Cricket | Gallery
August 13, 2003

Shane's Shenanigans

Come 2003 and all the fans were waiting eagerly to see the champion leg-spinner perform his magic in what they thought would be his last World Cup. And then came the shocking announcement.

"I am shocked because I do not take performance-enhancing drugs and do not condone them in any way, shape or form," said Warne. "I have decided to return home in the best interests of the team in their World Cup campaign and to address the situation personally, which the ACB are very supportive of."

The Australian was forced to pull out of the 2003 World Cup after it was discovered that he had been "inadvertently" taking a banned drug to treat his injured shoulder.

When he returned home, the ACB's anti-doping committee suspended Warne from all cricket played under the auspices of the board and his state association for 12 months starting February 10, 2003.

"I have decided to accept the decision of the committee on the chin," he said - again - "and try to move on and deal with it the best way I can."


Other slideshows:
Cricket: World Cup 2003 Gallery | Sports: The Champions Roll