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Anna Hazare threatens stir against Maharashtra scam

Social activist Anna Hazare alleges that Rs 330 million has been misappropriated from Maharashtra's irrigation department on the lines of the Bihar fodder scam. He warned that an agitation would be launched soon if the guilty were not brought to book.

Hazare told journalists in Raipur that the money was allocated by the Centre to repair structures damaged by ''heavy rains'' in 1995. The amount had been siphoned off and the booty shared by those involved in the scam, he alleged.

''It is not corruption, but daylight robbery,'' he said. ''The Centre had been misled into sanctioning the amount. There were no 'heavy rains' in all the 300 blocks of the state in that year.''

Once the funds were received, the orders for their release were issued by the chief minister, the finance minister and the chief engineer concerned on a single day -- March 18, 1995. ''The order said the money should be spent before March 31, which is not possible,'' he added.

Hazare said his anti-corruption crusade was not directed against the Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party government, but was an attempt to bring about changes in the system.

Although efforts had been made to sabotage his anti-corruptiion movement and to defame him, Hazare said he would not take it lying down as the people were with him.

Hazare said he had given 155 proposals to Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray for action against corrupt officials and politicians. But only 18 officers were charged so far. Another 145 new cases will be forwarded to the government soon, he added.

Hazare plans to fast at Rajghat to highlight corruption in public life.


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