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Two dalit officers resign in protest

In a significant development, Additional Police Commissioner Vasant Ingle and state Planning Deputy Secretary Datta Waghmare have resigned from their posts in protest against the police firing in Bombay on Friday.

The state government is embarrassed by these resignations and anticipates a chain reaction from across Maharashtra.

Some dalit officers from the Pune revenue department are also planning to resign from government service as a mark of protest.

Meanwhile, in a memorandum to Home Minister Indrajit Gupta, the Maharashtra State Dalit Organisation has complained about the anti-dalit bias of the state government.

The memorandum also mentioned the background of Sub-Inspector Kadam, who ordered the firing.

Kadam, the memorandum alleged, mistreated his dalit subordinates. In spite of a previous report that found him guilty and ordered action against him, he was given another posting. He was assigned to the Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar. With disastrous consequences.

The dalits organisation has asked survivors and victims of Friday's firing not to accept any compensation from the state government. They are, however, ready to accept compensation from the Union government.

Compiled by Prasanna D Zorey from the Marathi press

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