


| July 25, 2005 |
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|  Why rarra is unique Most dishes have a parallel somewhere in the world. The lone exception is rarra which is composed of prime cuts of lamb, with the gravy is thickened with lamb mince.
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| July 22, 2005 |
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|  Harry Potter and post-7/7 England Half-Blood Prince is for Pottermaniacs, thankfully.
Books do furnish a city Even today, when many markets in Delhi have at least one bookshop, and Café Coffee Day sells books along with its lattes and frappes, pavement book sellers are often a student's first lessons in paper-and-print love.
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| July 21, 2005 |
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|  Why doesn't Potter grow up? Hrishikesh Raje expected Rowling to make her readers think a little more in Half-Blood Prince. He wanted her bring conflict into the lives of her characters.
Don't have a blog yet? Worse still, you don't know what a blog is? Let us demystify blogs for you.
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| July 20, 2005 |
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|  Who is the Half-Blood Prince? The death of one of the most pivotal characters in the story sets up the perfect situation for a grand finale -- Harry alone on a mission with no one to pave the way for him, no guiding lights for him to follow.
The book that inspired me Stephen Covey's The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness To Greatness is insightful, encouraging and definitely inspiring.
Wine cocktails, anyone? Making cocktails can be interesting, even fun -- and if you've imbibed enough, can even give you some quite funny ideas!
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| July 19, 2005 |
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|  Potter and the half-baked plot In her anxiety to prepare the ground for Book Seven, J K Rowling deliberately avoids some threads that might have deepened Harry Potter And The Half-Baked Prince.
How to bike to Ladakh It's not just about a fit body. It's about a fitter mind.
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| July 15, 2005 |
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|  The trouble with Harry Potter It's hard to look back now and remember the exact quality of the excitement that the first Harry Potter book generated, the astonishment and delight with which we read about a boy wizard discovering Quidditch and battling Voldemort at Hogwarts.
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| July 14, 2005 |
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|  Monsoon care for your home Interior designer and consultant Rekha Nambiar suggests 12 simple tips monsoon home care tips.
What is the customer worth? Managing Customers As Investments poses a big enticing question right on the cover: 'Are you spending more on your customers than they are worth?'
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| July 13, 2005 |
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|  Blog to the world A young Iraqi girl reaches out to the world though the Internet.
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| July 11, 2005 |
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|  Yak skiing in Manali A quiet resort popular with literary figures and another resort offering intriguing yak skiing feature in Time magazine's annual guide to the finest in Asia.
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| July 08, 2005 |
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|  J K Rowling is the best Amazon.com, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary, announced its biggest sellers yesterday; Rowling was no surprise at No 1.
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| July 06, 2005 |
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|  'Fried fish, very tasty' A mélange of Mediterranean flavours and oriental execution, Turkish food is simple but delicious.
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| July 05, 2005 |
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|  Limited editions, anyone? It's becoming all but impossible for middle-class homes to invest in the original art of even unknown artists. Which is where limited editions can enter the picture.
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| July 04, 2005 |
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|  'Taste' wine in three easy steps Tasting wine is a challenge. You need special tools, the proper environment, keen concentration, a good memory and a vivid imagination.
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