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August 3, 1998


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The Rediff Interview/Madhukar Sarpotdar

'When crime in Mumbai is escalating because of foreigners, the Maharashtra govt cannot be an idle spectator'

The deportation of Muslims from Bombay by the BJP-Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra under the contention that they were illegal immigrants, expectedly found a strident echo in Parliament. Agitated Opposition members charged that an irrational political vendetta was being put in motion. While the Union home minister defended the deportations claiming that a proper procedure was being followed, the Shiv Sena's leader in the Lok Sabha, Madhukar Sarpotdar, argues that the deportations are justified and that the Opposition's allegations are merely an exercise in opportunistic politics.

In an interview with Tara Shankar Sahay, the MP speaks about the illegal immigrants issue, the Bombay underworld, the women's reservation bill and other issues.

You have alleged that the Congress and the Left parties are shedding crocodile tears over the deportation of Muslims from Bombay since they themselves had raised the issue in the past. Could you elaborate?

Yes, let me talk about the Congress first. Former Maharashtra chief ministers Sharad Pawar and Sudhakar Naik had categorically asserted in the state assembly that Bombay had became the melting pot for numerous foreigners, especially illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Pakistan. All this is on official record. So I cannot be faulted when I say that the Congress leaders are shedding crocodile tears over the issue. Secondly, the then Union home minister Indrajit Gupta (CPI) had told his ministry's consultative committee that there were more than one crore (10 million) foreigners in India. He also said it was the responsibility of the state governments to probe the matter. So what is all this hullabaloo about.

So how do you explain the action of the Congress and the Left parties over the so-called illegal immigrants issue?

Can't you see, it is all opportunistic politics. When it suits you you cry wolf. When it does not suit you, you will not allow the other man to cry wolf. However, the people cannot be fooled, they know what is what and they know that unscrupulous politicians are trying to make political capital out of a very sensitive issue.

You have alleged that illegal immigrants are rapidly aiding and abetting crime in Mumbai. How do you substantiate your charge?

You can ask Sharad Pawar and Sudhakar Naik. When these foreigners manage to sneak into Mumbai, they immediately look for refuge. Who will provide them refuge but people of their kind who came as illegal immigrants earlier. Police stations in Mumbai city have files which have thrown up in bold relief the nexus between the illegal immigrants and the underworld. So when crime in Mumbai is escalating it is also because of such foreigners, the Maharashtra government cannot be expected to be an idle spectator. I think the detection and subsequent deportations of these illegal immigrants is fully justified.

What do you think is the reason for gangsters like Dawood Ibrahim, who is reportedly based in Dubai, extending his writ in Mumbai? The recent murders of some persons including builders have been attributed to Ibrahim and ganglords like him.

It is a fact that the rapid development in information technology has enabled underworld bosses to communicate with their minions in Mumbai and instruct them to carry out criminal activities. It is a fact that such things go on and very little can be done about it.

Is it not a fact that Muslims alone cannot be blamed for the excesses of the underworld in Mumbai? There are Hindu criminals also involved, surely.

Yes. If there is Dawood Ibrahim, there are also others like Arun Gawli. But I want to make it clear that criminals have no religion and they have to be tackled and encountered.

But the Opposition has alleged that the BJP-Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra has its own sets of musclemen to terrorise others into submission.

This is a foolish charge. Of course, the Maharashtra government's action in detecting foreigners and deporting them has raised the hackles of those who pretend to be secular politicians. But we are not really bothered about it.

What is the controversy about the Srikrishna commission report?

There is no controversy. But you can trust the pseudo-secularists to raise a furore about it. All I will say is that it is the Maharashtra government's right as to what action taken report should be placed in the assembly and that we are unconcerned about the Opposition propaganda on the matter.

What do you think about the women's reservation bill?

In our national agenda for governance, we have already said that we are for 30 per cent reservation. But sometimes I wonder since women have already been contesting elections, whether it would be the right step to give them additional representation by giving them a fixed quota. I also think that the parties should decide on the quota.

What is your opinion of the newly formed alliance known as the Rashtriya Loktantrik Morcha comprising the Rashtriya Janata Dal of Laloo Prasad Yadav and the Samajwadi Party of Mulayam Singh Yadav?

Frankly, I think both of them have bitten the dust in their endeavour to become prime minister. They have now formed the RLM in order to carry out their hidden agenda which is becoming the prime minister of the country.

The Rediff Interviews

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