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Goan Opposition tries to move breach of privilege motion against Indrajit Gupta

Sandesh Prabhudesai in Panaji

It was business as usual in the Goan assembly on Wednesday.

The Opposition (Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party and the Bharatiya Janata Party) hollered and threatened. The government side looked shocked at the hungama, and failed. And Speaker Tomazihno Cardoz kept a quiet, watchful eye, needing to hammer order into the proceedings only occasionally.

A little later it was business unusual for the Goan assembly.

For, up came the Goan Police Bill (hanging fire with officiating Governor P C Alexander for quite some time) and pandemonium took over.

Caught in the crossfire was Dr Alexander and Union Home Minister Indrajit Gupta.

"The governor is taking the House for granted," roared the Opposition, "Implement the Bill, now!" The outburst, in response to reports that Dr Alexander was stalling the Bill, took the fight into the home minister's camp (Gupta is reported to have questioned the credentials of the legislators who passed the Bill) also.

"Get him (Gupta) before the House to explain," demanded Opposition leader Dr Kashinath Jhalmi who sought to move a breach of privilege motion against the home minister, "He has cast aspersions on the competency and intelligence of the House."

Minister Domnick Fernandes tried to pacify the Opposition. "The matter," he said, "is being taken up with the governor and..." But no, the Opposition would have none of that. They wanted to send a message to Dr Alexander ''expressing the unhappiness of the House.' And they wanted it done immediately.

"Adjourn the House," came the demand.

The speaker, however, did not like the idea one bit. And told the House so. But as even the treasury benches agreed that Dr Alexander should let the House know whether the Bill is assented, dissented or reserved for the President's consideration ("It's property of the House and should come back without any delay"), he had to shrug and give up.

"I fully agree there exists prime facie evidence to admit the breach of privilege motion against the home minister," he told the media later, "I will study all records before admitting the motion."

Meanwhile, Jhalmi has demanded Dr Alexander's recall if he failed to respond to the assembly within 24 hours.

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