April **, 2001


Thu Apr 19 13:20:12 2001
Views:We should have given them a befitting reply.

Thu Apr 19 13:20:21 2001
Name:Anand Swaminathan
Views:We have been soft towards Pakistan and we see now whats happening in Kashmir. We will be good neighbours if they are good - but if they are trying to play fool for their own gains, just BEAT THEM BACK.

Thu Apr 19 13:20:22 2001
Name:Vineet Singhal
Views:THis is an outrageous attempt by Bangladesh forces. Indian govt. should take this matter strongly with bangladesh government. Life of our every jawan is important

Thu Apr 19 13:20:34 2001
Name:Anil Kini
Views:This is the worst day in my life. I never imagined a country like Bangladesh (one of the poorest nations in the world) to threaten India by occupying our territory. Whts the Indian Army doing R they sleeping. The whole world is laughing at us And we r again bodly saying that INDIA IS SOFT STATE ANYONE CAN TAKE US FOR A RIDE. may it be PAK,CHINA,NEPAL,US,NOW BANG tommorrow SL,...... I feel really ashamed of being an Indian today looking at our state of affairs in Defence, Politics, Economy, Bureacracy,...

Thu Apr 19 13:21:13 2001
Views:throw some bombs on dhaka and stop proividing any help to that country. Its useless to help people whom we helped get independence to them and if they dont have that courtesy or gratitude then thye are not worth sparing.

Thu Apr 19 13:21:20 2001
Name:Lalit Ahuja
Views:So typically an Indian reaction.... This is a national disgrace, each and everyone of our neighbours comes and slaps us once ina a while, be it a hijacking or a intrusion, and we in the name of maintaining"good relations" react as whimpishly as we are now...why the hell ar we bothered about this relationship thing if they aren't or are we simply cowards??? The poorest country in the world, millions of whose population has taken refuge in India has the temerity to do what it has and e are still busy trying to find out who has done it and exlore diplomatic means to resolve the deadlock no other country worth its salt would react the way we have after having lost an eniter village of its territory and 16 soldiers. SHAME UPON US!!!+

Thu Apr 19 13:21:27 2001
Name:Samrat Ray Chowdhury
Views:Lets not speak of friendship when the people accross the border doesn't know how to respect such a bond. When BDR has gunned down 16 Indian Jawans, perhaps its only our leaders in the world who can afford to speak of diplomacy. encounter at border is not unnatural, but the way the Bangladeshis are geting into the act is serious. There is no official appology or explanation for the act from Bangladesh so far.What r we doing? Just mere spectators.

Thu Apr 19 13:21:34 2001
Views:India should take a tough stand. The position to take is 1) Give time for Bangala troops to withdraw (4 to 6 hrs) 2) if they don't do attack with army, capture. (No talks, flag meetings....) this will give a sense of apperhension in the minds of all our neighbours(including China, pakistan). Failure to take a tough stand will make these mor powerful states to pose more threats..

Thu Apr 19 13:21:37 2001
Name:Chetan Borkar
Views:This is the most insane act done in the new millenium, almost an outburst of god knows what? , its very surprising that a country so tiny, has the guts to attack India considered the best of Countries with a capability to destroy the entire of Bangladesh with the kind of Nuclear armament that we have developed. I pity Bangladesh's plight & would love to see that India fights back & lets this tiny miniscule country know what it is worth. Chetan

Thu Apr 19 13:21:42 2001
Name:Neelanshu Mahapatra
Views:Bangladeshi intrusion is a classic case of "Jiska khao uska maro" Indians were instrmental in giving birth to a nation what is known as Bangladesh today. If India had not stepped in this country would have been kept suppressed by the maruading Paki soldiers. This is what you get when you good to someone. What we should do is smash them to smithereens and teach them a lesson. Perhaps they donot know what are they playing with.

Thu Apr 19 13:21:48 2001
Views:its a shame to hear that our 16 troops were killed by such country which is weaker than us in every field we should retaliate sternly and keep our prestige we should fire back otherwise they will play the nasty game again we should proceed boldly towards them its a pity for BSF they should be kept alert

Thu Apr 19 13:22:06 2001
Views: Let us not make it another Kargil. For quite some time we have been apathetic to serious incidents like these.. It is high time we shed that and tell world that there is a limit to our patience and we will not tolerate such incidents any more..

