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    [2001 onwards]


'I hope they don't dismiss Shourie'

Mumbai, August 20, 2002: 'They play strange games in New Delhi. Those who oppose divestment are trying to protect their fiefdom,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.

anaam : sir,why are ministers like ram naik are so short it for their personal gratification or because of interparty revelry?
Ramesh S Damani : Thanks for joining. Let's start. I think those who oppose divestment are trying to protect their fiefdom. They need a patronage system. What would they do if everything were privatised?

ganesh : dear sir, 6 months before the stock recommended in the chat will shoot up next day but now it is not so. why? any rsd rivals?
Ramesh S Damani : It is incorrect to assume that because I recommend the stock goes up. Market is always supreme and its will will prevail.

Rajiv : Hello Ramesh! Guess u had a good day. Do you see the IT enabled rally continuing and the possibility of entering a bull market again in next few weeks?
Ramesh S Damani : It should continue for a few days. However, let's wait before drawing big conclusions.

hetal : you must be really happy today. e-serve was up more than 5%. how come all the second line software stocks did so well today? any particular reason rameshji?
Ramesh S Damani : Market is having a technical bounce.

Rajiv : How long would you expect BEL's consolidation to continue. Is 190 a good price to accumulate as I want to do so for 2-3 year time frame?
Ramesh S Damani : I am optimistic on it. It is a cheap stock and I own it.

gkk : Dear Rameshji i do read your suggestions regularly but this is the first time to ask you a question.I strongly believe that my query would make you feel irritated, but please try to give me a good advise n don't conclude in a scentence.I have invested 1.5 lakh in the stock market, lost 13,000 in recent panic selling spree and held up 29,000 under GSFC, n Financial technologies so the balance is 1.07 Lacs.Iam in a confusion with the attractive n compelling valuations please advise me, in which stocks should i invest ? like you i am also very much interested in PSUS.These are the various combinations which i thought of buying, i am a medium term investor n expecting 100% returns in 1 year, i can wait for more time if the value get appreciate more.Suggest me a good choice.1) 100% STC/NALCO or2)50% EIL/ HPCL + 50% FACT, HMT, MADRAS FERTILISERS, RCF or3)50% BEML +50% TVSE or4)POLARIS 200 +VISUALSOFT 200 +TVSE 600 or5)Macmillan 300+ TVSE 600+ GEOMETRIC/INFOTECH 100 or6)INFOTECH 100 +
Ramesh S Damani : PSU stocks are well valued. I would suggest you look at IT-enabled sector which offers promises. Eg like Geometric which I own.

BULBUL : which is better to buy at present in order E-SERVE , INFOTECH , MACMILLAN , GEOMETRIC and Mcdowell
Ramesh S Damani : They all have different strengths. E-serve is the best pure play. Mcdowell is a value stock with low downside and high upside.

baracuda : dear ramesh what is the risk reward ratio in a share like e-serve at 550.for the last couple of chats yu are not recomending it as a strong buy has the agm got over what has the managenet said about future growth
Ramesh S Damani : Let's hear what they say at the AGM. Remember that growth stocks must grow. If they don't, market handles them badly. I still own it and won't sell it easily. But I worry. That is my job.

guptaone : rameshji! anything special in UB results01-02? any dividend declared?
Ramesh S Damani : The company is being split into two. They are doing well this year.

Rajiv : Is Engineers India likely to get some international bidders? Any idea of the dividend amount on EIL?
Ramesh S Damani : I am not sure. It looks well valued to me.

radhika : rameshbhai.. what do u thnk of suresh prabhu's resignation? wasn't he a good power minister? will the country bcoz he has been asked by his party to resign?
Ramesh S Damani : They play strange games in New Delhi. Let's hope they don't dismiss Shourie.

baracuda : when a large no of domestic mutual funds have added i-flex to their portofolios yu have not spoken about it the qrt was good hence does it make sound long term investment
Ramesh S Damani : The numbers look good to me. I haven't bought it, but am watching it closely.

Pooja : How does one make out if there is a technical correction v/s a market revival ?
Ramesh S Damani : Sometimes they are the same thing.

BULBUL : geometric looks stronget than e-serve ? What about macmillan . Your 2 picks in this market
Ramesh S Damani : I mentioned last week that Tata Honeywell looks exciting.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : Ramesh why do you ignore the media counters BALaji and Sri Adhikari look good don't thge?
Ramesh S Damani : The sector is still nascent. It needs size and proper accounting.

Rajiv : Do you follow Great Eastern Shipping. Is it a good bet at current prices for 2 years investment. Dividend yield seems good?
Ramesh S Damani : The shipping industry is in trouble.

