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'Hotel industry is booming'
February 24, 2005
MEDIABULL : Please answer this one. I normally hold concentrated large holdings and instead of buying ndtv, tv - 18 and tv today I have a large position in tv -18 from 160. Would you suggest me to spread it as I feel that tv 18 is more attractively valued at 10 times 05. PLEASE ANSWER1 Ramesh S Damani : Hello everyone thanks for joining let's start. Concentrated holdings are generally better. Invest in whatever you are convinced about.
kirti : I WANT TO KNOW ABOUT TAJGVK HOTEL Ramesh S Damani : Hotel industry is booming, remain invested.
RSingla : BLI(Balmer lawrie investment) holds 60% of balmer lawrie. At cuurent price(Balmer lawrie scrip is 190) the market cap of BLI should be 190 Crores, but it is just 120 crores. Why is it so ? Ramesh S Damani : These tend to trade at a discount because you have no operating business in the company.
RSingla : Nucleus has bagged 10 Million order from GMAC. As per the reports this order is startegically critical to GMAC. Do you think these shows that nucleus may become a very good company in long run and may be a true multibagger at equity markets ? Ramesh S Damani : I am hopeful, that the company will grow to a good size and reward patient shareholders.
venkat nara : Sir, what is the criteria for putting a scrip in trade to trdewhat is the minimum and maximumm time to reback the scrip from t2t to equity market/ YESTERDAY without any notice ap petro has transferred to normal market from t2t/ where as amara raja batteries is still in t2t why this disparity? Ramesh S Damani : It is done by surveillance and the norms are not disclosed.
Dharmesh B : Hello Sir, Sundaram Fasterner looks very promising story, their expansion plan in china is doing very well. How do you see this stock? Ramesh S Damani : They will do well over the next few years.
Amit 4 : MCDOWELL : Is this a hostile bid from Mallaya.What can we read from this, where is this twist heading for. Ramesh S Damani : It seems to me. I would expect to see higher bids from other players coming soon.
pomie : Good evening Sir,You view on Banco Products ? Is it a hold or sell ? Ramesh S Damani : I would hold on.
Sachin : Tata Elxsi [Get Quote] : Tries very hard everytime but comes back with same pace. Do u think its bit high valuation keeping its price in check. But with future looking good it should break this range Ramesh S Damani : The stock had doubled from a year's levels. It is on track.
Dharmesh B : Sir, Is venkys food processing company? FDI investment in retail should start with food processing, that was the comment from commerce minister. Do you see venkys getting benefited? I think you hold the stock. Ramesh S Damani : They would if that happened.
global : sir what do u make of the market now that the budget is near. Ramesh S Damani : A bit sluggish, but I would remain invested.
JOEGRANVILLE123 : ramesh,which is the best book for FINANICAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS???THANKS Ramesh S Damani : Look at a book by Damodran they are condisered best. Or Security Analysis by Graham and Dodd.
Amit 4 : FDI in real state , will it help UB Holdings a;so. Somehow UB H looks best among value pick. got all ingredients to give huge returns Ramesh S Damani : It should.
global : sir are the events in mcdowell shaping up nicely . is prt profit booking commendable. if in th budget import duty is reduced due u feel that mcdowell will tank Ramesh S Damani : I can't predict that but the sector is in play and values are being unlocked.
Amit 4 : Will you comne on CHAT on Monday after budget instead of TUESDAY. Would appreciate as always Ramesh S Damani : Tuesday will give us all a chanceto absorb the budget.
Dharmesh B : Sir, Sandesh, stock looks undervalued and has strong fundamentals. The company had stepped into the healthcare business during the March/April 2002 by launching a separate division, Sandesh Healthcare. Any idea how that business performing? Ramesh S Damani : I am studying it, however it does look cheap.
RSingla : Along with GAS, which are the other sectors that you think are very good in 3-4 year term perspective Ramesh S Damani : Logistics, mid cap tech.
LEM : SIR,i am from the N-east. i want to attend a class on fundementals conducted by you. will it be possible sir? Ramesh S Damani : Next class should be in April at BSE
Dharmesh B : Sir, On your trip to china, you read HOT COMMODITIES. Where did you find that book in Mumbai? I have just finished ONE UP ON WALL STREET. Ramesh S Damani : I bought it in the USA.
