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April 16, 1998


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"I am not slave labour. I have
a mind of my own. I know what
is good for me, my career."

Pritish Nandy

Mahima Chaudhary. Click for bigger pic!
It was right out of Mills & Boon. A flashy film-maker and his lovely new heroine, holding hands and appearing on chat shows, saying the nicest things about each other. Celebrating success. Defying the high mortality rate of showbiz relationships. Standing up for each other. But, then, suddenly it all vanished. Subhash Ghai took Mahima Chowdhury to court last week, to restrain her from going overseas for stage shows. Just two days before she was about to fly off. The courts chucked out his appeal. But not before it had unleashed Bollywood's latest slugfest. With Mahima right in the centre of it all.

Why this sudden spat with Subhash Ghai, after months of cootchie-cooing and ardent friendship?

Frankly, I have no idea. He suddenly took off on me and sent me this legal notice. When I called back and tried to get in touch with him, he switched off his cellphone and refused to come on line. So I spoke to his wife. She said she will talk to him and asked me to call him back after ten minutes. That's exactly what I did.

By this time, I presume on her persuasion, he had switched on his cellphone. So when I called, he picked it up and said: I will meet you in court! Then he went off the line. I tried to connect with him to understand what he meant by that short, cryptic comment, but (by that time) he had switched the cellphone off again. So, if you ask me, I still have no clue as to what went wrong.

But, then, as you know, Mr Ghai always has problems with his heroines. Madhuri and he are not on speaking terms, I am told. Manisha and he are in court. Mr Ghai is a very fine film-maker but he cannot sustain relationships. He expects too much of his heroines.

Subhash Ghai. Click for bigger pic!
I presume you are talking about the terms of his contract with you when you describe his expectations as overmuch. Or are you insinuating something more?

Well, even he knows that such contracts are not worth the paper they are written on. He himself violated the contract with me even before the ink had dried on it. He signed on Aishwarya for his next film even though it was clearly understood that he would sign me on for his three next ventures. Even when we were shooting for Pardes, he would tell me that discussions with her was on.

We all knew that he was planning to sign her on but I did not make an issue out of it. It is his decision to sign who he wants for his next film. I don't know why he's making such a song and dance about it now. Why he is protesting against contractual obligations being violated. That, too, a few hours before I am supposed to go off for these stage shows.

But why didn't you make an issue of it then? Matters may not reached a head that way.

Why should I? I am not used to begging. He decided he wanted someone else for his new film. I said: Fine, do what you want. I will also do what I want. I have enough people ready to sign me on.

How many films do you have in hand?

Eight or nine. More are in the process of being finalised. With top film-makers, top banners. The last year was quite eventful with all these awards coming in. So I expect to have quite a few more films in hand shortly. I will sign them the moment I am back.

Don't you feel bad that such an special rishta has soured for no reason at all?

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What can I do? If he does not want to talk to me and resolve the issues, how can I sort the matter out? In any case, his expectations are unrealistic. I am not slave labour. I have a mind of my own. I know what is good for me, my career.

I cannot depend exclusively on the man who gave me my first break to continue giving me important roles so that I can make it to the next orbit. I have to now go out and work with others. He is too possessive. There's a world outside Mukta Arts that I must deal with, now that I am free.

How did you get your first break in movies? Where did Subhash Ghai find you?

I never approached him. I was doing ad films ever since I got noticed in the Pepsi commercial with Amir Khan. It was my first break and, after that, I appeared in many ads. Including the Videocon ad with the billowing skirt-a la Marilyn Monroe -- that Sushma Swaraj banned on Doordarshan?

I did many ads, including the Videocon one. One day, suddenly out of the blue, I got a call from Mukta Arts, saying that Mr Ghai wanted to meet me for a role in his next film. I had no idea what it entailed, who were acting in the film, what the script was. I simply agreed because I thought it was a good film to enter the industry with.

Did you enjoy the experience?

Certainly. Though, I must confess, I did not like the contract. Luckily, neither side took it seriously. Till recently. Suddenly, Mr Ghai wants to enforce every clause in it.

Can he? How strongly does it bind you? Are you straitjacketed? Do you feel claustrophobic?

Yes, I do. That's how all this began. But our understanding was clear. We would revisit the contract once Pardes is finished and hits the theatres. The reason for tying me down with the contract, Mr Ghai assured me, was to ensure that however long it took him to finish Pardes, I would not go to someone else or sign some other film. The idea was to ensure that he had a straight run during the making of Pardes, however long that may take. After that was over, we were both free to reconsider our options.

Click for bigger pic!
He reconsidered his options when he signed on Aishwarya for his next film-even before Pardes was over. I reconsidered my options only after that. Only after Pardes was released. Is there something wrong in that?

Why did you sign a contract where you gave away everything -- your freedom to sign other films, a substantial share of your earnings from advertising, stage shows and future movies, and your right to choose your own future in the industry? What did you expect to get from this slavish contract?

A break in showbiz, Pritish! Mind you, I never asked for it. I was offered it. But once the offer came, I was keen to make it happen. Everyone knows how one-sided such contracts are. Everyone also knows that they cannot be enforced because they are so one-sided. That's why they are always revised once the initial purpose is over. In this case, the completion of Pardes.

In any case, instead of filing a case against me or threatening to see me in court, all he had to do was ask me nicely if we could sort the matter out. I was always ready for that. But he went suddenly short on patience.

I hear he was angry that I did not mention him by name when I got the Zee Cine Award. It's true I did not but, at the same time, I acknowledged him while going on the stage, I smiled and waved out at him. I thanked the makers of Pardes. Which means Mukta Arts. So what is all this bitching about?

I have not sold myself to anyone. I have only come here to show my skills, my talent. Many people are ready to give me an opportunity to do that -- famous directors, renowned film makers, reputed producers, top banners -- why should I complain? I am ready to show the industry what I am capable of. Taal or no Taal.

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