Thu Apr 19 13:22:13 2001
Views:i think india should take strong military action

Thu Apr 19 13:22:48 2001
Name:Channa Mohan
Views:I feel outraged. I feel India should send strong signals to Bangaladesh by retaliatory attack instead of going through the negotiation process. If a similar thing had happend to either US or China they would have attacked and bombed Dacca beyond recognition. All our neighbourers thinks us a spine less big country and they can do whatever they want. This should be stopped immediatly.

Thu Apr 19 13:22:58 2001
Views:India should consider this as a serious thing. Unlike Kargil, we should deal this as quickly as possible. Having got freedom with the help of us, they should be ashamed of themselves for interfering our border.

Thu Apr 19 13:23:03 2001
Views:India should have retaliated and captured the village back and inflicting heavy casualties so that they dare not have the courage even to think of setting foot in to the Indian territory.

Thu Apr 19 13:23:29 2001
Views:India should react like a nuclear power, otherwise what is the use of all hype about missiles and nuclear weapons. I think they must be given a reply so that they realize that if we could build bangladesh, we can also destroy it. If we don't do anything then it will be a wrong signal to china or myanmar that even bangladesh can get away with intruing inside india. I think they must be taught a lesson so that they don't dare such things in future. BSF people are not meant for sacrifice. They must be given a free hand.

Thu Apr 19 13:23:53 2001
Views:This is absolutely crazy. This means that any tom dick and harry can come into our territory and kill our people and all our 'leaders' do is to say to exercise restrain. Restrain for what ? India's reaction should be clear, hard and strong. The Bangladesh PM should offer an unconditional apology and provide compensation for the families of the Indian soldiers killed. -Neal-

Thu Apr 19 13:23:58 2001
Views:First of all it looks like an another major failure of our intelligence. Secondly why does india have to wait for three days before making any major retaliation.

Thu Apr 19 13:23:59 2001
Name:Koushik Bhadra
Views:India is trying to be over cautious in its approach. It may be that the authorities are trying the find out the exact reason behind this unprovoked firing since it is well known that certain section of the security forces are hand-in-glove with drug peddlars and smugglers.

Thu Apr 19 13:24:25 2001
Name:puneet sachar
Views:india should declare war againt this country what image indian have if country like banladesh attack on india what morale indian soldier have when they face china and pakistan i don't know whatz going worng with such a good government ...why can't indian parliment stop debating on tehelak issue and disscuss abt this one sad ...i ashame that i'm indian today...

Thu Apr 19 13:24:46 2001
Name:Rajasekhar K
Views:Not happy with the reaction so far. Should sternly advise Bangladesh to retrace. If they don't, our Kargil experience should not go waste! It must be a cakewalk for us.

Thu Apr 19 13:24:59 2001
Name: S. Debnath
Views:This is nothing new.Our history tells us that we were a disorganised lot and too passive so much so that we have ALLOWED attackers and plunderers to loot this land and rule us. They are not our friends who came to get friendly with us and their heritage is not our heritage. Our comtempory incidents have further reinforced this opinion whether it is in sports or daily life - Indians lack the aggressiveness. How can you explain the fact that a nation which is not even on our radar has killed our 16 soldiers and managed to capture our teritory. By this time we should have taught them a fitting lesson. Make the costs heavy for them so that they would not even dare to attempt such a thing in the next 100 years. If we can not be the first attackers at least attack the second time when we are attacked. It makes no sense just to recapture our teritory at the cost of money, lives and pride. We need our forces right inside Bangladesh so that they know what we are about.

Thu Apr 19 13:26:03 2001
Views:India should fight back to evacuate the land occupied by dirty bangladeshis.This can be done by using military force only,because they understand the language of gun-point only.The present situation is equally infact worse than that in j&k.

