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Nagas's Atlanta meet pleads for peace

The Naga leaders's meetings at Atlanta in the US from July 28 have reiterated the call for a complete ceasefire between warring Naga groups and stressed the desire of the Naga people for peace and unity, reinforcing the view held during the Hoho summit earlier.

A faxed statement from Atlanta, signed by ten Naga leaders, said, "Pursuing peace is difficult. A long and arduous journey to peace, like war, must be waged in a series of steps. From all walks of Naga society we commit ourselves to the pursuit of peace even though the way is not fully clear.

"We have taken a step forward in this journey through our deliberations at Atlanta. We intend to press on and not go back to the evils destroying our people. We urge a common commitment to reconciliation, particularly in overcoming bitter political rivalries and inter-tribal disputes," the statement said.

The groups also pledged to maintain and strengthen unity and appealed to other Naga groups and organisations who could not attend the meeting at Atlanta to follow suit.

The meeting, which was attended by representatives of various Naga political and social organisations, was hosted by the Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America.

The statement further said, We have for 50 years suffered indignity and violence. Some of this violence was self-inflicted, with Nagas arraigned against Nagas and for this we repent... We issue this call for unity. We pledge ourselves to earnestly work for a new future for our people.

The statement was signed by Dr M C Ganito, chairman, constitution committee, Naga Hoho Summit, M Vermo chairman, NHS Liaison Committee, Rev Dr V K Nuh, church worker and co-organiser, Atlanta Mediation, Dally Momgro, general secretary, National Socialist Council of Nagaland, Vizosielhou Nagi, representative of the Naga National Council, Zhopra Vero, joint secretary of the NNC, Youngkong, representative, Federal Government of Nagaland, Dr Nati Aier, church worker, co-organiser, Atlanta Mediation, and Apong Pounger, co-organiser, Atlanta Mediation.


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