Signs: Off the web
The buzz on M Night Shyamalan's movie
M Night Shyamalan's Signs is the creepiest Hollywood thriller in a very long while and almost definitely this year's horror flick par excellence, says Eye.
M Night Shyamalan struck gold with his Bruce Willis starrer The Sixth Sense. But does that make him the writer-director of blockbusters? Find out more as Calender Live calls him a maker of quirky, individualistic, almost handmade supernatural films.
According to the New York Times, the Mel Gibson starrer Signs refers not only to those curious designs in Gibson's corn field but also to nearly everything else that is heard and seen.
Director M Night Shyamalan understood a very old lesson at a very young age --- its what you dont see that makes a scary movie scary. Signs is a refreshing summer movie because it goes against almost all the grains of contemporary Hollywood razzle-dazzle filmmaking --- as did The Sixth Sense. Find out more in msnbc.com.
With every film, Shyamalan seems to be getting better at scaring. After the blockbuster The Sixth Sense and his second film Unbreakable, the director gets spookier with his third film, Signs. Salon.com agrees that Shyamalan knows how to scare his audiences only too well.
Signs is not a universal favourite. In fact, according to csmonitor.com, the film will not even look fresh next week.
Shyamalan makes even the most ordinary things look scary --- a children's swing swaying, corn fields rustling and even the crickets spell doom. The director explores the supernatural, not through special effects and weird sounds but in the faces of the people who are alive to it, discovers The Washington Post.
All three Shyamalan films --- The Sixth Sense, Unbreakable and Signs --- are based in Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Inquirer claims that unlike the lumbering and portentous Unbreakable, Shyamalan's Signs is a satisfyingly taut suspenser.