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How promising is Force India?
Aabhas Sharma

Force India drivers Giancarlo Fisichella and Adrian Sutil
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January 21, 2008

No Indian on the grid yet, but India will have a presence on the Formula 1 circuit again after a gap of over two years -- thanks to liquor baron Vijay Mallya's [Images] takeover of the erstwhile Spykar team, which he has renamed Force India. At the unveiling of the team's drivers, Mallya was confident about his team but made it clear that we were not to expect "miracles" in the first season. He hasn't roped in big names as drivers, but he has got the right mix.

We look at how Force India measures up and what it could do for motorsports in India.

The team

The Spykar team made its debut on the circuit last season and didn't have an impressive run. Prior to Mallya's takeover it was rumoured that the team was running into financial trouble. But now, with sufficient financial resources, the team will start on a fresh note.

The team ownership has changed hands quite a few times over the years. First it was called team Jordan, then it became team Midlands, who renamed it Spykar, and now finally it is Force India.

Mallya has himself said that only by 2010 could he expect a podium finish -- that's the target. Not many would disagree. Although the sport is full of uncertainties, it is not realistic to expect Force India to become a strong contender in its first season. For the near future, a few mid-table finishes and getting a few points on board should be the main priority.

The drivers

While one might be considered over the hill, the other one can still be considered a rookie. The right blend of youth and experience is what one can say about Giancarlo Fisichella and Adrian Sutil.

Fisichella, 34, has been on the circuit for quite some time now, but he came into his own two seasons ago with team Renault. Though overshadowed by his flamboyant teammate Fernando Alonso [Images], Fisichella played a vital role in Renault's title win in 2005. He finished eighth in the driver's table, and will be able to bring a lot of experience to Force India, and he could also assist the technical team in improving the car's performance.

Sutil, on the other hand, will be starting his second season. Although he has earned a lot of praise from his peers and the experts, he wasn't much to write home about in his debut season. But not everyone is Lewis Hamilton [Images], right? Sutil has shown competitive ability during the 2007 season and is one driver to look out for in the future.

As things stand, however, Fisichella will start as the number-one driver and can upset quite a few expectations over the course of the season.

The technical team and the car

Force India has experienced heads in its technical team, but whether the car will be competitive enough remains to be seen. With more money coming in the team should have a better car, and it has hired old hands for the team. The team will use an F8-VII chassis and custom Ferrari [Images] engines for 2008.

While Mallya has made it clear it's not money that guarantees good performance in F1, one needs to bring in a lot of other factors as well. The technical team looks experienced, and the car promises to be better than last season's.

The India story

There ought to be disappointment among the Indian public that it will not see Narain Karthikeyan [Images] race for Force India. But Mallya knows that sentiments hold very little value in a sport like Formula 1. He hit the nail on its head when he said that "no Indian driver fitted the bill".

Karthikeyan still doesn't have the greater experience which would help Force India, while youngster Karun Chandhok is still learning the ropes. It's not the end of the road for Karthikeyan in any case: he has been pretty impressive in the A1 GP and his stint with Williams as a test driver could stand him in good stead. As for Chandhok, he stands a good chance of being in Formula 1 and his call-up to test drive a car for Red Bull is a testimony to that.

While it's still a mystery whether or not the country will host a grand prix event, India's presence in motorsports has never been stronger. And it is the right time to develop the sport in a better way in this country. Will Mallya really be able to deliver the good times with Force India? Wait and watch is all we can say!

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