Thu Apr 19 13:26:18 2001
Views:felt very sad feel very slow reaction

Thu Apr 19 13:26:19 2001
Views:i think we should show our muscle power and teach them fitting lesson

Thu Apr 19 13:26:20 2001
Views:I think we have been wimpish in our response to Bangladesh's intrusion.Even though Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina is facing general election it doesn't justify scoring political points out of killing 16 Indian BSF men. Indian response should be swift and stern.

Thu Apr 19 13:26:43 2001
Name:Manjunath B.G
Views:Hi With extreme pain, i write that india (we / our country) lost preciouse 16 soldiers in this fight. Our troops should fight back & take the revenge on them try to do whatever best possible to shut them completely so that they will not try this in future. Other bloody neighbours should learn from this revenge, so that they will not touch indian soil / indian soldiers again in their life time.

Thu Apr 19 13:26:51 2001
Views:a) We need to examine why any tom , dick & harry chooses to needle us. The Pakis are creating trouble in J&K, Bhutan is harbouring anti India terrorists, B'desh kills 16 of our men, nepal is creating trouble .... Where the hell is iron man Advani ji ? Where is the nationalistic BJP govt.? We need to teach all these banana republics a few lessons, that is if Vajpayee ji can hold on to his dhoti!!! b) India might be a big country size wise but has the mentality of a tin pot , banana republic. c) China did not tolerate the killing of 1 person and here nobody seems concenred on loss of 16 persons. We seemed to be more concerned with exploits of Mamta & Samta!!! d) Do we have another Kargil?? I hate the politicians who have not developed a spine till date.

Thu Apr 19 13:27:01 2001
Name:Vijayashree Suryadevara
Views:I am sick and tired of all our neighbours treating us with such inconsiderate impunity. We fight to liberate this nation and what do they do in return? I think it is time that Indian foriegn policy is reviewed to make sure everybody knows what they are dealing with. I am not a hawk asking for attacking all our neighbours but sure would like them to treat us with some respect.

Thu Apr 19 13:27:24 2001
Name:Prasanna Swain
Views:i think this crisis should be resolved diplomatically. afterall bangladesh is friendly country. if we try to increase tension at this end the other enders (pakistanies) will be more active at the north-western border taking advantage of the prevailing situation. and there should be a permanent solution with bangladesh.

Thu Apr 19 13:27:31 2001
Name:kamal rawat
Views:we should now invite (if they dont)bhutan, nepal,lanka , etc to do what is now to happening. what we do not have is spunk. imagine this happenning to any other country. why the hell invest if we cannot use this equipments.only to display it on republic day. wipe of bloddy bangladesh from the earth

Thu Apr 19 13:27:33 2001
Name:kamal rawat
Views:we should now invite (if they dont)bhutan, nepal,lanka , etc to do what is now to happening. what we do not have is spunk. imagine this happenning to any other country. why the hell invest if we cannot use this equipments.only to display it on republic day. wipe of bloddy bangladesh from the earth

Thu Apr 19 13:27:51 2001
Views:i feel that we take things too lightly, we have no respect for human life, any tom , dick and harry can kill our jawans, and we keep sitting mum, looking at what to do ...happened in kargi, happening now, its ridiculous, any self respecting nation in the world would not allow even one life of its citizens to go waste like this... I think we have become a soft nation...we can just rumble in the rallies , and we everytime show to the world we have no teeths.. innocent lives are lost for nothing, the gov.t just doesnt care... i think we should give abefitting reply to bangladesh, and show them their place....and also show the world that dont mess with india....but do our politicians have the teeth and resolve to do it...

Thu Apr 19 13:27:52 2001
Name:akash dasgupta
Views:it was not very serious till the bangladesh rifles had intruded but after the killing they should be dealt as the pakistani were in kargil. india should stop yhinking what the world would say and should react in an appropriate way!

Thu Apr 19 13:28:34 2001
Views:At first glance it doesnt look like Bangla will try take on India, knowing very well Indias military strengths. We are capable of crushing them. Therefore either there is someone who is trying to create tension between Bangla and India or some mis-understanding. The best way to deal with this is: -Investigate whether Bangla really did this on purpose by holding diplomatic talks. -If it turns out to be true, teach a lesson to them so that they dont even think of an intrusion in the future. -If it is the work of some miscreants, find out who they are and teach them a similar lesson.

