One for all...
Throughout my time here, I find myself harking back to memories of past
camps, as a point of reference. And perhaps the biggest single
differentiator is the attitude of the seniors, vis a vis the younger ones.
Junior players have, in the past, muttered about how they were getting no
help from the seniors. In fact, never mind help, the seniors rarely if ever
bothered to pass the time of day with the younger lot.
That has changed -- and no one typifies this change as much as Anil Kumble.
At Wright's insistence, Kumble has been part of the camp and has been
carrying his share, and more, of the workload.
His responsibilities include planning the practise schedules, getting the
team to the ground in time, organising the batting order in the nets,
filming them with a camcorder to produce data for the evening strategy
sessions... all with a dodgy shoulder and an arm in a sling. To top it off,
he is one of the seniors deputed to supervise practise sessions in the
field, and he works his group tirelessly, coaxing, cajoling, encouraging,
Another involved senior is Srinath, who seems to have made it his mission in
life to encourage the youngsters to take their exercise sessions seriously.
In this, he works with Kumble every morning, personally ensuring that no one
slacks off, and that the stretching and warming-up routines are scrupulously
The young ones are loving it, what's more. The other day, at the end of a session, the group burst into spontaneous applause, as their means of
thanking Srinath for his efforts. The fast bowler grinned, and looked
For his part, Sachin is seen at his best when the guys get down to playing
games. The other day, an impromptu game of baseball sees the former captain
leading the way. "Come on, guys, let's do it again," he yells. "Aise dhile
mat khade raho (Don't just stand there like that). Let's enjoy ourselves!"
Enjoyment in fact seems to be the leitmotif here -- that, and a workload
hard enough to have the guys mumble 'Leg and leg' when you meet them in the
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