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November 4, 2000

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Response to allegations made against Ajay Jadeja in the CBI Report on match-fixing and related malpractices in cricket.

III. Printouts of my phone calls:

The report states on page 115 in relation to my phone calls as follows:

"During the enquiry, a printout of the cell phone number 98100 34882 of Jadeja for the period from 15.9.99 to 30.4.2000 was taken and studied. A scrutiny of the printout has disclosed that Jadeja has made and received telephone calls in varying numbers from and to Rajesh Kalra, a punter, Rattan Mehta, a big time punter, and Krishan Kumar (implicated in the Hansie Cronje case)."

The statement that I made and received calls in varying numbers is extremely misleading and I would like to set the record straight in relation to these calls.

1) Much has been made by the CBI of my nexus with Rajesh Kalra. The fact of the matter however is that in my telephonic conversations with him have been extremely rare. The evidence of this exists in the form of statements of telephone calls, but the CBI has deliberately chosen to ignore it and yet link me with Rajesh Kalra.

2) For my calls with Rattan Mehta, I have already stated above that over 90 per cent of my calls to and from him have not been during cricket match periods and have instead been when I have been in Delhi and not playing cricket matches.
In fact, I made this statement to the CBI during my examination and if the CBI had listed my calls to and from Rattan Mehta from my telephone records, as was done in the case of Uttam Chand, my statement would be shown to be true.

3) Finally, in the case of Kishen Kumar as well, an examination of my telephone records of the same period mentioned in the Report would show that there have been not more than a couple of calls if any.

4) I would also like to point out that at no time has it been alleged in the Report that I have received any calls from MK Gupta or Ajay Sharma.

Mr Sunil Dev's Statement:

Mr Sunil Dev has stated that I have many properties in Delhi and Bombay which should be investigated. I categorically state that I own no properties of any kind in Bombay. The details of all properties I own have been fully disclosed in my income tax returns and can be verified from the income tax authorities.

I welcome any further investigation into my properties and cannot understand why this statement is mentioned in the CBI report, when, as I have said, the bonafides of all properties I own can be easily established. Why is this mentioned at all? Is it to create negative impression in the minds of the people?

Azharuddin's statement in relation to myself

Azharuddin is reported to have said in his statement that he "made" matches along with Nayan Mongia and myself.

This statement is totally false.

He states that the Titan Cup Match at Rajkot in 1996 between South Africa and India was fixed through MK Gupta and claimed that Nayan Mongia and I were involved along with him. However, MK Gupta in his statement nowhere corroborates my involvement in this.

Similarly, Azharuddin claims that the Pepsi Cup Match between India and Pakistan at Jaipur was fixed by Ajay Gupta. Azharuddin says that Ajay Gupta had fixed the match and Nayan Mongia and I were involved with him.

However, the absurdity of the allegation against me can be gauged by the fact that I was the top scorer in that match. I am at a loss to understand why Azharuddin has brought my name into the picture. Moreover, Azharuddin does not appear to have offered any evidence of any kind to back up his statements.

My Supposed Intransigence during my sessions with the CBI:

I do not know why the CBI has stated that I was intransigent during my questioning, when in my view this was not the case. When the CBI asked me to appear before them, I was in Washington DC. Immediately upon being contacted over the telephone, I cut short my visit and flew back to Delhi as soon as possible, even though I was supposed to play a benefit match in London organized by the former British Prime Minister, Mr John Major, on my way back.

At considerable personal expense, I flew back to put myself at the disposal of the CBI and then, once the investigation was completed, I went to London to play the match mentioned above. I would not consider these actions on my part as the behaviour of an intransigent or uncooperative person.

I believe it is highly unfair to present a picture of my being uncooperative. I can only say that my concern is with the truth and I cannot be expected to say anything incriminating about myself or anyone else simply to suit the CBI.

I earnestly urge everyone to examine my statement closely and carefully since distorted reproduction of what I have stated would have serious implications on my reputation, which has already been unjustifiably sullied by the events of the past few months.

I have no comment to make on the veracity of the report regarding others, but can only say that the assessments and conclusions reached about me are totally misrepresented, falsely created, wholly inaccurate and amounts to negligently or willfully damaging my reputation as a player with integrity and patriotism who has always given my best to the game and to my country.

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