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Does India have the bowling to do well in the WC?

Your Views

Name: James Vasanthan
Message: First of all I am more ashamed than puzzled to know that there is not one in 11 million in this mighty country who can throw the blessed ball as fast as the men from many other small nations, which are just one tenth and one twentieth of ours. I am not frustrated on losing two ODI matches recently to a mediocre WI side. But its been a question for long in the minds of many in this country. What is wrong with our bowlers? We know they dont have the pace or accuracy of line and length or consistency! But my doubt is why so? Why is that we are not able to produce quality bowlers when decade after decade we have been producing world class batsmen! Y r v not having men who have the fire and talent as far as bowling is concerned? With this standard of bowling and bowlers, we just dont expect India to do well in the WI 2003! If at all India reaches the semi-finals or finals, it would be only due to the batting prowess and may be the blessing of the guardian angels! Still v would luv to see India win the WI 2003.

Name: naveen
Message: zaheer khan , javagal srinath , ashish nehra and harbajan sing have a lot of talent. these fellows already proved there tallents this is not a bad attack i think. i think sehwag,kaif,ganguly,yuvaraj also bowls well thats why india have the chance to win the world cup. when srilanka won the world cup thats time srilanka have only two quality bowlers that chaminda vaas and muttaiah muralidharan but the batting line up is very good on that time. just india is same in this this time australia and pak have a good bowling attack but pak batting lineup now very struglig. and south africa have polloc and ntini.

Name: pramod
Message: I find it hard to believe that we cannot find two or three good seamers in a country that crazy about cricket. Srinath needs to be rested, and the selection committe should give an opportunity to youngsters in the upcoming New Zealand series.


Name: muralidharan
Message: yes with Zahir and Srinath in fast as well as kumble an harbajan in spin we are capable of upsetting all the top countries in the world

Name: kishore
Message: i think bcci should invest on pitches to get good bowlers

Name: zameer

Name: kamal
Message: India has a decent bowling line up and im sure the inclusion of Zaheer khan in the team will look more better. Anil Kumble has to somehow find his form and use his experience to prove a point. Forget about agarkar when he bowls. im not sure about him being taken for bowling. I think Murali karthik will be a better option. Ultimately India have got the batting to compensate with the bowling. I hope and pray that India wins

Name: SamB
Message: India DOES NOT have what it takes. Zaheer Khan is definitely required to start. Agarkar and Nehra are not consistent. Accept it they are NOT strong enough to be fierce enough for 10 overs ea. Harbhajan, Kumble, and Sehwag can cover between 20-30 overs. The opposition will have an easy 10-15 overs in every match. We need to improve.

Name: Siva Srirangam
Message: I dont' think India has a decent bowling attack. Although Zaheer and Srinath from a decent seam bowling pair . Although Harbhajan and Kumble are decent spinners , I don't think they can do much in South Africa. Its better to say goodbye to Agarkar and Nehra. They have proved to be simply hopeless. Its better to try bowlers from the South Zone rather tha from the North now. I regard the selection of Balaji as a good move by the National selectors.

Name: santro
Message: Zaheer and harbajan are penetrating are containing bowlers with the exception of agarkar who is doning the charity role for the opposition.try good bowlers to match zaheer and harbajan.

Name: Amit Kumar Agrawal
Message: I don think india has the right attacj to bowl out the opposition but now a days everywhere we use to have a batting track for ODIs(Eng and australia being no exception) it will be mainly upto our batsmans to put on a high score and i do believe that our bowlers can defend scores of 270+ easily. Zahir and srinat will be the mail bowlers for india ably supported by Bhajji, Still we need one more bowler. Agarkar may not be of good use in indian subcontinet but he did well in england in ODIs so we can try him. I don know whats the problem with nehra, he lost the edge. We can try yohanan and balaji also.

Name: Suresh.
Message: The article by Ravi Abhyankar (Talking averages) is really an intresting way to look at things. But one key problem with that is the WC is played in SA and not in India. Good Avg by few players in the list is due their good performance in India rather than abroad. We should see how players performed abroad. I think Kaif, Nehra and Kumble will stand last chance to be in playing 11.

