the "Anandpur Sahib Mata". Now when you are and your party is involved in the Govt. what are you doing for giving more powers to the states

Madhavankutty Pillai (Tue Jan 14 20:59:22 1997 IST):

Mr Singh: In India which has approximately 800 million hindus all divided by caste how can you say that the bigger danger is religion and not caste?

India mog! (Tue Jan 14 20:59:48 1997 IST):

One of the better chats, Sir, am glad and proud to note that you are displaying better transparency than most other politicians on this chat forum...but one more question since you and I breathe the same polluted air in Delhi, in more ways than one, why did you let Satish Sharma off the hook and moreover, one TR Baalu and one more Vijay Kelkar of the Petroleum Ministry are carrying on the same 'good' work or were / are you not aware??

HARKISHAN SINGH SURJEET (Tue Jan 14 21:01:18 1997 IST):

Pillai: Our politburo at the moment has 15 members. It combines both old and young. There are many young members like S R Pillai from Kerala, Om Nath from Tamil Nadu, Sitaram Yechry from AP, Prakash Karat from Delhi and we are inducting more and more young people in to the different committees. It being a revolutionary party as long as one is able to contribute one continue to serve the cause of the working class till his death in different forms depending on the situation. I AM AN ATHEIST AND DO NOT BELIEVE IN GOD BUT I HAVE NO ALLERGY OR OPPOSITION TO ANYBODY BELIVEING IN GOD. BUT RELGIOUS BELIEF SHOULD NOT BE MIXED UP WITH POLITICS. IT IS A MEANS OF COMMUNICATION BETWEEN MAN AND GOD AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH POLITICS EXCEPT THAT IT IS USED BY REACTIONARY FORCES.

Swaminathan (Tue Jan 14 21:03:11 1997 IST):

Regarding your reply to Mr. Pillai : Is it Com Umanath from TN?

Harjit Bhathal (Tue Jan 14 21:03:25 1997 IST):

Sat sri Akal Surjit you were the supporter of more powers to the states and once you supported the Anadpur Sahib resulation for more powers to states and it is also said you helped Akali Party to write the "Anandpur Sahib Mata". Now when you are and your party is involved in the Govt. what are you doing for giving more powers to the states

subrato (Tue Jan 14 21:03:29 1997 IST):

Mr. Surjeet, we do not see CPI-M in the killing fields of Bihar, we do not see CPI-M in wretched sand of Kalahandi.They are not found in the caste+class struggle of cow-belt in any major way. Bottomline, not belief is what matters to common man. After 20 years of rule in west-bengal, social and industrial scenario has declined. The role of so called revolutionaries among the jute workers is only reactionary. Where is the class struggle and revolution that you promised ?

Madhavankutty Pillai (Tue Jan 14 21:04:59 1997 IST):

Mr Singh: Do you think at any point after India’s independence there could have been some way we could have avoided the rot we see today? Are you not disgusted with the present set up?

Eric@univ of DE (Tue Jan 14 21:05:28 1997 IST):

A Country's foundation is religon not politics

Harjit Bhathal (Tue Jan 14 21:05:55 1997 IST):

Sat sri Akal Surjit you were the supporter of more powers to the states and once you supported the Anadpur Sahib resulation for more powers to states and it is also said you helped Akali Party to write the "Anandpur Sahib Mata". Now when you are and your party is involved in the Govt. what are you doing for giving more powers to the states

HARKISHAN SINGH SURJEET (Tue Jan 14 21:06:05 1997 IST):

Harjit: My party stands for more power for the states. We have already decided that the UF government should implement the Sarkaria Commmision of giving more power to the states. A committee of chief ministers has been formed to pursue further amendments in order to strengthen the federal structure of our Constitution and that committee is meeting tomorrow. So far the Anandpur resolution is concerned you are mistaken. I was never a party to the Anandpur resoultion of 1973 because it advocated the formation of a separate Sikh state. No doubt, subsequently in 1978, I helped the Akalis give up their dangerous path and a new version of the Anandpur resolution was adopted at the Ludhiana Akali conference which was formulated in the framework of Centre-state relations. I do take credit for that.

India mog! (Tue Jan 14 21:07:08 1997 IST):

subrato : class struggle has filed an application with MinnComm at udyog Bhavan and is now awaiting meeting of Secretaries to GOI, but unfortunately said class struggle has not filed proper project report or feasability report thus please bow and scrape outside door of Section Officer who has unfortunately gone to prop up the middle you really think anything has changed in Delhi?

HARKISHAN SINGH SURJEET (Tue Jan 14 21:07:21 1997 IST):


Jimmy Olsen (Tue Jan 14 21:08:23 1997 IST):

Mr Singh Thank you very much for giving candid replies to my questions regarding budget proposals .

Swaminathan (Tue Jan 14 21:10:21 1997 IST):

Comrade, Thank You. Hope we will meet thru rediff Once again.

India mog! (Tue Jan 14 21:11:13 1997 IST):

Just another day in the park, eh?

Surender (Tue Jan 14 21:11:43 1997 IST):

Sir, being a leftist with certain principles how long can you or CPI/CPM can morally go down (if any morality exists) just to keep in power and oust BJP?. What difference does it makes between left or any other party? Power and money, nothing other than it? how can you blame BJP as religious while so called UF is trucking with dangerous parties like BSP, which is playing with Casts?

subrato (Tue Jan 14 21:14:34 1997 IST):

Surender, don't speak the truth in the web. there are so many listening! bye bye!