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The Brahmanical stranglehold
'The Maths have come across as socially aloof, insufferably arrogant and casteist. Their Hinduism has not been inclusive. This explains why there was no spontaneous explosion of fury at the arrest of the Shankaracharya.'



October 20, 2004 |



Sonia is not an ogre
'For too long, the BJP's anti-Sonia campaign has been shrill, even hysterical. This is not cutting any ice with the electorate.'


October 12, 2004 |



Why the Northeast burns!
'The alliance of Northeastern insurgents, radical Islamists and Bangladesh government has made the threat to national security more potent.'


October 4, 2004 |



We need more Dalmiyas
'The BCCI clash could well be a foretaste of battles that will engulf the rest of civil society.'


September 13, 2004 |



India as an Ostrich
'In the wake of the Census Commissioner's contentious religious demography report, the Indian establishment has chosen to combine embarrassment and funk.'


September 06, 2004 |



Beslan is a wake-up call
'In perpetuating the delusion that Beslan isn't our problem, we Indians take the biscuit.'


August 31, 2004 |



BJP waiting for Sep 26?
'For the BJP, the first 100 days of the UPA was a time the leadership allowed itself to be hijacked by the pressures of astrology.'


August 23, 2004 |



The problem is not homosexuality
'There is a growing climate of moral laxity that has led to countries like India becoming new receptacles for what can best be called criminal deviancy.'


August 09, 2004 |



The BJP seems tired
'The BJP is confronted with a stark choice: transforming defeat into defeatism or settling for ideological honesty and a touch of modernity,' says Swapan Dasgupta.


August 03, 2004 |



Communists! Keep off education
'The Left wants to control the way the country thinks and future generations think,' says Swapan Dasgupta.


July 26, 2004 |



Purge the UN!
'The UN has indeed become an agency of subversion. Unchecked, these tendencies will erode national sovereignty and precipitate national disasters.'


July 19, 2004 |



What's wrong with RAW?
'RAW lacks the requisite calibre of people to collect, collate and assess intelligence.'


July 13, 2004 |



In India, govt is no solution
'We pay too much tax, directly or indirectly, because there are not enough people in the political class to stand up and say No to this expropriation.'


July 9, 2004 |



Manmohan is just another politician
'It is Singh's accommodative adeptness which explains why he was the natural choice of the
'inner voice' as prime minister,' feels Swapan Dasgupta.