Thu Apr 19 13:28:39 2001
Name:Neel Desai
Views:India is showing that it is a soft state any country can fiddle with. Pakistan can do incursion in Kashmir 1947, in Kutch in 1965, In Kashmir in 1965,and in Kargil in 1999. China keeps on doing that. Myanmar did it sometimes a go. Now even Bangladesh is doing it. Four days have past and we are sleeping. On the very first day, we should have initiated both diplomatic pressure and military maneuvers. Yes, agreed that we would not like this to spoil our relationship with Bangladesh and undermine Shaikh Hasina's position but we, so called Regional Superpower must put intense pressure both diplomatic as well as military to force them to back off within 24 hours. We should have ordered a major troop mobilization, ordered moving INS Virrat to Bay Of Bangol, Declared Neval Blockade of Bangladesh till they restore status-quo, ordered 3-4 squadrons of IAF to fly over Bangla border to put military pressure, to intimidate them. This along with talk at ministerial level should have happened within hours of their first attack. Look at the way China or Israel ( and not only USA) reacts to any such challenge to their sovereignty. We must act like that. Not in an impotent manner as our government is acting now. We display that even Maldives can some day occupy our land and we will just express concern and lodge protest. I feel ashamed being a citizen of such a timid country. Under some previous government, we occupied Siachen, surrounded intruding Chinese troops till the time they backed off, liberated Maldives from pirates and foiled an attempt by same Bangladesh to capture New Moors Islands. BJP gave a feeling that it would provide a tough government and restore Indian pride. Actually the opposite is happening We don't need to attack Bangladesh and initiate a larger hostility, but we can build enough rapid pressure that they have to back off without our actually fighting the

Thu Apr 19 13:28:54 2001
Name:ravi teja edpuganti
Views:we have been intruded by china,pakistan several times and now by bangladesh.we ought to respond in a hard manner in a way that it would send message to other neighbous how we will react to any siort of intrusion in to our territory.else it willl send wrong signals to neighbours.Today when a small country like bangladesh has dared why will china not dare in future?.A hard reaction woul put neighbours with in their limits.Immedeately the village should be taken by force.Not a n inch of our territory should go to neighbours in the name of so called PEACE

Thu Apr 19 13:29:02 2001
Name:shobha pillai
Views:No I am not happy. I think our country is taking it very lightly. Whether it is Pakistan or any other country. We should revert back with more power.Our Politicians should act like Israelis.

Thu Apr 19 13:29:10 2001
Views:After reading the news about Bangladesh Attack. I was just wondering How can a country like Bangladesh who lives on our mercy can dare to do this. I think it requires a serious thought. I feel government should take strict and stern action. As an Indian I want my Indian terriotry back.

Thu Apr 19 13:29:16 2001
Views:I have one thing to say... "WAR"...since this is really unprovoked intrusion..otherwise it will definitely b'cos another Kashmir....

Thu Apr 19 13:29:22 2001
Name:Hariharan Sampathkumaran
Views:It is shocking to note that our small neighbour, whom we brought into existence, has turned hostile towards us. It makes a mockery of our armed forces' abilities. It also shows how hollow our claims are about being a great power. What did George Fernandes mean when he said it is china which is our first enemy and all our arms purchases and defence policies are directed towards it when we couldn't even stand up to a small Bangla Army? The call of the hour is to be pragmatic and not to get carried away by emotions. At the same time, we need to show Bangladesh where it's rightful place is. This might sound haughty but the world only fears the powerful.

Thu Apr 19 13:29:27 2001
Name:vipin panchamia
Views:It's very sad that small country like Bangladesh attach on us and we are acting like gandhi talking diplomatically.

Thu Apr 19 13:29:50 2001
Views:I 'm Apalled ! I fail to understand how any soverign country , for that matter a "Nuclear superpower" can face such humiliation. Its high time that we teach these intruders a lesson and make clear to the leaders of the "hitherto friendly" nation (having bases for bodo/ulfa/naga militants , a safe passage for ISI activities in India) that India is not a country to mess around with.

