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Minister levels serious charges against Maharashtra CM

The war of words between Maharashtra Chief Minister Manohar Joshi and his cabinet colleague Sureshdada Jain took a serious turn on Wednesday.

Reacting to the chief minister's statement that Jain's portfolio would be changed if he was not happy with the housing ministry, the latter alleged that Joshi was not supporting the Shiv Sena-Bharatiya Janata Party government's most ambitious scheme -- providing free houses to four million slumdwellers. Talking to the media, Jain said, "I am a minister today due to Sena chief Bal Thackeray's blessings.''

Alleging that he is facing many hurdles in implementing the scheme, the minister said, ''I do not find it necessary to meet the chief minister in this regard. I will follow Thackeray's instructions in this matter as a true Shiv sainik.''

Jain recently said it was very difficult for him to function in the present set-up.

In retaliation, the chief minister said, ''If Jain feels that the scheme is beyond his capacity, I am prepared to change his portfolio. As per protocol, all ministers must brief the chief minister about their problems.

''The government and the cabinet are making efforts to complete the ambitious scheme and all of us are willing to assist Jain in removing the hurdles.''


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