What: The British Council announces free English lessons for adults by teacher trainees on the University of Cambridge CELTA course.
When: October 30 to November 24 (Monday to Friday)
Time: 2 pm to 4 pm
Where: British Council, Mumbai
~ Students will be placed at two different levels of English:
- Pre Intermediate for regional-medium students and second language speakers/ foreigners.
- Upper-Intermediate level for individuals who have had at least nine years of English education.
How to register?
~ You will be selected on the basis of your performance in a placement test.
~ Please contact the British Council for the test.
When: October 24
Time: 9 am to 5pm
British Council
C wing 2nd Floor
Mittal Tower
Nariman Point
Mumbai -- 400 021
Web site: http://www.britishcouncil.org/india.htm