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295. Saravanakumar
January 7, 1999
Linux is for the common man....neither techie nor a layman. Windows is for the layman.. and Unix is for the real OS and for pros..unfortunately in this war is the missing MVs the mother of all and this elephant is going to stay forever..Linux/Unix or Windows...for the real OS....crunching the those real numbers and not just a showpiece..

294. Matthew Alton
January 7, 1999
There can be no question that UNIX and Linux are vastly superior to the NT trash on a technical basis. NT is only considered an option by those in management who respond to expensive ads in slick magazines. Have a look at for starters. It boggles the mind that MS manages to sell the NT trash at all.

293. Anthony E. Greene
January 7, 1999
I've seen comments here about user-friendliness. We are talking about ISP's not desktop users. As an Internet server, Unix and Linux beat NT any day. Yahoo runs on BSD. The Microsoft-owned Hotmail site runs on Solaris. Microsoft tried to get Hotmail to run on NT, but it couldn't handle the load. What does that tell you? runs on BSD. A BSD box at owns the world record for public FTP download from a single machine in a single day. This single box transferred more data than the bank of servers at Microsoft transferred during the debut of IE 4.0. There are places where NT is good. It makes a more stable desktop than Win9x. But as an Internet server? No.  I'd pick Unix or Linux, depending on my situation. BSD is the choice of many ISP's. It has a fast, stable TCP stack and it's more stable than many other *nices, including Linux. It requires a little more knowledge to set up, but all good tools require knowledge to use well.

292. Mike Miller
January 7, 1999
Linux is undoubtedly your best bet. Most ISPs in the U.S. have realized this. You'll get MUCH more back for your buck with Linux. 

291. Robert E. Lee
January 7, 1999
Having been the sysadmin for two ISP's, and 3 SOHO's, I would have to STRONGLY reccomend any Unix over NT, and Linux or Solaris over other Unix.

290. V. P. Nelson
January 7, 1999
To the ISPs of India: Please, please choose Linux over NT. I have several years of experience with both NT and Linux. The difference in robustness and flexibility is tremendous, in favor of Linux. Believe me, Linux is the *much* better platform, not to mention the economically sound choice. You won't be sorry. Linux is the way to go.

289. Frederic Renet
January 7, 1999
What is the question?
Who the hell would choose Windows NT for running an ISP bizness?
Linux is the natural choice, but if you want to pay for a less smart OS and wait for times a critical bug fix it's up to you. But it's not me who will be out of job because Microsoft released service pack 67 with 4 Month delay ;-)

288. Rakesh
January 7, 1999
In the interest of middle class people (and schools), I vote for Linux. This will keep the costs down and offer good scalability (don't forget 1 billion!!) and reliability.... As far as support, there are abundance of Indian programmers who would love to learn and provide onsite support....

287. Zhichao Hong
January 7, 1999
Linux & UNIX is the winner.

286. Martin Jackson
January 7, 1999
I believe Linux can and should win this war.
I first started using Linux about a year and a half ago. I still use it because I can do my normal Internet client things with it, and because it is a superb development platform. (How many programming environments does NT have again?) Linux has kernel support for IP firewalling, support for IPv6 (in the latest development kernels, due to go stable any time now), no concerns on the number of clients using the machine, an impressive array of royalty free server software (ever heard of Apache?), and best of all, it runs well on old equipment. 486's will do for most server tasks, and it only gets better with Pentiums and better.
No suppport? Read Usenet. Or get Enterprise support from Red Hat or Caldera. All of the regional ISPs in southern Minnesota (,, use Linux for mission-critical services, and they work well.

285. Tim Kelley
January 7, 1999
Linux/BSD, of course. Windows NT is out of the question; it's hideously expensive to run an ISP on that. I can't believe anyone would want to do this, it is totally unsuited to that task.
Commercial Unixes are fine if they can afford it. Linux or BSD and open source Internet servers (sendmail, inn, etc) should be used, because this will lower costs across the board; the net effect will be to make a lower barrier of entry onto the net for Indian citizens.

284. Alain Knaff
January 7, 1999
Linux. Because of price (important, especially in countries such as India, where money is not as plentiful as in the US), support (that'd hour long call on hold would be an international call for them, whereas e-mail support for Linux is free), reliability, flexibility (in India, the user's specific needs may be different than for the US, for which MS is tailored. Linux on the other hand is infinitely customizable).

283. Frank Fejes
January 7, 1999
Both Linux and Unix allow for much greater flexibility and control than does NT. At the same time it is generally less expensive to maintain and support. Microsoft has never proven itself capable of providing a robust operating environment and there is no reason to believe that things will change in the future. What it really comes down to is that Linux and Unix have today what NT promises to have tomorrow.

282. Jonathan
January 7, 1999
First of all, Linux is Unix. No, not legally but technically which is where it counts. Artificially pitting the two against each other is pointless. In reality, your question is Unix versus NT.
As an MCSE with several years experience with both NT and Unix, I would have to suggest Linux. Hands down. It is the fasted growing server OS in America alone and is fast becoming the world wide Internet standard. By not being defined by a single company, Linux can match India's need no matter how fast India grows. Linux provides extremely low costs for starting ISPs while Microsoft can not provide the level of support, stablilty or security Linux has today. Unix vendors supply systems with a very high level of performance where Microsoft's NT simply can not compete. I've seen both in action and I have to believe that Unix is clearly the best choice for India as a growing technical country.

281. Andy Ford
January 7, 1999
As a SysAdmin at a Fortune 1000 company, I recommend Linux as the most reliable solution in the sense that it works well today AND when the dust settles among the vendors, Linux will still be there regardless of the outcome.

280. Nathan Tran
January 7, 1999
Linux is great for small ISPs right now b/c of cost issue and Linux is getting more support everyday.

279. Simeon Ebenezer
January 7, 1999

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