RSingla : How do you find MEDIA space ??? Your views on TV18/Sandesh Ramesh S Damani : Like both of them.
rd : Sir, SBI [Get Quote] is at all time high today. Do you expect relaxation in FII limits in the next few days before budget or in the budget? If so, what levels the scrip will rise? Pl advise. Ramesh S Damani : Not really expecting relaxation. The companyis just cheap.
asdf : sir any view on heritage foods? last few quarters have been bad. shud turnaround. looks cheap Ramesh S Damani : No current view.
vjain : Hello Mr. Damani. Construction play: which scrip is the best bet for LONG term? L&T is high priced. Any other please? eg. Is Era-Construction any good at 60? thanks. Ramesh S Damani : They have all moved up so no great steals.
global : sir did u take a look at other liquor stocks like jagatjit , mount shivalik , gm brew other than mcdowell . i missed the rally in mcdowell & would like to invest in some second rung co. which can appreciate and have value Ramesh S Damani : I stuck to the big boys and Khoday.
deepak : SIR, your favorite stocks like nucleus, encore, kale are flying these days. Can I buy them at these levels? Ramesh S Damani : If you are a patient investor.
vjain : Hello Mr Damani- AGRO sector pick : how to play the agro and seeds sector which will grow. Your best pick please. Will Hold LONG Term. thanks. Ramesh S Damani : I have not bought anything new in that sector. Take a look at Swaraj Engines [Get Quote].
ashash : Sir, isn't Balaji Tele a great pick at this price in light of the price that UTV is offering its IPO Ramesh S Damani : I tend to think so.
rajesh_ : Sir, why the valuation gap between mcdowell and shawwallace Ramesh S Damani : Because someone bid for Shaw Wallace [Get Quote].
Mathew : Hi Ramesh, have you looked at Shyam Telecom [Get Quote]? They hold 350 Cr worth Bharti Convertible bonds, has cash equivalent of 100 cr in other investments, has a 180,000 subscriber telecom biz, a telecom equip manufacturing biz. all this at a market cap of 300 cr. Ramesh S Damani : I need to look at that, have not seen it recently.
mediaanalyst : you are very bullish on all media stocks but i am holding only tv - 18 since it is at a pe of less then 9 to fy06. IS it ok if i continue to hold only this one or will you strongly tell me to divide among ndtv and tv today.I normally make concentrated bets. please tell me. tv 18 is also at a pe of half to annualised ndtv pe of last quarter thanks in advance. Ramesh S Damani : I own both though more of NDTVand TV Today. However I think media looks a good place to invest in.
vjain : One more : Hello Mr Damani- Infrastructure sector pick : how to play the Infrastructure growth, which segemnt will grow most? Your best pick please. Will Hold LONG Term. thanks. Ramesh S Damani : Constructiuon and cement.
vjain : Sir, Any classes in Delhi? Pls hold in Delhi also. Ramesh S Damani : Send e-mail to bseindia.com.
lovelysunny : SIR SAKTHI SUGARS [Get Quote] HAS AN AUTO COMPONENT.... WITH THE AUTO ANCILLIARY BOOM ... WOULD YOU LIKE TO HAVE A LOOK IN IT ? Ramesh S Damani : I have, good coompany management though may not be very dividend happy. They take too much debt.
deepak : Sir, can I invest in SBI and GAIL for medium term? Should I wait till Monday? Ramesh S Damani : Timing is not my strength.
pongo : Sir what is your view on Hindustan Oil Exploration, Is it good to invest in the stock now Ramesh S Damani : I would remain invested.
scrippy : respected Sir. What are your views on Hindustan Motors [Get Quote]? After its restructuing plans I see that its debt burden will reduce to significantly. Its current interest burden which is 10 crore will thus reduce significantly. This will add to its profitability. Sir do you feel the stock had further steam left in it given the fact it is focussing into auto ancillary business too signigficantly? Ramesh S Damani : Again management has spent years doing nothing it is hard to have a view on current plans.
SarahTong : Ramesh, have you got any idea about Carnation Nutra - is that a growth stroy in food processing sector? Ramesh S Damani : I am afraid I don't know much about the company.
