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December 30, 2003 |



Lyngdoh's vigilantism
'We need to reform politics and politicians. But that is the job of society. The task of the CEC is simply to organise free and fair elections.'


December 23, 2003 |



Sadbhavana Mania
'India is too busy making money and scripting a success story to want to devote too much attention to a neighbour that is barely able to overcome its medievalism.'


December 16, 2003 |



The Congress time warp
'The Congress may well need a new leader but above all it needs a redefinition, comparable in scale to the transformation effected by Mahatma Gandhi after 1920.'


December 08, 2003 |



The notion of Dharma
'We can call it anti-incumbency, a function of horribly exaggerated expectations or just a simple vote for change. In the end it amounts to the same thing -- that Indians vote on moral lines.'


December 2, 2003 |



Where did Digvijay go wrong?
'Digvijay Singh embraced the ideology of the NGOs and sincerely believed he was ushering a social revolution. The results are before the voters of Madhya Pradesh.'


November 24, 2003 |



Leadership + Ethics + Vision
'Overlook the staged dramas and the dollops of rehearsed entertainment every election provides. India is witnessing a silent transformation of the rules of democratic combat.'


November 17, 2003 |



Indian nationalism is at ease in Arunachal
'The people of Arunachal believe they are Indian, think as Indians and want the Government of India to play a decisive role in the state. Here the issue is not autonomy but economic and political integration coupled with cultural pluralism.'


November 10, 2003 |



Heed the lesson from Sri Lanka
'An Eelam run by the most ruthless terrorists is now more or less a reality. Thanks to some Scandinavian bleeding-hearts and American strategists who are unable to distinguish between good and evil.'


November 05, 2003 |



India Shining
'Atal Bihari Vajpayee's most enduring achievement is that he has brought laughter and hope back into the life of India. The sentiment is not universal but it is the dominant theme in a diverse country.'


October 20, 2003 |



There's an India that wants more!
'Fortunately, there is an India is impatient with its Third World tag. That is the India which is riding the crest of economic success and, like the Pepsi ad, wants more.'


October 13, 2003 |



An alternative to the jihadis
'Shireen Ebadi and many other unsung heroes in West Asia are attempting something that has always been imagined and never really attempted --a Reformation in Islam.'


October 10, 2003 |



We're dealing with killers, not Robin Hoods
'We could begin by making life for Maoist activists underground or overground incredibly dangerous. Let us never forget that we are dealing with killers, even if they call themselves Maoists.'


September 29, 2003 |



The final word on Pakistan
'Finally, it means never letting our guard down. We made that mistake in 1999 and lost some 700 of our soldiers in Kargil as a result. This time we didn't repeat the error.'


September 24, 2003 |



Ayodhya remained an almost-revolution
The prime minister knows this as does Advani and the rest of the BJP. Only a fraction of the VHP clings to the self-serving belief that the ideological fickleness and opportunism of the BJP leadership is the only stumbling block to Hindu resurgence.


September 03, 2003 |



Indians, awake!
'What happened in Mumbai on August 25 was more than another incident of terrorism; it was also an act of betrayal. The outpourings of sanctimonious humbug mask this grim reality.' says Swapan Dasgupta