Thu Apr 19 13:30:18 2001
Views:we want to have good realtions with all our neighbours. However, Indias interest and it's security surmounts any other consideration. We need to react very strongly else these things will continue. China's dealing with world affairs is an example. But if it is our mistake we need to make amends immediately.

Thu Apr 19 13:30:29 2001
Name:Sriram R
Views:Election or no election - It is a pity that a great big country like India is having petty fights like this. It is below the dignity of the nation to have such skirmishes with countries of the size of Bangladesh. - Sriram

Thu Apr 19 13:30:41 2001
Name:srinivas G
Views:India should teach them a lesson. We are spending millions on defence and still unable to defend ourselves. Vajpayee said that Pokhran was for minimum deterrence. But what happened to it now? Bangladesh has attacked nevertheless.

Thu Apr 19 13:30:44 2001
Name:Pinaki Roy
Views:Bangladesh should have been a couple of days time to vaccate the village.If they fail to do so they should be evicted forcibly by the army and not the BSF. We should remember that Bangladesh is no great friend of India and when such intrusion takes place it should be dealt with firmly.

Thu Apr 19 13:31:01 2001
Name:Manuel Varghese
Views:Sir, I don't understand the logic behind waiting 3 days to respond to such an unjustifiable act from a neighbor - may be I am a silly citizen who can't understand great diplomatic decisions. We should have kicked these buggers out of our teritory with prompt response.(Again I don.t know if the disputed area is belonging to Indian state)

Thu Apr 19 13:31:38 2001
Name:Kale Vivek
Views:dear friends, I believe this intrusion had happened coz that country is thinking that india will respond slowly, the matter will be elongated intalks and then in UN etc etc, just like the pakistan thought in kargil case, India should kill everybody who had entered in it's teritorry and moreover create a 1 km killing zone in bangaladesh, so that anyone entering in that zone should be killed by indian forces, that way they will get a lession not to dare again in future.

Thu Apr 19 13:31:49 2001
Name:Tushar Jain
Views:Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee PM of India is cowered and impotent man and he has betrayed the Hindus trust he is as cowered as Mr. Gandhi and Mr. Nehru it is bad luck of India as we get people as PM who is Pro Muslim and Anti India. I am sure these types of politicians must be getting money from Pakistan so they act as Pro Pakistan. They do not have any country sprit every day we are loosing our soldier due to these politicians and moreover it is pity that some of our media person also act like Pro Muslim and Pro Pakistan like Mr. Kushwant Singh. Mr. Kuldip Nayyar. If we will go to in history of their families I am sure after DNA test you will find them that their father must be Muslim who act like Pro Pakistanies and Anti Hindu and Anti India.

Thu Apr 19 13:32:37 2001
Views:each and every citizen is important for us. 16 soldiers have been killed by the bangladeshies. we have to retaliate and save our people first. wether it is a friendly or enemy nation. we have to send our army and recapture our land.

Thu Apr 19 13:32:41 2001
Name:Dinesh Solanki
Views:I think this may be a conspiracy between the Bangladesh army faction sympathetic to Pakistan and the opposition with ISI to drrive the wedge between the friendly neighbours. It eminently suits Pakistan to project India as big bully. The whole thing needs to be handled sensitively so that the terrotories are recovered without damage to goodwill with neighbour and to expose role of Pakistan & ISI which comes close on the heels of events in Nepal where in name of Hrithik ISI tried to create mistrust with India. Bunch of crooks must be dealt with decisive steps so that they forget to try again.

Thu Apr 19 13:33:04 2001
Name:Mayank Neralla
Views:The action taken by the Indian Government is not according to our military power. We consider ourselves the Superpower of this region; but after this intrusion by the BDR and the Kargil War, we should consider ourselves lucky that we are surviving! There should be a carpet bombing of the village that has been captured by the BDR and then the village re-built and the original occupants given their rightful due!