Mathew : do you think icici is undervalued considering its subsidiaries in insurance, infotech and financial services? the bank is the most aggressive of all and as the margins improve shud get a re-rating? Ramesh S Damani : I think good chance of that happening.
rd : Sir, in mid cap tech � do you include KALE CONSULTANTS [Get Quote] also? Pl advise. It is showing some strength in the last few days Ramesh S Damani : Yes I do.
Dharmesh B : Sir, You are very bullish on Gas sector, I too hold GAIL. Any comments on Gas Pipe companies like man industries, who is in expansion plan and will go full capacity by Apr05, they have been approved by GAIL and SHELL. Please comment on gas pipe company. Ramesh S Damani : I think the outlook is good for pipe companies.
rajy : i have seen in the paper as ndtv is no. 1 business news channel is this true if not then why tv18 is falling can i buy at 215 please reply Ramesh S Damani : Both will do well. Marekt can absorb two channels.
dgpaul : Mr Ramesh, have been reading your chats for a very long time. Its just great. Participating for the first time. Thankyou for taking time to share your knowledge with us all. Thanks for coming today Ramesh S Damani : I enjoy it too, and it is a privelege. So thanks for joining.
rajesh_ : Sir, if somebody have heavy exposure in mcdowell and ub Holdings. If one wants to reduce holding in mcdewell and what to buy khoday what will be yr advice Ramesh S Damani : Not something I would do. Maybe diverify into another sector.
Mathew : Pls do look at Shyam. An investment arm of Duetche Bank picked up almost 1 million shares last mnth. Indiabulls [Get Quote] holds 1.5% stake. The board is meeting this saturday to approve a restructuring plan (ie, to list the telephone sub separately). Ramesh S Damani : Somehow these companies do well in bull markets Only.
SarahTong : I gathered from Jim Rpgers book that cos. doing work related to commodities should perform well when stocks turn bearish. Would Aegis, Sanghi Movers fit into that category? Any others you could please mention, so I can study further? Ramesh S Damani : No really, they would be commodity stocks. Aegis is logistics, Sanghi is an equipment company. ashash : Sir, u have been bullish on Swaraj Engines, but steel prices seem to be firm. wouldn't that limit the upside ? Ramesh S Damani : They have some pricing flexibility.
SarahTong : Im getting divergent views on Royal Airways. Is there a possibility of a srtong growth story in the making? Im worried about the Management's abilities. Ramesh S Damani : M-cap is too rich too look at.
deepak : Sir, In last few chats I have always asked about your view on NTPC. But you never reply. Why is that? Ramesh S Damani : It is richly capitlaised. I still own it, but would not recommend it at current prices.
rajy : if shaw wallace is going for 250per share then mcdowell valuation should be around rs 500 what do u think is this logic is right Ramesh S Damani : Look at the combined values at 250/= per share calculate the market cap. they still look cheapcompard to global valuations.
BASANTMAHESHWARI : How would you rate alphageo co. is in oil drilling business and with crude toouching higher levels this stock could be in demand Ramesh S Damani : Yes, they are doing well and having a good year.
RRK : Good Evening Sir... its always good and fulfilling (both for brain and pockets) to be with you here.... Do you have any wish list for budget? :-) and its time you havent rolled out any new pick... :-) Ramesh S Damani : Leave us alone. Market needs no sop. Take care of the economy.
RSingla : Why do you like logisitic companies ?? Should i buy GATI/Aegis at current level or should wait for dip Ramesh S Damani : Business cycle is looking up. They are cheap.
Mathew : Wizards of DS is really good and lots of market wisdom. Ramdeo Agarwal episode was really an eye opener, when he said you have to commit mistakes and learn from it. nobody can learn from others' mistakes. Ramesh S Damani : That is a good lesson to learn. In markets you learn from experiences. Reading will refine the knowledge.
sachin 2 : LIQUOR : There can be valuation gap at present because someone bid for SHAW but once MCDOWELL acquire it it will become huge . If SHAW is valued around 1200 crs. then Mcdowell after acqisition would be at least 4000 crs. and accoredingly rate should be 800 . So great buy Ramesh S Damani : You must be an analyst.
