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February 24, 1998


Loktantrik now supports Kalyan

Uttar Pradesh Loktantrik Congress Party leader Naresh Agarwal on Tuesday said his party will support Kalyan Singh on the floor of the house during the February 26 trial of strength in the state assembly.

Agrawal told newspersons that he had already expelled Jagdambika Pal, Puran Singh Bundela and Hari Shankar Tewari from the LCP for their anti-party activities.

Asked by newspersons about his volte-face, Agrawal, who was the deputy chief minister in the two-day Pal ministry, said his alliance with Pal was part of a strategy to bring back LCP MLAs who had gone along with the latter.

Agarwal said the party proposed to punish two other members, Shyam Sunder Sharma and Ashok Tyagi, but denied they were being expelled from the party.

The Loktantrik Congress leader was confident of the Kalyan Singh government winning a majority on the floor of the house.

The 22-member Loktantrik Congress was reduced to 19 following the expulsion of the three members.

In another significant development, the Loktantrik Congress minister in the Kalyan Singh cabinet, Vivek Singh, who later took the oath of office along with Jagdambika Pal, has alleged that the Uttar Pradesh governor had offered him Rs 1 crore to remain in the Pal ministry,

Singh said the deal was offered when reports of his tendering his resignation had reached the governor. The offer was made in the Raj Bhavan itself in the presence of Pramod Tiwari, leader of Congress Legislature Party in Uttar Pradesh, he said.

Meanwhile, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Kalyan Singh has welcomed the Supreme Court's order for testing the majority of his government on the floor of the Vidhan Sabha on February 26.

"'I will definitely prove the majority of my government on February 26," he asserted, while talking to newspersons in Lucknow.

A jubiliant Singh, however, would not divulge the number of legislators whose support he enjoyed.

"Wait for February 26 and you will know everything," was all that he would say in reply to a volley of questions in this regard.

He, however, claimed that there was a possibility of an increase in the support to his government in the Vidhan Sabha. He said he expected that the number of legislators voting in favour of his government will surpass the figure of 222 secured in the vote of confidence taken by him in October last.

The chief minister was of the opinion that there should be no difficulty in convening a session of the Vidhan Sabha on February 26, because the house had not been prorogued after a brief session late last month.

Asked whether he still had confidence in the Loktantrik Congress legislators, who had recently deserted him causing the dismissal of his government by governor Romesh Bhandari on February 21, he said "Kalyan Singh has confidence in everybody".

When a reporter wanted to know whether Jagdambika Pal will be taken back into his cabinet, Singh said he has already tendered his resignation.

The Uttar Pradesh assembly speaker Kesrinath Tripathi has said the February 26 trial of strength in the house will be conducted through an open ballot paper system.

Tripathi told newspersons that as per the Supreme Court's order, the assembly session will be convened on February 26 and a composite floor test conducted to see which of the two contending claimants to chief ministership - the BJP's Kalyan Singh or Loktantrik Party's Jagdambika Pal -- is in a majority in the house.

Tripathi said the floor test would be held through open ballot papers. The members of the Vidhan Sabha would be given ballot papers constituency-wise and would mark their preference either for Kalyan Singh or Jagdambika Pal.

In reply to a question, Tripathi said the decision on the disqualification of 11 Bahujan Samaj Party MLAs had been deferred as the apex court had directed that status quo be maintained till the floor test was held.

The speaker said all efforts would be made for a peaceful and orderly conduct of the vote of confidence on February 26.

Elections '98

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