Thu Apr 19 13:33:08 2001
Views:[1] Make sure that the issue is addressed with the necessary seriousness by Bangla govt.. It should prosecute its military official who is the reason behind it. [2] Take up measures to avoid any such future misadventures. This includes increasing the BSF in Bangla border. [3] If there is no response from the Bangla govt., a retaliation can be thought of.

Thu Apr 19 13:33:32 2001
Views:I really strongly believe that Bangladesh soldiers have just responded after suffering indian troops intrusion into their territory. Indian troops routinely cross over the border to carry out searches for 'illegal immigrants."

Thu Apr 19 13:34:03 2001
Views:Tit for Tat capture Bangladesh and Pakistan , Hit them hard. Teach them a lesson. Hindustani. I love India

Thu Apr 19 13:34:05 2001
Views: Indian Govt response to the B'desh attack is too late and is not up to the mark.The GOVT has not learned how to respond (comment) reflecting the deterrance.Now India turned vulnerable to attacks by small coutries like B'desh. Is it not shameful to us!.

Thu Apr 19 13:34:25 2001
Name:sridhar Padmanabhan
Views:We need to see a peceful solution to problems existing between the two countries through talks and bilateral discussion. However, the latest intrusion should not be tolerated and we need to retaliate very strongly to deter hitherto considered to be puny neighbours to get away with murder. We need to capture what was taken away by force. It is another thing if we have to return the land back if is decided through talks. We have till now been very wimpish and that is not the signal we want to send to the world. We seem to wimpish with China and we seem to be wimpish Bangaldesh and all other tweeny-weeny countries. What have we acheived by saying we are nuclear, that we are the fourth largest military in the world, etc. We have done the right thing by setting the diplomatic ball rolling on the latest embroglio BUT we need to parallely set the military ball rolling too. I am ashamed and deeply disgusted that we have lost 16 men and we still have not let loose.

Thu Apr 19 13:34:28 2001
Views:Why cant we just push the Bangaldeshis out of our territory. A piddly little country with hardly any army, pushes into ours and we cant do a damn thing. Its disgusting that our government is so spineless. Push the Bangladeshis out, enforce a no mans zone in their territory and punish them so bad they wont look this way again. Jai Hind.

Thu Apr 19 13:34:32 2001
Name:Amit Agarwal
Views:Now, look at it, even Bangladesh is taking a swipe at us. The fact that most of us have failed to recognize is that unless we Indians firm up our own image in our own eyes, even rats shall pee on our faces. The soilder standing on the border lays down his life against foreign aggression, and we do not stand up against it. The only issues that we seem to be concerneed about are - * who is Salman Khan dating these days * who is more corrupt that "the most corrupt" * have any subsidies granted to people doing th business we are in * Muslim appeasement * does America recognize our space-launch capability or no * did Cindy Crawford have a Cesarian or a normal delivery * how cheap are bus tickets * which products does Amitabh Bacchan edorses The day we move on from these issues and look forward to solving the problems of - * lack of self-confidence * lack of knowledge about our own culture * lack of transportation and grain storage infrastructure * exploitation of the poor * endemic lethargy in government offices * lack of education facilities * lack of pure drinking water * lack of proper arms for our men at the borders * lack of proper salary and compensation for men working on the borders. * lack of information dissemination mechanisms .... India will awake and arise. And, when this happens .... rats (read, Bangladesh) will stop spitting on our face. Vande Matram Amit Agarwal, USA

Thu Apr 19 13:34:40 2001
Name:TN Anand
Views:I feel that India can put its foot fimly down in curbing this adventure of Bangladesh. That country needs to understand that they cannot survive without India and it is we who brought them Freedom. India is a big country. If these small and insignificant puny countries carry out these kind's of aggression, others will be encouraged to see India as a Soft country. That Image should change and we should not be worried about the consequences. Let the army be given a free hand to eliminate these aggressors. I feel, That we have had enough from the other neighbours already...!

Thu Apr 19 13:34:54 2001
Name:Achyut bajaj
Views:Mr.Advani, please resign.

Thu Apr 19 13:35:26 2001
Name:A Patriot
Views:16 lives of Indians, this is unacceptable. Teach them a lesson so that they never dare do anything like this. India has not retaliated till now, we cannot be meek like this.

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