


| August 31, 2005 |
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|  A tale of obsession Nilanjana S Roy initially read Patricia Cornwell's Portrait Of A Killer as a book about Jack the Ripper. This week, she realised she was wrong; it was a study in obsession.
The author as blogger Today, reticent writers have the option of cutting themselves off from the physical world, even as they reach out to their fans online.
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| August 30, 2005 |
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|  The magic of the pocket book Penguin's new series of 70 pocket titles, published to mark seven decades of the company's existence, threatens to open our eyes to the merits of this format.
A Vaikuntam on your wall? Limited edition reproductions on canvas make art accessible to more people.
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| August 29, 2005 |
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|  How to garnish a cocktail There are a number of interesting -- and stylish -- things you can do to the routine cocktail.
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| August 22, 2005 |
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|  When Ray talked cinema... Many leading directors tend to be reluctant to discuss their own work at length, much less expound on cinema in general. Filmmaker Satyajit Ray is one of the exceptions.
Is adventure in your blood? Even as it continues to offer its regular, basic and advanced courses in mountaineering, the Himalayan Mountaineering Institure will popularise its 15-day adventure courses for the youth.
An ode to olive oil Whether you know it as a salad dressing or as Popeye's girlfriend, there should be some olive oil in everyone's life.
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| August 17, 2005 |
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|  Lost? Find directions online! Do you need to give many people directions to the same venue? Here's some online help that should make your life easier.
The magic of Murakami Haruki Murakami has the ability to get under a reader's skin with stories that use fantastical frameworks but convey simple truths about our lives.
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| August 16, 2005 |
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|  The outsider's illegitimate son Ever since it won the Orange Prize, the adjective most often used to describe We Need To Talk About Kevin is 'controversial'. It's a reassuring label.
How to set up an aquarium The newer aquariums may look fancy, but setting one up can be simple.
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| August 11, 2005 |
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|  In search of Dracula A lush new historical fiction takes a fresh look at the Dracula legend.
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| August 10, 2005 |
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|  Bono On Bono is a terrific read Perhaps a first-time peep inside his mind, Bono On Bono is a series of conversations between U2 vocalist Bono and his friend, Michka Assayas. In Bono's words, this book comprises of stories that are not songs.
More than just a smoke Cigar smokers can now experiment with the best or the merely flavoured.
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| August 09, 2005 |
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|  Eating with your fingers The reason why Indian food doesn't contain large pieces of meat such as steak or pot roasts is because it would not be consonant with the tradition of eating with the fingers.
Why you should trust your feelings There are many moments when we 'know' something without knowing why and how.
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| August 08, 2005 |
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|  Ceylon between the covers As Nilanjana S Roy takes to the road in Sri Lanka, it's the voices of the writers packed neatly into her suitcase who tell her the country's hidden, forgotten histories.
Would you like to fly for free? Kingfisher Airlines has launched a Chill Times Offer for its loyal customers.
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| August 05, 2005 |
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|  The worst book in the world Over the years, Mein Kampf has lost its readership -- only the bigoted, those with closed hearts and minds, find any kind of enlightenment in its pages.
The art of citizen journalism The tsunami helped independent bloggers to come into their own.
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| August 04, 2005 |
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|  Bloody Mary, Shillong style Pestered for a recipe, this is what Kishore Singh came up with, "Chop the tomatoes and add to the orange juice. Add any other fruit, lemon juice, pepper, chilli powder, Worcestershire sauce and whisky."
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| August 03, 2005 |
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|  How to buy jootis If you find yourself in a touristy kind of place, avoid the regular, embroidered stuff that most tourists ooh and aah over. Ask to be led to the place where the locals go instead.
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