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March 30, 2007
What should your resume contain?
According to FMS toppper Parth Agarwal, your resume should indicate an all-rounded personality.

March 28, 2007
Is an MBA right for you?
Charanpreet Singh, associate dean, Praxis Business School, advises readers on MBA programmes.

March 27, 2007
Opportunities for graduates in insurance sector
Jobs in insurance involve helping people and businesses manage risk, to protect themselves from disaster and losses and to anticipate potential risk problems.

Opting for online MBA? Read this!
Charanpreet Singh, associate dean, Praxis Business School, advises readers on the best online schools offering MBA programmes.

Quick tips for your JEE preparation
The preparatory run-up to the JEE, through simple, practicable steps.

March 26, 2007
Jobs: ITES/BPO sectors need fresh graduates
They remain a popular choice for the young generation and offer numerous job opportunities for graduates from various backgrounds.

'Which English is correct -- British or American?'
Do you sometimes not use a word simply because you don't know how to use it correctly?

March 23, 2007
IIT-JEE: Only 2 papers this year
The IIT has decided to restructure the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) to be held on April eight, and the test will now comprise two papers and not three as was the case last year.

How to improve your English
Tips on tools that help you speak better English.

March 22, 2007
Want a 'work-from-home' job?
Home business, though sounds easy, calls for multiple skills. Are you up to it?

Hot jobs in retail for fresh graduates
We give you the lowdown on some of the hot industries and job profiles for fresh graduates today, starting with the retail sector.

IIT-JEE: Can you avoid negative marking?
Put all your doubts to rest before you take the IIT-JEE.

March 21, 2007
Class X exams: Last minute study tips
We present a step-by-step guide on how to take care of various subjects and organise your study, with last minute tips.

Graduates, spruce up your skills
As graduates complain about a lack of jobs, companies across India see a lack of skilled applicants.

IIT-JEE: Focus on these subject areas
Use these tips to crack the IIT-JEE effortlessly.

March 20, 2007
Jobs: 'It's boom time for graduates'
Can you survive in the job market only with a graduation degree? A reality check.

March 16, 2007
Sizing up the IIT-JEE
A look at the finer aspects of IIT-JEE paper to help you crack it.

March 15, 2007
6 ways to celebrate your work
Simple things that you could do to inject some fun and life into your daily routine at work.

March 13, 2007
MBA topper spills secret of success
An interview with Parth Agarwal, student of the Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi on how he bagged the top placement at the institute.

An MBA: Always a wise choice?
Words of advice from Atul Chauhan, Chancellor, Amity University.

Personality tips for BPO interviews
Service attitude and overall grooming are important.

March 12, 2007
Strategies to improve your grammar
Grammar is the first and basic step to speaking correct English.

How to crack BPO interviews
A grooming programme to help you sail through.

Is honesty at work always the best policy?
Honesty is probably the single most cost-effective and simple way to productivity and employee satisfaction.

March 09, 2007
How to secure a US work visa
Find out the technicalities pertaining to work visa rejections, so that you are on the right track.

March 08, 2007
When to apply for US work visas: NOW
A lot needs to be clarified about your work visa when you are thinking of migrating to US, even if it is for a couple of years. Here's help from experts.

March 07, 2007
What to expect in CAT 2007

Do you pronounce English words correctly?
Good English doesn't need a fake accent. Just pronounce every word correctly and clearly.

March 06, 2007
Job interviews: Are you dressed right?
You may be ready for the questions but are you dressed right for the job? Create the right first impression.

Improving English: Grammar comes first
Grammar comes first if you want to improve your English -- correct English takes you forward.

March 05, 2007
Management lessons from the US State Department
Managing a global operation 24/7/365? Take a leaf out of the US State Department's book.

Good listeners = Better managers?
In our fast-moving world, it is easy to miss out on what people say. These six tips can help though.

How to calculate faster with Excel
Without a formula option, an electronic spreadsheet wouldn't be of much use.

March 02, 2007
How to format with MS Excel
Check out the formatting capabilities provided by Microsoft Excel.

Do phone calls make you nervous?
Telephone etiquette isn't rocket science. However, being clumsy about it, could make you come across as unprofessional. Here's how to prepare, before dialling those digits

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Slide Shows

Why people fail in interviews
Get the best out of your appraisal
What MBAs should do in an economic slowdown
Skills that can save your jobs
8 ways to survive an economic slowdown
Tips to prepare for IIT-JEE 2009
Are you employment-ready?
World's top 15 business schools
10 ways to be a happy employee
Expert advice for the perfect CV
These scholars are heading to Cambridge
The importance of being brief
'Salaries can touch 2 lakh'
CV: Profile yourself, not the company
CV: Be as specific as possible
Employee initiatives at Microsoft
Make a career in gaming
Here's how to crack interviews
CV: Focus on achievements not clients
Study Abroad: Flight into danger
Heavy formatting does not a good CV make
Study Abroad: Got wings, will fly
CV: Work experience matters most
Sample of a good CV
What your CV should have
'Persistence is the sure formula for success'
'Self-belief is essential to be a good photographer'
12 Steps to studying abroad
'The key to survival is long working hours'
Topnotch excuses for when you bunk work!
'My work instills self-confidence in people'
How to deal with sneaky co-workers
At 26, she designs for international fashion houses
Women in unusual professions
Meet rock band Kryptos
He won a Nobel
Can you afford a foreign degree?
Student speak: 'I got calls from all 6 IIMs'
Should you do an executive MBA?
Career change: Why they chose to do an MBA
Easy ways to deal with difficult customers
Meet designer Arjun Agarwal
From obscurity to Bollywood: Nauheed Cyrusi
Failure & success: Vishy Anand on how to deal with it
The rickshawallah's son who cracked the IAS
Pilots: The sky's the limit
Want to be an Arts Manager?
'Infosys will hire 25,000 people'
High-pressure job? How to cope
Boost your confidence at work
Be a star performer
Tackle troublesome colleagues
Dress for success
Your first interview? Crack it!
Insights for every professional
Top resume mistakes to avoid
Karadi Tales, a success story
Test your ambition quotient
7 reasons why BPOs rock!
Stressed at work? Watch out
Top 5 career profiles for 2005!
Get that raise! Here's how!
Get promoted! Here's how!
Tips to ace that appraisal!
Tips to improve your listening skills
De-stress for the examinations
Tips to ace board examinations
The secrets of job-hopping!

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