NEETA : sir, with left front saying no for disinvestment of profit making psu. will it affects balmer lawrie as today it drops 5%. thanks Ramesh S Damani : Don't count on di vestment happening soon. mediaanalyst : the statement that ndtv profit is the number 1 channel is misleading . These calculations are for sec a b and c cities basically it is the 25+ audiance that matters and for the sec a and b cities cnbc is ahead of ndtv24/7 also.moreover cnbc is a pay channel and tv 18 a free to air. Ramesh S Damani : Both are doing well and expanding the market.
scrippy : Respected Sir I feel that we should be granted the prayer of talking with you every day. Can we have it? Ramesh S Damani : Thnaks. But I don't have that much to say.
lovelysunny : SIR WHAT IS YOUR VIEW ON TORRENT [Get Quote] GUJRAT BIOTECH LTD..... NEWS OF A MULTINATIONAL PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY TO TAKE OVER..... Ramesh S Damani : A good friend is recommending it.
Dharmesh B : Do you still believe in tea story? Jayshree Tea, stock looks promising with demand/supply gap increasing, exports growing - stocks look cheap. The stock trades at compelling valuations. The Book Value stands at Rs 111 (CMP: Rs 100). They are also into real estate. Your views on jayshree tea. Ramesh S Damani : It is cheap at current prices.
rajy : i have 2000 encore at 18 should i hold or book profit in it pl reply Ramesh S Damani : I am holding.
lovelysunny : SIR U MEAN RAKESH JHUNJHUNVALA ???? HE IS YOUR ONLY FRIEND I KNOW ..... Ramesh S Damani : Not rakesh.
Jai : Your valuable views on VENKEYS.. Ramesh S Damani : Hold on.
channdani : SIR, DO YOU TRUST Mr. MALLAYA THAT HE WILL CARRY THE COMBINED COMPANY TO A HIGHER LEVEL AND PROFITABLE??? Ramesh S Damani : Not really, but a strategic partner may.
lpl2 : Hi, I have heard MD interview of Nucleus in Bloomberg and he is expecting a growth of 40% every year in next 5-10 year horizon...if so what P/E it should command..he is also saying that he is in to advanced stages of closing deals with many big clients ..what does it mean Ramesh S Damani : It means business is booming, remain invested and don't try and time it or caluclate the PE. Its market cap remains modest.
pogo : SIR, WHAT IS YOUR VIEW ON GEODESIC INFORMATION.IS IT A GOOD BUY AT THESE LEVELS i.e. AFTER THE STOCK SPLIT AND BONUS SHARES Ramesh S Damani : I have a hard time understanding its business model.
sanujkadavll : siriam little late today. how is looking all the story emerging in liquor industry, UB-shaw wallace combine 2nd after diageo. mallya going to sell strategic stake at a 1$billion valuation. possibly a 800-rs open offer for mcdowell shareholders in a year period Ramesh S Damani : That would require a toast.
BenGraham : Indo-Gulf: Would really appreciate your thoughts on valuation of the scrip. Good business, good growth prospects, debt free. Ramesh S Damani : They are doing well.
sssss : sir which book to read margin of safety and ebv values Ramesh S Damani : Any book on Buffett.
RRK : Sir, any idea about a compnay called 'TINPLATE' and your views on TATA CHEMICALS [Get Quote].. thnaks :-) Ramesh S Damani : Things are looking up at tin plate.
scrippy : Respected Sir can we know your picks in the pipe manufacturing companies to benefit from teh gas sector? Ramesh S Damani : I own MAN and Surya Roshni (construction)
Dipak : Wizards of dalal St. is excellent and congratulations for the good work!! Look forward to see more such episodes. Wanted to say Hi to you at CNBC MF awards but couldnt locate you. Ramesh S Damani : Thanks. I enjoy putting it together, maybe 4 more episodes to go on Wizards.
sanujkadavll : sir what is happening in encore software. huge delivery volumes, anything is cooking on the counter Ramesh S Damani : Orders are coming in, and the company is looking up financially. I own it.
Amit 9 : CAN U suggest some new pick . Or still concentrating on old picks Ramesh S Damani : Nothing, other that TV Today.