Name: No
Message: Every good team today, australia, south africa, pakistan, sri lanka, has atleast 3 fast bowlers or atleast 2 really really good fast bowlers. I have a suggestion. Advertise in newspapers, tv, and radio that a fast bowler is needed from Punjab/Haryana, who is atleast 6 feet tall, is very very strong, and will be trained to be a good bowler. The only requirement should be to be able to bowl "FAST". There are such such strong people in these two states (including me) who dont play cricket, but can bowl fast like anything. 2-3 months is enough of time to train a person. Forget abotu swinging. Who swings? McGrath doesnt swing. If we do as i just said, we can have 2 fast fast HE MAN bowlers in 2 months who can make a hole through the bat if batsman is able to connect with the ball.

Name: P.N.Subramanian
Message: Too much is being written and said about indias chances at the world cup.Well, indians are one of the media-made favourites at the event, true, but most of us know for a fact that reality is otherwise.For the simple reason that, indian team over the last few years, while improving on its batting strength - hasn't made a significant progress in its bowling department.The ground reality is that apart from winning once matches once in a while indian bowlers have always been enjoying the wave, thanks to the batting capabilities.Against good opposition teams such as Aus/SAfrica and Pakistan, indians havent performed decently, away from india, to say otherwise.When the current West Indian team can score so easily against the Indians, what is going to stop some of the top teams from scoring higher.And do the indians have it in them to score the same (300+) against Aus/SArican or Pakistani bowling attacks?This is not to underplay the victories currently achieved or the tremendous improvement shown, but then we shouldn't be over doing it - we won, yes in the indian subcontinent against good teams.What of our away record - still shows no improvement. Talent yes there is - but application of talent has been lacking. Zaheer looked very effective - hope he carries on the same way. What we need is atleast 4 quality bowlers - but then, indian bowlers apart from the test matches played in india, never seem to hunt in tandem - if one performs some one else more than compensates for that.With what ever has been happening, i wud rate the indian bowling, after aussie, pakistanis, safricans and at times they plummet to astonishing levels. Its more than delicate to say the least and indian bowling is far from instilling any amount of confidence.As an indian, we may wish our team to win, but if we are asked to put our money on some team how many can confidentally choose india ??

Name: Nagaraj
Message: Zaheer and Srinath are good performers and other bowlers should just concentrate on their line and length with out doing much experimenting. I seriously think Agarkar should not be there in the team if we want to win the WC. He has the ability to deprive us of the Cup.

Name: Rathore
Message: Nehra and Agarkar should be sent to India's women's cricket team.

Name: no one
Message: india needs to have sum good bowlers like waqar and wasim and shoaib before dreaming about the world cup.

Name: Yunus Mohammad
Message: I was looking forward to express my views regarding this burning topic. I really believe India is really short of at least 2 genuine quickies. Except Zaheer i see no one a real contender to be part of WC winning team's bowling attack ,though srinath will prove handy in containing the batsman rather than running through their defence.We need one more bowler who could support zaheer in wicket taking. We can not depend entirely on zaheer as he is also prone to injuries with the excessive cricket to be played in the next 2 months b4 the WC. As far as spin is concerned we have more than a force in Bhajji with sehwag, sachin and Yuvraj supporting the "Turbanator". I conclude by saying that India desperately needs Two more genuine fast bowlers.

Name: Eusibius Cutinha
Message: Javagal Srinath and Ajith Agarkar have the ability and experience to bowl well and get wickets. However these days for reasons best known to them they are not maintaining line or lenth. They should put yorkers like Wasim Akram. Harbajan is a very good bowler and India cannot do without him for the world cup. Zaheer and Ashish are good but they should try and improve and be better and consistent. All of them should do exercises like Yoga and other Aerobic Exercises and avoid injuries.

Name: Victor Sequeira
Message: I am quite sure that India have a splendid batting order that can score upto 350 runs. But our bowling order is so pathetic that we wont be able to defend it. So my final view is "INDIA WILL NEVER WIN THE 2003 WORLD CUP".

Name: Muralikrishna Puranam
Message: Go through the domestic bowlers (All Rounders) who excelled in the Ranji level and try them in the upcoming matches with west Indies and New Zealand select the cream out of them.

Message: According to me i dont think that india has a decent bowling attack. In a game indian team is completely depentend either on the batsman or on their luck what so ever be the game. In the past india have been depended on Sachin Tendulkar if he scores and take wickets then only india wins its the same case now but the personallity has changed to whole crew of top order batmans and in bowling on Zaheer Khan and the Turbanator India is unwilling to bring in the new talents which till now have proven really good for eg Yuvraj and Kaif the feild well as well as bat well when the necessity calls then todo they do perform where as they must remove the oldies like Kumble who is an utter failure on the feild. The indian team must try new pace bowlers in the New Zeland Series.