BULBUL : mastek is being recommended by all funds these days with I-Flex , any comment
Ramesh S Damani : I am not bullish on Mastek.

BULBUL : when you say Mcdwell has high upside , assuming all goes well where you see this stock in 1-2 yrs time
Ramesh S Damani : The market cap of liquor companies in other emerging markets run into millions and some times billions.

baracuda : the annual report of iflex is also very good please try to get one please tell me does an annual report tell a lot about a company
Ramesh S Damani : Sure it is a very important document. However, you need to have a good instinct.

Anand : Sir, Is Results is behind the rallyof Cmc......Or anything else?Should we hold or sell it out?
Ramesh S Damani : Good results and good balance sheet. Also balance sheet says they are moving to BPO. I own some.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : It and T got into a major alliance with an International Hotel Chain are you aware of it?The results were also quite impressive with the cO.recording RS 3 crores profit in the last quarter. Doesn'tthe stock look good at Rs 30 I got into it today after selling off the share around Rs 45 levels(with a loss of around Rs 5)last month
Ramesh S Damani : I have not seen the results.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : Birla bought around 83,000 shares in CMC has got around 6% of its portfolio into that stock last month. Do you still maintain your target of Rs 1000 (all time high)
Ramesh S Damani : I am hopeful. Compare its market cap to say Engineers.

gkk : suggest me the portfolio for 1.1Lac sir
Ramesh S Damani : Buy IT-enabled companies because that is what I would do. Examples are Geometric and Tata Honeywell.

BULBUL : everybody moving to BPO - Any charm left . when Infosys , Wipro , Satyam 's BPO subsidiry's starts in full swing you think e-serve , geometric macmillan will face competion / problem
Ramesh S Damani : The pie is too big. I would not worry about competition at this time.

baracuda : yu were recomending indian hotels last time any improvement in their business or do we have to wait for one more year till the hotel industry picks up
Ramesh S Damani : Wait for another year.

AnandBhatt : Good afternnon Sir,How are you?Sir,Where do you think the market is headed?I know its tough to predict,but I just want an opinion.On CNBC they keep saying that dmestic institutions have no funds,there is no FII money flowing in so there is no fresh trigger and they say unless fresh money comes in the markets will fall. Nobody know where the market is headed but they almost seem unanimous about not buying at these levels.I am getting frustrated as I am waiting to buy Geometric,Infotech Enterprises at lover levels but they rise everyday.DO you think the markets will tank as there is no real support for the markets.Pls advise.
Ramesh S Damani : If you find absolute value and you are convinced then buy, don't wait for the market to bottom. However, do your homweork. I believe market is in a trading zone for now. We need fresh FII money for a major move.

Rajiv : What is the BPO area that Tata Honeywell has entered?? Is it a big project?
Ramesh S Damani : Engineering services. Honeywell is a Dow 30 stock and competes with the likes of GE and Utd Tech. The same logic is coming to them. Cut costs by coming to India.

smartinvestor : Ramesh bhai,is it a dead cat bounce today?or suddenly the mood has turned optimistic?Please tell us about what it's like out there.
Ramesh S Damani : Technical rally at this point. Market needs fresh money.

arahaman : Ramesh you are slowly shifting your weightage from e-serve to Geometric. Am I right?
Ramesh S Damani : No. I have not changed my quantity in either significantly.

skb : Ramesh in this market which stocks do u feel are cheap out of your favourite
Ramesh S Damani : Mcdowell.

BULBUL : Tata Honeywell better choice than Macmillan . finally we assume that Geometric , macmillan and honeywell are your favourite and compelling buy in present market
Ramesh S Damani : They all look good to me at current valuations.

arahaman : Ramesh last time u told about TVSE is also engineering BPO and now Tata Honey. Are you sure this manufacturing BPO will do well?
Ramesh S Damani : Tata Honeywell is in Engineering services, not contract manufacturing like TVSE. They have a captive pipeline from Honeywell.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : It is on the myiris website (results of IT&T)I am reproducing it for you"The company recorded a 90% increase in its revenue during the third quarter of the current fiscal compared to the corresponding period of last year. The turnover rose to Rs 7.79 crore from Rs. 4.09 crore and the profit before tax to Rs. 3.88 crore from Rs. 18.43 lakh, a jump of 2000 per cent. ... "It comes under the head snapshot.Please comment????
Ramesh S Damani : The results look encouraging.

Ahmedabadguy : Mr. Damani do you advise buying Gati stock now around 40 results are out now and dividend reduced to 25%..from 40% last year??
Ramesh S Damani : If you are patient, it is a good bet at this valuation and yield.