Name: shaikhabdul2
Your views:Yes, India do have the very good bowling attack in Srinath, Zaheer , Harbhajan, all-rounders like Sehwag, sachin and ganguly and the another to this list will be sanjay bangar.So from my point of view we have the ability to win the world cup.It will be just the matter of application.

Name: Mohit Kukreja
Message: No, I think this is the only dept. where india lacks out. A batting wk of course would be gr8 but we have none. There is no time to experiment with new bowlers now. Best to train the existing bowlers and try to do the best in WC and try to cover the bowling deficiency with the batting strength - this is getting too familiar! Lesson learnt? Prepare for an exam from day1 of classes, do all the homework from the start. Slacking off all the year and fretting the exam one month before has gotten only a 'fail' grade- most of us know this from life experience and from past india WC performances. Lets give it our best now in WC2003 and start working for WC2007 from rigth after WC2003. PS : I think Rahul Dravid should be retained as the main wk in order to give india a chance. Zaheer, Srinath, Harbhajan, and Nehra are good enough this time around. Lets be +ve and hard working and hope for the best. Best of luck to Indian and Canadaian cricket teams at the WC. The Canadian cricket team has got no sponsers and so the players are paying themselves to take part. Its a modest start for cricket here in Canada. 95% Canadians don't know that Canada has a cricket team and that we have at least qualified for the WC. I really miss being in India for the WC like WC1999. So you, ya, You , i said, YOU cheer "double" loud as this time I won't be able to. Signing off from Vancouver, Canada - Peace V

Name: Harman
Message: NO! I dont think india has enough bowlers. if u look carefully there are only 2 bowlers-harbhajan and zaheer.kumble,srinath,nehra and agarkar are too inconsistant.and i also feel that ganguly,tendulkar and yuvraj r underused.

Name: amit kumar
Message: We can do better than what we have done so far at the world cup. What ae need is consistency & application from the players.

Name: Narayanan Kutty
Message: At this juncture India does not seem to be well equipped in the bowling dept. and it seems to be the most feeble attack sans Zaheer Khan. I feel India should go with the combination of Zaheer, Srinath, Kumble, Harbhajan and Tendulkar and Sehwag or Yuvraj should fill in the fifth bolwer spot. Tendulkar and sehwag can be so handy and if given more oppurtunity they can curtail the run flow and restrict the opposition total to around 260. Also Srinath should try to finish his maximum overs in the first spell when he is found to be lethal and highly effective. Agarkar and Nehra should be ruled out of the squad. Believe me if they are picked and india does not perform well in the Wo. cup then they will be the culprits. Wishing India and co all the best

Name: Harish Usgoanker
Message: Indian bowling line-up, sure is not formidable enough. And as far as the world cup is concerned, it seems much to be desired. The only bowler to have made a mark is Zaheer Khan. All the other seamers have not delivered consistently. Nehra seems to be generating good pace, but gets lost in the middle. Agarkar is looking like he has lost his confidence and is under immense mental pressure. Do not forget, he has taken the fastest 50-wickets in one-day internationals, and fastest 100 and 150 wickets for India. Perhaps we should not critisise him so much. Srinath’s experience will also be very useful. I do not understand the reason to try more spinners, when we have class spinners like Harbhajan, and Kumble, and Yuvraj and Sewag can do a decent job too. The selectors seem like they are looking for a medium pacer, who can bat a bit. They have tried J P Yadav and Sanjay Bangar. But have they forgotten R. Sodhi? This youngster can be quite useful on the African pitches, and his batting and fielding can be like icing on the cake. The bowling line-up for the world cup should be: Zaheer, Srinath, Nehra or Agarkar, Harbhajan or Kumble and Sodhi or Bangar.

Name: Abhishek
Message: No India don't have the varity in there bowling. India need couple of fast bowlers.


Message: No,Because India is evertime doing match fixing I do not believe that INDIA well in bowling during World cup

Name: mohan
Message: zaheer, and harbhajan singh is the very good bowler of india. exspecially harbhajan is in very good form

Name: akhiljpavoodan

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