Anand : Between CMC, E-serve, Geometric , Tata honeywell,Macmillan Which one you will prefer more?
Ramesh S Damani : I think Tata Honeywell is the cheapest in the shore run. All are good bets over 2-3 years. I trade Honeywell and it is a tough counter because of liqudity.

BASANTMAHESHWARI : Looking at the relationship Honeywell with a MCAP at around 200 crores could be a multibagger but volumes are a major concern. ALso Is the Rs 6 dividend for the Current year or is it historic?
Ramesh S Damani : It is ex-dividend. If price goes up, volumes will follow.

Anand : We All Have purchased Macmillan At around 310-325 Should we go for averaging At Current Levels.....?
Ramesh S Damani : I would do it, but i think Mcmillan will underperform for 3-6 months.

hb : sir,what should be fair mcap of mcdowell in your view?
Ramesh S Damani : If they do the thing right in 5 years, it should become a mini ITC.

hb : do you mean equle to itcs mcap of today?
Ramesh S Damani : That would call for a party. However, if we get a market cap of Rs 2000 crores, it would be great.

urfan : my porfolio has maximum loss in Max india(u suggested) and maximum gain in ONGC (U never liked), ur comments?
Ramesh S Damani : I still mantain my likes. Market takes time to perform. No one knows what happens in three months. Himachal which everyone liked has gone from Rs 2500 to Rs 50.

tigershark : yu have been saying agaian and again that mcdow should do the right things please hihlight these for us in brief.will the management listen to a bloke like yu if yu send them a mail asto what to do
Ramesh S Damani : They know what to do. Increase margins or sell the company.

AnandBhatt : Sir,If Max is bleeding in healthcare and insurance,would not that dilute the profits of BPO that it has recently entered? So what makes it a good but at 92?
Ramesh S Damani : Market cap is Rs 200 crores. They have put Rs 200 crores in insurance. If they get a BPO contract from NY Life, they will have a good time ahead.

rkjhavar : sir in previous chat u had advised to remain 20% cash position right now i am 100% invested in market should i ise current rally to increase my cash position to 20% ?
Ramesh S Damani : It may be a good idea. If you are at 100%, have conviction in your idea.

smartinvestor : sir,So is Tatahoneywell is a tradingcall or good for investment also?
Ramesh S Damani : Investment is too illliquid to trade.

vijay : hello ramesh, concor is down day by day, any reson, do you own still? final polaris is up, have you bought?
Ramesh S Damani : I still own Concorde. Polaris merged company is going to do well.

urfan : i first purchased Goldiam @73 on ur advice, u feel i should average it now. pls comment sir
Ramesh S Damani : It's going to be ex-bonus soon. I think it is a great bet.

AnandBhatt : Sir, do you suggest Geometic at current levels or you are of the conviction that there is no trigger for the market at there levels and Geometric will fall to the lower 300 levels?
Ramesh S Damani : At current levels.

Ahmedabadguy : well sir with gati market cap reduced by 30% in last month to around 30-35 cr...DO you see it becoming over 100 cr. M.cap company in a year time?
Ramesh S Damani : Can't say. If they do a strategic sale, maybe.

gkk : Thanks for andwering Mr.Damaniji iam so happy for that by the way geometric n tatahoneywell are sufficient? or should i buy Htmt, macmillan n tvse etc...?
Ramesh S Damani : Those two are a good start for the current market.

wannabebuffet : 3rd time - Please tell - Today’s writing – total market of Rs.500 crore, its sales Rs.75 crore, mkt cap at Rs. 25, profits Do u think it’s a great candidate for value investing?
Ramesh S Damani : It could be good. Have not seen it recently.

Ahmedabadguy : Well sir may be Radico Khaitan is a better liquor bet as management has become totally professional and company is on great growth path...Your view?
Ramesh S Damani : that could be. It is a cheap stock.

BASANTM : WOuld you advocate a switch from BEL to "sweet"Honewell?
Ramesh S Damani : No. Both are independent decisions.

venkat : dear ramesh, arun shourie has said that the Govt intends to divest around Rs. 50000 crore. Does the market have such huge buying power and also remember that some of the companies may not go for total divestment. your comments
Ramesh S Damani : Not the Indian market. Not at this stage.

urfan : , somebody in last chat suggested u about ennore technology and u promised to have a look, did u study?vijay says, hello ramesh, concor is down day by day
Ramesh S Damani : I have not done it yet.

baracuda : does ram naik come from your constituency
Ramesh S Damani : Nope. He is from North Bombay. I live in South Bombay. Thanks for joining. See you next week

Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST


'Market lacks a trigger'
'Monsoon is not a prerequisite for a bull market'
'We have re-entered a bearish phase'
'We are still in a bull market'

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